Evropska Komisija odgovorila organizatorima protesta u Briselu: “BiH pripada EUâ€
Evropska Komisija odgovorila organizatorima protesta u Briselu: “BiH pripada EU”
U Evropskoj uniji nema mjesta za minimiziranje i negiranje ratnih zloÄina i genocida, kao ni za veliÄanje ratnih zloÄinaca, stoji u odgovoru koje je Evropska Komisija poslala organizatorima protesta, taÄnije Organizacioniom odboru protesta "The World for Bosnia and Herzegovina", a u vezi sa politiÄkom krizom u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Osuđuje blokadu državnih institucija
Odgovor direktoru Instituta za istraživanje genocida u Kanadi Emiru Ramiću i Älanu Upravnog odbora organizacije Platform BiH Hamdiji Draganoviću, potpisuje šef jedinice za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Kosovo unutar Glavne uprave za susjedsku politiku i pregovore o proširenju Vassilis Maragos.
EC to organisers of ‘World for BiH’ protest: Bosnia belongs in the EU
There is no place for minimisation and denial of war crimes and genocide, nor for the glorification of war criminals in the European Union, the European Commission said in its response a letter the organisers of a protest over the political situation in Bosnia which took place in Brussels on January 10th.
The letter to the Organization Committee of the protests: ‘the World for Bosnia and Herzegovina’, specifically to Emir Ramic, director of the Institute For Research of Genocide Canada, and Hamdija Draganovic, a member of the Platform of BiH's Steering Board, is signed by the head of the unit for BiH and Kosovo within the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Vasilis Maragos.