
Message from Premier Dr. Andrew Furey for the 30th anniversary of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Message from Premier Dr. Andrew Furey for the 30th anniversary of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Today I join with the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the cultural diaspora in Newfoundland and Labrador, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the public referendum and subsequent parliamentary declaration of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an independent nation.
March 1 is officially recognized as National Independence Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a day that stands as a reminder of statehood, liberty and self-determination. It is also a day to celebrate the many contributions the nation, and its peoples, have made to the global community.
Newfoundland and Labrador continues to benefit from those contributions due to a special connection. From 1996 to 2001, Bosnians and Herzegovinians constituted the third largest arrival group of newcomers to the province. These individuals went on to become business owners, educators and professionals who form an important part of our province’s history and social fabric.
On this day we also look, with optimism, for what the future holds for the nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I look forward to the future cultural, economic and democratic contributions from its people that will benefit all of humanity.
Thank you for the opportunity to recognize this important milestone.
Hon. Andrew Furey Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador
Poruka premijera dr. Andrewa Fureyja za 30. godišnjicu nezavisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.
Pridružujem graÄ‘anima Bosne i Hercegovine koji žive u Newfoundlandu i Labradoru na proslavi 30. godišnjice nezavisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine.
1. mart je zvanično priznat kao Dan državne nezavisnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini – dan koji podsjeća na državnost, slobodu i samoopredjeljenje. To je takoÄ‘e dan za proslavu mnogih doprinosa koje su bosanskohercegovački graÄ‘ani i narodi dali globalnoj zajednici.
Newfoundland i Labrador ima koristi od tih doprinosa zbog posebne veze. Od 1996. do 2001. godine Bosanci i Hercegovci su činili treću po veličini grupu pridošlica u pokrajinu. Ovi pojedinci su kasnije postali vlasnici preduzeća, edukatori i profesionalci koji čine važan dio historije i društvenog tkiva naše pokrajine.
Na današnji dan takoÄ‘er s optimizmom gledamo na budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine. Radujem se budućim kulturnim, ekonomskim i demokratskim doprinosima njenih ljudi koji će koristiti cijelom čovječanstvu.
Hvala vam na prilici da prepoznam ovu važnu godišnjicu.
Hon. Andrew Furey, premijer Newfoundlanda i Labradora
