
Pismo u vezi socijalnog osiguranja u Kanadi

Bedrija Hromic & 51/II Crkvice & 72000 Zenica & Bosna i Hercegovina & Stranica # 1 June 27, 2022

Bisera Turkovic, Minister
Ministarstvo Vanjskih Poslova Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) Musala 2, Sarajevo, 71000

Draga Ministarko:

Ovo pismo pisem vama i vasem ministarstvu pogledu posljednje tacke “bilateralni odnosi i zastita i

ostvarivanje prava gradjana BiH u stranim zemljama”; podstavke c) Zastita interesa gradjana BiH u

stranim zemljama; i stavke III Osnovne direkcije i aktivnosti spoljne politike BiH, kao sto je

predoceno na web stranici ministarstva datiranoj Marta 26, 2003. (Vise na URL:

Svrha pisma je saznati namjere vase i vaseg ministarsta u pogledu zavrsavanja pregovara izmedju

BiH i Kanade kada je u pitanju Socijalni Sigurnosni Ugovor (SSU). Rezultati moga istrazivanja

indiciraju 2013 godinu kao start pregovora. Sadrzaj web stranice vaseg ministarstva ne informise

status pregovora. Iz toga razloga, ja ne razumijem devetogodisnji napor ulozen bez ikakvih

rezultata, ukljucujuci kronologiju pregovora kao generalnu uputu za gradjane BiH.


Uzimajuci u obzir moje dvostruko drzavljanstvo (BiH, Kanada) pismo zahtjeva za upute i vijesti je


upuceno kanadskim vlastima takodjer. (Kopija: vidi stranice 2 i 3 istog).

Kao gradjaninu BiH, egzekucija SSU bi znacila da je osoba rodjena u BiH platforma za principe,

direktive, i prioritete vas i vaseg ministarstva. Shodno, osobe sa dvostrukim drzaljanstvom bi

izbjegle administrativnu zamku “subjekat dupliranja zivotnih troskova, zdravstvene zastite i


Kroz ovo pismo izrazavam zahtjev i interes za namjere vaseg ministarstva u pogledu:


2. 3.

Selam i lijepi pozdravi,

Bedrija Hromic


Sta vi i vase ministarstvo cinite ili sta namjeravate ciniti kako bi gradjani BiH ostvarili ista prava

u Kanadi kao Hrvati ili Srbi iz BiH a koji imaju drzavljanstva Hrvtske I Srbije, zemlje sa SSU u

primjeni od 1999 i 2014?

Kada ocekujete pozitivne rezultate koje biste dijelili sa mnom i drugima u cijem interesu je

egzekucija i potpisivanje SSU?

Da li je fer ocekivati vas rezultat u narednih sest ili 12 ili 18 ili 24 mjeseca?


Vas odgovor na gornja pitanja cu cekati skladno testu razumnosti, nakon cega pokrecem inicijativu


otvorenog tipa via e-medija.

”Bosnom nikada niko nije uspio da vlada, uvijek mu se to samo cÌŒinilo” Alija Izetbegovic

Bedrija Hromic 613 - 1910 West Park Lane Victoria, British Columbia May 27, 2022

The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council 80, rue Wellington, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister:

V9B 3R7 I

Page # 2

I am writing to you and your government to express an urgent need for the continuation of the

2013 Social Security Agreement (SSA) negotiations between Canada and Bosnia and Hercegovina

(BiH) as there are Bosnians whose life and wellbeing depend on it. I do not understand what

rational there was for putting it aside. I would appreciate the government resume a diplomatic

level-playing field for all who wish to execute the 2013 SSA in today’s turbulent world as I, and

many other Bosnians do.

I believe our government’s influence will make a difference for pro-Serbia-pro-Russia goblins

(Goblins). Canada then would lead negotiations in the interest of humanity, civility, and progress.

It is my belief that Canada has always had a notable reputation for removing obstacles wherever

needed, in the spirit of justice.

As a Canadian taxpayer, the resumption of the SSA would mean expedient and efficient processes

that could facilitate negotiation and execution of the agreement. This would allow me to maintain

Canadian citizenship while retiring in Bosnia, my country of birth. The advantage to Canada is that

I, and other Bosnians in a similar stage of life, would still pay taxes under secure jurisdictional

international agreements. It would be a win-win.

While visiting BiH in 2021, I researched terms and conditions of my return to Bosnia with respect

to the SSA from the Bosnian end. It was noted that compared to the timelines for other Balkan

stakeholders including Goblins, that Canada/Bosnia negotiations are stalled. Consequently, I felt

that Goblins were holding BiH hostage.

Subsequent follow-up communication with the Service Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, and SSA

Unit offered generalities with regard to immigration overall, however the specificities related to

the dual citizenship and voluntary citizenship renouncement, in instances where SSA is not in

place, were not clear.

With the current policies and procedures, minus the SSA piece, a position could be assumed that

there is a higher value allotted to renouncement of Canadian citizenship rather than maintaining

status as a dual citizen. Reduction of my global income by ~25% is one of the financial

consequences of not having SSA in place with BiH. Severing all ties with Canada under these

conditions is of serious concern.

”Bosnom nikada niko nije uspio da vlada, uvijek mu se to samo cÌŒinilo” Alija Izetbegovic

Bedrija Hromic 613 - 1910 West Park Lane Victoria, British Columbia V9B 3R7 I Page # 3 I believe Canada has the capacity to resume negotiations of the 2013 SSA.


As a recipient of the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and my own exceptional life


experiences in this regard makes me think that stalling the 2013 SSA negotiations is contrary to


peacebuilding and peacekeeping as a hallmark of Canadian culture and good will.


I am a very proud Canadian who accomplished much during my life and career in this formidable


country and would be very honoured to assist your government with moving negotiations forward


in a positive and all-encompassing manner.


Please also consider how the Canadian experience with executing SSA agreements with Croatia


and Serbia in 1999 and 2014 has proved successful. A similar approach to BiH by resuming the SSA


would increase the peace in the region and overall reputation of Canada.


I hope that I will have the opportunity to discuss further steps on the SSA matter with your


government and I am at your service in this regard should it be deemed relevant and needed.

I will appreciate a response at your earliest convenience and await your reply.

Respectfully and sincerely yours, Bedrija Hromic

”Bosnom nikada niko nije uspio da vlada, uvijek mu se to samo cÌŒinilo” Alija Izetbegovic
