"Pod dva, ako je potpisivanje Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma moglo biti opravdano spre?avanjem rata pa i po cijenu da se istim nagrade ratni zlo?ini i genocid, nema opravdanja da se u BiH u 2022. godini uvode principi koje bi rado potpisali oni koji su osu?eni za masovne zlo?ine jer se takvim izbornim promjenama negira gra?anska demokratija, naro?ito u FBiH (da državni nivo BiH i ne spominjemo)", naglašavaju.
Za bh. dijasporu je neprihvatljivo da principi gra?anske demokratije vrijede u zemljama EU, a da istovremeno Schmidt predlaže izmjene Izbornog zakona kojima se u 2022. godini u BiH "cementiraju etni?ke podjele".
Podsje?aju i da predloženim izmjenama zakona visoki predstavnik u BiH "efektivno anulira mnogobrojne presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava iz Strazbura kao što su one u predmetima Sejdi? i Finci, Azra Zorni? i drugi".
Kao jedna od globalnih mreža BiH dijaspore, BiH United zahtjeva od Bundestaga i njema?ke Vlade da zaustave Schmidta od narušavanja evropskih i demokratskih principa u BiH.
The international diaspora of Bosnia and Herzegovina calls for the immediate rejection of amendments to the Election Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina proposed by the High Representative, Christian Schmidt.
The role of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is to help the BiH society and institutions overcome the difficult legacy of war and to function as a modern democracy. The latest amendments to the Election Law proposed by the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina introduce unknown categories such as "ethnic census” in the election process, instead of democratic principles. This continues to cement ethnic divisions and differences in political systems between the country’s two entities - The Federation of BiH(FBiH) and Republika Srpska (RS). Essentially, with the proposed amendments to the electoral law, solely focusing on the FBiH entity, the amendments advocate sectarian solutions that do not exist and would not be acceptable in democratic countries of the European Union (EU).
The senior representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina has conceded under nationalist pressures, potentially leading Bosnia and Herzegovina into a deeper ethnic segregation which creates conditions for further erasure of the individual rights and freedoms of Bosnian citizens. It is especially disappointing that the senior representative presented his proposal of amendments to the Election Law at the time when the barriers to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s entry into NATO and the EU have been overcome. Changes to the Election Law proposed by the High Representative in BiH are the capitulation of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina to a small group of nationalists who act as an extended arm of Vladimir Putin in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
BiHUnited demands the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina give up the proposed amendments to the Election Law due to the proposed amendments being both legally and ethically unacceptable for the following reasons.
Firstly, it has been indisputably established that genocide and mass crimes of a wide and systematic scale have been committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice have determined (1) that the genocide was committed by the army and the police of Republika Srpska on the territory of Republika Srpska; (2) that Serbia did not do enough to prevent the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina; and (3) that the war leaders of Republic of Croatia, HDZ Croatia, HDZ BIH and the then "Croatian Community of Herceg Bosnia" in a joint criminal enterprise worked on the systematic destruction of non-Croatian population in parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Expressing regret and compassion for the victims of these crimes, and then suggesting changes to the Election Law that would further reward genocide and systematic ethnic cleansing is unacceptable: it only further strengthens ethnic segregation and discrimination within Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Additionally, if signing the Dayton Peace Agreement could have been justified by preventing further atrocities, even at the cost of rewarding war crimes and genocide within the same Dayton Peace Agreement, there is no justification to introduce discriminatory principles to the election law that would be welcomed by those convicted of mass crimes because such election changes deny civil democracy, especially in FBiH. It is unacceptable that the principles of civil democracy are respected in European countries, while at the same time the High Representative is proposing amendments to the electoral law in 2022 that would inevitably cement ethnic divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina indefinitely.
Lastly, with the proposed amendments to the Election Law, the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina effectively nullifies numerous verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg such as those in the case Sejdic and Finci, Azra Zornic and others. In all these judgments, the European Court of Human Rights has found that ethnic discrimination embedded in the Dayton Peace Agreement is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights. If the changes to the Election Law proposed by the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina were to be implemented, a large number of BiH citizens who do not declare themselves as members of the three constituent peoples (Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs) would once again be categorized as citizens without equal rights, in particular without voting rights disallowing them from partakingin the election processes.
As one of the global networks of the BiH diaspora, BiHUniteddemands the German Parliament and Government stop the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Schmidt, from violating European and democratic principles in BiH through proposed amendments to the Election Law. Through networking and education of individuals and organizations of the BiHdiaspora, BiHUnited will continue to advocate for democratic, peaceful, united and indivisible Bosnia and Herzegovina - a system that many members of our diaspora enjoy worldwide.