


February 25, 2011.

Press release of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada

Institute for Genocide Research Canada (IRGC) is pleased to inform the public that a well known genocide denier and anti-Muslim campaigner, Srdja Trifkovic, has been denied entry to Canada. As a result he was unable to give a planned lecture at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. This is a welcome outcome that can be attributed to a determined and successful campaign by the Canadian and American Bosniak community.


IRGC would like to thank and congratulate the Canadian immigration authorities for a job well done in barring Trifkovic from entering Canada to engage in hate speech activities. This is a monumental step in Canadian democracy to protect its ethnic and religious minorities from dangerous implications of hate speech and genocide denial.


On behalf of the many victims of the crime of aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian genocide, the IRGC would like to thank the Congress of North American Bosniaks, the Institute for International Law and Research of Crimes against Humanity, University of Sarajevo, the Islamic Community of Bosniaks of Canada, the Bosnian American Genocide Institute & Education Center, Bosnian Academic Circle   and many other organizations and the community as a whole for their outstanding support and dedicated lobbying for truth and justice. Special thanks to members of the IRGC team of experts and the many academics and intellectuals who made a major contribution to the success of this campaign. Our particular thanks also to the media outlets for their regularly following and reporting on this case.


Denial of genocide is incompatible with the democratic governance and social values in Canada and other democratic countries. This basic principle, so well understood by the Canadian and American Bosniak community, is recognized by the Canadian and American governments and society.


It is our duty as human beings to fight to prevent crimes of aggression and genocide. The truth about these crimes is not self-sustaining, instead we need to remain constantly vigilant to preserve the truth, based on scientific and historical facts universally  recognized by the international courts and national governments. IRGC is committed to fighting for genocide awareness through scientific methods and research of all instances of war crimes throughout the world, not just those committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.



IRGC continues to work tirelessly to increase awareness in Canada regarding the of the magnitude of the crimes of aggression committed in  Bosnia and Herzegovina and the genocide against Bosniaks that Srdja Trifkovic has constantly sought to trivialise and deny.  We are convinced that the contribution of academic research and analysis to wider recognition of the nature and reality of these crimes is essential if peace and reconciliation are eventually to be achieved.  It is through activities of this kind that IRGC, with the support of its many friends,  of the truth concerning crimes against Bosnia and Herzegovina and its peoples, was able to prepare the ground for the adoption by the Canadian Parliament in 2010 of the Resolution on Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina which proclaimed 11 July a day of commemoration for the victims of genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, the members of the Canadian Parliament, paid tribute on behalf of the Canadian people whom they represent to the victims of the most terrible crime committed in Europe since the Second World War, the Srebrenica genocide.




Professor Emir Ramic

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada



25. 02. 2011


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC) informiše javnost da je SrÄ‘anu Trifkoviću, negatoru genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini i propagatoru antimulimanske kampanje, zabranjen ulaz u Kanadu. Tako on nije ni održao predavanje na univerzitetu u Vankuveru. Ovo je rezultat odlicne kampanje kanadske i americke bošnjačke zajednice.

IRGC se zahvaljuje i čestita kanadskim imigracijskim autoritetima za dobro obavljen posao zabrane ulaskaTrifkovića u Kanadu, koji je imao cilj širenja govora mržnje. To je veliki korak u kanadskoj demokraciji, posebno u smislu  zaštite  etničkih i vjerskih prava KanaÄ‘ana od opasnih posljedica govora mržnje i poricanja genocida.

U ime mnogobrojnih žrtava zločina agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Bosanskog genocida na izvanrednoj borbi za istinu i pravdu, IRGC se zahvaljuje Kongresu Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, Institutu za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Islamskoj zajednici Bošnjaka Kanade, Američkom institutu za genocid i edukaciju, Bošnjačkom akademskom krugu i mnogim drugim organizacijama i zajedincima na pomoći u lobiranju za istinu i pravdu. Posebno se zahvaljujemo članovima MeÄ‘unarodnog ekspertnog tima IRGC i mnogobrojnim intelektualcima koji su svojim radom dali veliki dio u ovom uspjehu. Zahvaljujemo se sredstvima informisanja na redovnom pračenju aktivnosti u ovoj akciji.

Negiranje genocida u Kanadi i drugim demokratskim zemljama je nespojivo s demokratskim državnim i društvenim vrijednostima. To je preopoznato od zajednice kanadskih i američkih Bošnjaka i prihvaćeno od kanadske i američke vlade i društva.

Ljudska obaveza je borba protiv  zločina agresije i zločina genocida. Istina o tim zločinima ne dolazi sama, za tu naučnu istinu se treba boriti da bi činjenice utemeljene na naučnim metodama postale globalno priznate kako od strane meÄ‘unarodnih sudova, tako i od država. Za naučnu istinu ne samo o zločinima prema Bosni i Hercegovini i njenim narodima, već o zločinima prema svim narodima i državama u svijetu se zalaže IRGC.

 IRGC upoznao kanadsku javnost sa veličinom zločina agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu i zločina genocida nad Bošnjacima, držeći se činjenice da samo naučno – istraživačka valorizacija zločina može doprinijeti priznavanju zločina kao puta pomirenja naroda. Zahvaljujući takvoj aktivnosti IRGC i u saradnji sa mnogim prijateljima istine o zločinima prema Bosni i Hercegovini i njenim


narodima, Kanadski parlament je usvojio Rezoluciju o genocidu Bosni i Hercegovini. Proglašavajući 11. juli Danom sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini, članovi Kanadskog parlamenta su odali dužnu počast žrtvama najvećeg genocida poslije Drugog svijetskog rata u Evropi, zločina genocida u Srebrenici.

Profesor Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada


