Pismo kancelaru Njemacke
March 14, 2023
Olaf Scholz
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin
Dear Hon. Chancellor,
We are addressing you because we are concerned about the historical amnesia in Europe and the terrible consequences it can have for the continent.
Mr. Manuel Sarrazin, the special representative for the countries of the Western Balkans in your government, stated in an interview for the bosnian N1 channel that Mr. Christian Schmidt has the full support of the German government.
Mr. Sarrazin expressed the full support for the actions of Mr.Schmidt, although, in the same interview Mr.Sarrazin clearly said that Mr.Schmidt could not have behaved in the same way in Germany as he did in Bosnia.
Mr Sarrazin referred to the scandalous retroactive changes to the Election Law on the very night of the elections by Mr.Christian Schmidt.
How can Mr.Schmidt get support from the German government for the decisions he could not implement in Germany?
This statement by Mr. Sarrazin exposed the current policy of the German government. The discriminatory policy of applying different sets of laws and rules to different peoples.
This brings back the horrible echoes of the past, namely the Nuremberg laws. It also brings the fears of a genocide reoccuring in Europe.
The prelude to the Holocaust was historical amnesia and genocide denial.
faculty members who are publically denying genocide.
This behavior by the university of Vienna shows the same worrying pattern of different rules and laws being applied to different peoples as Mr. Sarrazin himself publicly exposed in the mentioned interview. This behavior is already materializing in Germany itself in a racist and islamophobic attack on a german civil organization Pangea Netzwerk by Josip Juratovic a member of the German Bundestag who labeled Pangea Netzwerk as Bosniak organization, he relativized genocide and blamed victims of genocide of misusing their victimhood.
We are very worried about the future of Europe.
Genocide is being rewarded in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Mr. Schmidt as High Representative did not use any of his “Bonn Powers” to punish genocide denial prevalent in Bosnia and Hercegovina and now he himself has became a genocide denier. Mr. Christian Schmidt labeled the Genocide in Srebrenica as a "genocide-like situation".
We have to remember that the genocide denial is the final stage of genocide.
Continued support for Mr.Schmidt would mean support for the genocide denial and it would translate in the german government's direct involvement in the final stage of the Bosnian Genocide.
We are calling upon You and the German government to start treating the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina as equal human beings and to withdraw your support for Mr. Schmidt.
Dr. Emir Rami?
Chairman of the Institute for the research of genocide Canada
14. 03. 2023.
Olaf Scholz
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin
Poštovani kancelaru,
Obra?amo vam se jer smo zabrinuti zbog historijske amnezije u Evropi i strašnih posljedica koje ona može imati po kontinent.
Gospodin. Manuel Sarrazin, specijalni predstavnik za zemlje zapadnog Balkana u vašoj vladi, izjavio je u intervjuu za TV N1 da je g. Christian Schmidt ima punu podršku njema?ke vlade.
Gospodin. Sarrazin je izrazio punu podršku postupcima gospodina Schmidta, iako je u istom intervjuu gospodin Sarrazin jasno rekao da se gospodin Schmidt u Njema?koj nije mogao ponašati na isti na?in kao u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Gospodin Sarrazin se osvrnuo na skandalozne retroaktivne izmjene Izbornog zakona u no?i izbora koje je izvršio gospodin Christian Schmidt.
Kako gospodin Schmidt može dobiti podršku od njema?ke vlade za odluke koje nije mogao provesti u Njema?koj?
Ova izjava g. Sarrazin je razotkrio trenutnu politiku njema?ke vlade. Diskriminatorna politika primjene razli?itih skupova zakona i pravila na razli?ite narode.
Ovo vra?a užasne odjeke prošlosti, naime Nirnberške zakone. To tako?er donosi strah od ponovnog genocida u Evropi.
Uvod u holokaust bila je historijska amnezija i poricanje genocida.
Danas u Austriji, njen vode?i univerzitet je i sam uklju?en u poricanje genocida u Srebrenici. Univerzitet u Be?u se nije distancirao od svog profesora koji javno negira genocid. Ovo ponašanje Univerziteta u Be?u pokazuje isti zabrinjavaju?i obrazac primjene razli?itih pravila i zakona za razli?ite narode kao što je sam gospodin Sarrazin je javno priznao u pomenutom intervjuu. Ovakvo ponašanje se ve? materijalizuje u samoj Njema?koj u rasisti?kom i islamofobi?nom napadu na njema?ku gra?ansku organizaciju Pangea Netzwerk od strane Josipa Juratovi?a, poslanika njema?kog Bundestaga koji je Pangea Netzwerk ozna?io kao bošnja?ku organizaciju, relativizirao je genocid i okrivio žrtve bosanskog genocida za zloupotrebu njihove žrtve.
Veoma smo zabrinuti za budu?nost Evrope.
U Bosni i Hercegovini se nagra?uje genocid. Gospodin Schmidt kao visoki predstavnik nije koristio nijednu od svojih "bonskih ovlasti" da kazni negiranje genocida koje preovla?uje u Bosni i Hercegovini, a sada je i sam postao negator genocida. Gospodin. Christian Schmidt je genocid u Srebrenici ozna?io kao "situaciju nalik genocidu".
Moramo zapamtiti da je poricanje genocida završna faza genocida.
Kontinuirana podrška gospodinu Schmidtu zna?ila bi podršku negiranju genocida i preto?ila bi se u direktnu uklju?enost njema?ke vlade u završnu fazu genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Pozivamo Vas i njema?ku vladu da gra?ane Bosne i Hercegovine po?nete tretirati kao ravnopravna ljudska bi?a i da povu?ete svoju podršku g. Schmidt.
Dr. Emir Rami?
Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada