Univerzitet u Be?u
Univerzitet u Be?u i javnost su od 2021. godine upoznati sa poricanjem genocida u Srebrenici od strane profesora Manoscheka.
ZARA Verein organizacija, podržala je akciju Instituta za istraživanje genocida (IGK) i poslala pismo Univerzitetu u Be?u, upozoravaju?i da postoji sumnja na podsticanje na mržnju (§ 283 st. 1 Z3 StGB ) prema austrijskom zakonu u javno objavljenom sadržaju profesora Manoscheka.
?injenica da se Univerzitet u Be?u nije javno ogradio od profesora implicira da odobrava njegovo poricanje genocida. Ovo je posebno zabrinjavaju?e jer univerziteti treba da budu centri znanja i kriti?kog mišljenja, gdje bi traganje za istinom i širenje ta?nih informacija trebali biti najvažniji. Poricanje genocida je oblik govora mržnje koji može imati teške posljedice i može doprinijeti održavanju nasilja i diskriminacije. Stoga je od klju?ne važnosti da visokoškolske ustanove zauzmu ?vrst stav protiv takve štetne retorike.
Štaviše, zabrinjava i ?injenica da nijedan medij u Austriji nije pisao o ovom pitanju. Mediji imaju klju?nu ulogu u informisanju javnosti i pozivanju na odgovornost onih na pozicijama mo?i. Negiranje genocida treba smatrati ozbiljnim pitanjem, posebno u postgenocidnom društvu poput Austrije, gdje se posljedice ovakvih zlo?ina još uvijek osje?aju. Neizvještavanje medija o ovom pitanju je propuštena prilika da se educira javnost i skrene pažnja na opasnosti poricanja genocida.
Posebno je zabrinjavaju?e to što poricanje genocida u postgenocidnom društvu poput Austrije nije vrijedno pomena u pogledu izjave austrijskog kancelara Nehammera u kojoj
je opisao postojanje dobrog dijela austrijskog stanovništva kao rezultat greške. Nehammer opisuje gastarbajtere kao grešku
Ovim putem pozivamo bosanskohercegova?ka udruženja i fizi?ka lica u Austriji da se pridruže akciji IGK-a i poduzmu odgovaraju?e gra?ansko-pravne korake.
Since 2021, the University of Vienna and the public have been aware of Professor Manoschek's denial of the Srebrenica genocide.
ZARA Verein organization, has supported the action of the Institute for the research of genocide Canada (IGC) and sent a letter to the University of Vienna, warning that there is suspicion of incitement to hatred (§ 283 Abs1 Z3 StGB) under Austrian law in the publicly published content of Professor Manoschek.
The fact that the University of Vienna has not publicly distanced itself from the professor implies that it is condoning his denial of genocide. This is particularly worrying because universities are supposed to be centers of knowledge and critical thinking, where the pursuit of truth and the dissemination of accurate information should be paramount. Denial of genocide is a form of hate speech that can have grave consequences and can contribute to the perpetuation of violence and discrimination. Therefore, it is crucial for institutions of higher learning to take a firm stance against such harmful rhetoric.
Moreover, the fact that no media outlet in Austria has written about this issue is also concerning. The media has a crucial role to play in informing the public and holding those in positions of power accountable. The denial of genocide should be considered a serious issue, especially in a post-genocide society like Austria, where the effects of such atrocities are still being felt. The media's failure to report on this issue is a missed opportunity to educate the public and bring attention to the dangers of genocide denial.
It is particularly concerning that denying a genocide in a post-genocide society like Austria is not worth mentioning in regard to the statement of austrian Chancellor Nehammer in which
he described the existence of a good part of austrian population as a result of a mistake. nehammer describes guest workers as mistake
We hereby invite Bosnian-Herzegovinian associations and private individuals in Austria to join the IGC's action and make appropriate civil and legal steps.