

Pismo KBSA i IRGC o napadu na suverenitet BiH dodjelom IMPC koda poštama RS


February 18, 2011


Organi Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), uključujući i organe bezbjednosti za zaštitu ustavnog i državnog poretka, imaju dužnost da reagiraju protiv napada na suverenitet, teritorijalni integritet, ustavni poredak meÄ‘unarodno priznate države BiH


Predsjedništvu Bosne i Hercegovine

Vijeću Ministara Bosne i Hercegovine

Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine

Ministarstvu komunikacija i prometa Bosne i Hercegovine

Ministarstvu saobraćaja i veza Republike Srpske

Ministarstvu prometa i komunikacija Federacije Bosne I Hercegovine

Direktoru Javno preduzeće BH pošta

Direktoru Pošta Republike Srpske

Misije BiH pri Ujedinjenim nacijama

Misije BiH u Međunarodnim organizacijama u Svicarskoj


Izražavajući mišljenje više od 350.000 sjevernoameričkih Bošnjaka KBSA i IRGC informišu svijetsku javnost da je dodjela IMPC koda (Kod za Centar meÄ‘unarodne razmjene pošte / Centar procesiranja meÄ‘unarodnog poštanskog saobračaja) Poštama Republike Srpske direktno kršenje Aneksa 9 Dejtonskog sporazuma, miješanje u političku situaciju, i sabotaža unutarnjeg ureÄ‘enja suverene i nezavisne države BiH.


Svjetska poštanska unija (UPU) početkom januara dodijelila je Preduzeću za poštanski saobraćaj RS IMPC kod. Taj kod podrazumijeva da su pošte RS registrovane u meÄ‘unarodom poštanskom saobraćaju kao samostalan operater koji može da sklapa meÄ‘unarodne ugovore sa drugim operaterima i da razmjenjuje pošiljke.


Smatramo da je zahtjev i dodjela MeÄ‘unarodnog koda još jedan u nizu fait accompli ataka destrukcije jedinstvenog bosanskohercegovačkog državnog i društvenog tkiva, koje nije uništeno ni u agresiji i genocidu, niti u Dejtonu, ali čiji pokušaj uništavanja traje premanentno do današnjih dana.


Pored ugrožavanja suvereniteta, integriteta i meÄ‘unarodnog subjektiviteta državi BiH, ovaj postupak predstavlja i kršenje principa Svijetske poštanske unije jedan IMPC Operater – jedna država i svi IMPC kodovi i Operaterski kod iza IMPC-a u državi imaju u sebi zvanični meÄ‘unarodni državni kod.


Princip jedan IMPC Operater – jedan državni kod – jedna država je prekršen prvo u slučaju Kosova, što je bila podloga za odcjepljenje Kosova. NATO trupe su ranije dobile ovaj kod uz obrazloženje da je to nužno zbog pošiljki NATO-a, ali sa prefiksom BA, sto je u skladu sa standardima i postivanjem suvereniteta BiH.


Sada IMPC (Centar) i kod dobiva RS ali ne u okviru države BiH i pod ovlašÄenim Operaterom, u čijem Operaterskom kodu stoji …BA.., po Aneksu 9 Dejtonskog sporazuma, već meÄ‘unarodno izvan i nezavisan od BiH. Još jedan agresorski fait accompli atak na razaranje države BiH.


Podsjećamo da je KBSA još 2007. i 2008. godine uložio oštar prigovor pokušajima destrukcije BiH putem nastojanjem produkcije RS kao samostalnog meÄ‘unarodno pravnog faktora preko Svijetske poštanske unije primjenom meÄ‘unarodnog poštanskog saobračaja izmeÄ‘u RS i Kanade. Na žalost niti Kanada niti organi BiH nisu ništa uradili da zaštite državu BiH, njen suverenitet, integritet i meÄ‘unarodno pravni subjektivitet. Posljedica toga je dodjeljivanje izvan bosanskohercegovačkog IMPC i koda Republici Srpskoj.


Prema svojim pravilima MeÄ‘unarodni biro za registraciju IMPC koda nije smio dodijeliti ovaj kod Republici Srpskoj bez saglasnosti države BiH. Stoga pozivamo Predsjedništvo BiH i Vijeće ministara BiH da održe hitne sjednice i upotrebe svoje ustavne nadležnosti da zaštite državu BiH iniciranjem osporavanja ove odluke Svjetske poštanske unije.


TakoÄ‘e zahtijevamo od najviših političkih organa BiH kao i od Ureda visokog predstavnika da odgovore na pitanje: ko je u ime države BiH zloupotrijebio svoje nadležnosti i dao saglasnost za dodjelu IMPC koda Poštama RS? To su neprijatelji države BiH koji moraju biti odstranjeni iz upravljanja državom.


U 21. stoljeću suverenitet, teritorijalni integritet i meÄ‘unarodno pravni subjektivitet države i nacije nije samo na fizičkom tlu već i u sofisticiranom, visoko-tehnološkom komunikacijskom i informatičkom domenu.


Država BiH, kao i sve države svijeta, a prema pravilima Svjetskog poštanskog saveza, treba imati samo jedan državni poštanski kod, odnosno prefiks, pod kojim se jedino mogu registrovati dodatni kodovi nakon odobrenja države BiH.


KBSA i IRGC će posebnim pismom inicirati osporavanje odluke kod nadležnih međunarodnih institucija.


S poštovanjem,


Mr. Haris Alibašić, Predsjednik

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike


Prfesor Emir Ramic, Direktor

Institut za Istrazivanje Genocida Kanada


Letter of CNAB and IRGC


February 16, 2011




Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ministry of Communication and traffic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Minister Traffic and Communications of Republika Srpska

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Director of Public Enterprise BH Post

Director of administration for postal services in RS

BiH Mission to the United Nations

Mission of BiH in the International Organizations in Switzerland



Authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), including the authorities to protect the constitutional and civil order, have a duty to react against the attack on the sovereignty, territorial integrity,  and the constitution of an internationally recognized state of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Representing the interests of more than 350,000 North American Bosniaks, CNAB and IRGC are informing the public that the distribution of International Mail Processing Center (IMPC) Code  to the Republika Srpska  (RS) entity is a direct violation of the Annex 9 of the Dayton agreement, interference with the political situation, and the sabotage of internal order of the sovereign and independent state of Bosnia and Hezegovina.


In early January, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) awarded the administration for postal services in RS their own IMPC  code. This code means that the RS post offices are registered in international postal traffic as an independent operator who can enter into international agreements with other operators and to transfer mail independently of the Postal Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH Pošta).


We believe that the application and distribution of the code is yet another fait accompli destructive attack on the single Bosnian state and its social fabric, which was not destroyed in the aggression and genocide, or in Dayton, but is under constant threat of destruction to the present day.


In addition to compromising the sovereignty, integrity and international recognition of the State of BiH, this procedure constitutes a violation of the IMPC principles of the Universal Postal Union: one country code per state and all IMPC codes and the operator codes following the IMPC country code have in themselves the official International country code prefix of the country in which they are operating.


The IMPC standard - one country code has been violated in the first case of Kosovo, which was a basis for Kosovo's secession. NATO troops have previously been awarded this by explaining that this is necessary due to shipments of NATO, but with the prefix BA, which is in accordance with the standards and respect for the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Now RS has its own code but not in the state of BiH under the authorized operatorcountry code  BA, according to Annex 9 of the Dayton agreement, but outside of realm of BiH. Another fait accompli aggressive attack aimed at destruction of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


In 2007. and 2008, CNAB had filed a strong complaint regarding attempts at destruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the continuing projection of the RS as an independent international factor through The Universal Postal Union, using the international postal traffic between the RS and Canada.


Unfortunately, neither Canada nor the BiH authorities did anything to protect the State of BiH, its sovereignty, integrity and its legal international entity. Consequently the IMPC code was assigned without the authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Under its rules, the International Bureau for registration of IMPC code is not allowed to assign this code the entity of Repbulika Srpska of BiH without the consent of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  We therefore call on the BiH Presidency and Council of Ministers to hold emergency session and use the constitutional authority to protect the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina initiating challenges to the decisions of the Universal Postal Union.


Also, we demand of the highest political authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Office of the High Representative to answer the question: who did in the name of the BiH State abuse their authority and gave approval for the allocation of IMPCO code RS Post? These are the enemies of the state of BiH, and should be removed from all forms of governance.


In the 21st century, the sovereignty, territorial integrity and international legal status of the state and the nation is not only its physical territory but just as importantly the sophisticated, high-tech communications and IT domain.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, like all internationally recognized countries in the world, according to the rules of the Universal Postal Union, should have only one country postal code, or prefix, that must be used to register additional codes only after approval by the State of BiH.


CNAB and IRGC will initiate a separate challenge to the decision of the relevant international institutions governing these issues.




Haris Alibasic, MPA, President


Congress of North American Bosniaks




Prof. Emir Ramic, President


Institute for Genocide Research Canada
