
Ured novoimenovanog rektora Univerzitet u Be?u zabranio aktivnosti profesora Manoscheka u nau?no nastavnom procesu zbog negiranja Genocida u Srebrenici.

Ured novoimenovanog rektora Univerzitet u Be?u zabranio aktivnosti  profesora Manoscheka u nau?no nastavnom procesu zbog negiranja Genocida u Srebrenici.


Falter, austrijski list, pokrio je rad Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK) u vezi negiranja Genocida u Srebrenici na Univerzitetuu Be?u u sljede?em ?lanku: Srebrenica.

U ovom ?lanku, politolog Florian Bieber opisao je report u kojem se negira Genocid u Srebrenici koji je Walter Manoschek proizveo za bosansku entitet RS kao "jasno neznanstven i tendenciozan" i izjavio da, kao ?lan Sveu?ilišta u Be?u, Manoschek daje odre?enu težinu genocidno negiraju?em istraživanju. Florian Bieber dijeli isto mišljenje kao i IGK da je reputacija Univerziteta u Be?u (UB) u opasnosti.

Prema ovom ?lanku, ured novoimenovanog rektora Univerzitet u Be?u najavio je zabranu nastave za profesora Manoscheka zbog njegovih objavljenih stavova o Genocidu u Srebrenici.

?injenica da je profesoru Manoscheku, koji je negirao genocid, zabranjeno predavanje, pokazuje mjerljive rezultate marljivih napora IGK-a u spre?avanju genocida.

Ova izjava služi kao javno priznanje da je UB zapravo podu?avalo negiranje genocida. Tako?er, otkriva da je prethodni rektor Engl svojim tvrdnjama da u instituciji nema takve prakse, grozni?avo zaobilazio istinu. 

Osim toga, ovo implicira da vode?i stru?njak za istraživanje genocida na univerzitetu ne zna što je genocid. To predstavlja veliku nepravilnost.

Treba se prisjetiti da je profesor Manoschek bio visoko cijenjen i slavljen od strane UB-a više puta (2012 , 2016, 2019). U tom istom razdoblju javno je diskreditirao me?unarodne institucije koje su provodile postupke zbog ratnih zlo?ina, falsificirao povijesne ?injenice i izrazio islamofobne stavove o Bošnjacima, reduciraju?i ih samo na religiozni identitet. To je ilustrirano, na primjer, u njegovom ?lanku iz 2008. godine pod naslovom "Zlo?in mjeren duplim mjerilima?"

Trenutni stav Univerziteta u Be?u prema profesoru Manoscheku odnosi se samo na jedan dokument koji je proizveo za bosanski entitet RS, a ignorira sve prethodne materijale kojim negira Genocid u Srebrenici.


Osim toga, Univerzitet u Be?u ne naziva negiranje genocida njegovim imenom. Umjesto toga, nazivaju ga individualnim mišljenjem jednog od njegovih zaposlenika, ?ime se reducira negiranje genocida na pitanje mišljenja. Negiranje genocida je mnogo više od mišljenja, to je integralni dio genocida, to je kona?na faza genocida. Profesor Manošek je bio pla?en od strane UB-a da da stru?no mišljenje o genocidu. Koristio je metode koje je nau?io na Univerzitetu u Be?u da bi formirao to isto mišljenje. Ipak, UB doslovno navodi da njihov profesor politi?kih nauka specijalizovan za genocid ne zna šta je genocid i stoga mu je zabranjeno da predaje. To dovodi u pitanje njihovu vjerodostojnost kao obrazovne institucije, jer trenutno nema javne izjave nigdje na web stranici univerziteta kojom se distanciraju od negiranja genocida profesora Manošeka. Kako ?e bilo ko znati šta je validno, a šta nije iz njihovog cjelokupnog istraživanja? Na primjer, prof. Manošek je javno izjavio na ARTE  TV kanalu (4:08 min Arte TV) kao predstavnik Univerziteta u Be?u da je napisao studiju kojom se negira genocid.

Austrijsko društvo kao postgenocidno društvo i Univerzitet u Be?u kao njegova vode?a obrazovna institucija imali su svoj dio iskustva s temom genocida. Univerzitet u Be?u je opet involviran u genocid, u Bosanski Genocid, i ne uspijeva postupiti na prikladan i zreo na?in.

Ukratko, UB priznaje da njihov stru?njak za istraživanje genocida nema razumijevanja definicije genocida, i nisu bili u mogu?nosti pokazati svoje razumijevanje posljedica negiranja genocida. Reduciranje negiranja genocida na pitanje mišljenja je relativizacija negiranja genocida, tako da je to negiranje genocida samo po sebi.

IGK zauzima stav koji promovira slobodu mišljenja i izražavanja, tvrde?i da razlike u mišljenju ne bi smjele rezultirati zabranom predavanja, naglašavaju?i da negiranje genocida nije mišljenje, ve? faza genocida. Univerzitet u Be?u bi trebao nazvati negiranje genocida njegovim imenom i ne relativizirati ga kao individualno mišljenje.


Genocid je vrhunski zlo?in jer predstavlja zlo?in takvih razmjera i težine da šokira savjest ?ovje?anstva i zahtijeva univerzalnu osudu i kažnjavanje, te kao takav zaslužuje vrhunski odgovor od Univerziteta u Be?u, a ne lapidaran isprazan odgovor.


Da bi se distancirao od Bosanskog Genocida i preuzeo odgovornost za njegove žrtve, Univerzitet u Be?u mora se javno distancirati od profesora Manoscheka i izdati javno izvinjenje.


Emir Rami?

Direktor Institutsa za istraživanje genocida Kanada


Esad Sirbegovi?

?lan Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada 



The office of the newly appointed rector of the University of Vienna banned the activities of Professor Manoschek in the scientific teaching process due to the denial of the Genocide in Srebrenica.


Falter, an Austrian newspaper, covered the Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada (IGC)'s work on the genocide denial of the Srebrenica Genocide at the University of Vienna in the following article: Srebrenica.


In this article, political scientist Florian Bieber described the genocide-denying report which Walter Manoschek produced for the Bosnian entity RS as "clearly unscientific and tendentious." and he stated that, as a member of the University of Vienna, Manoschek gives a certain weight to the genocide-denying study. Florian Bieber holds the same view as the IGC that the reputation of the University of Vienna is at risk.


According to this article, the office of the newly appointed rector of the University of Vienna has announced the imposition of a teaching ban on Professor Manoschek due to his published views on the Genocide in Srebrenica.


The fact that Professor Manoschek, who denied genocide, has been prohibited from teaching demonstrates the tangible outcomes of the IGC's diligent efforts towards preventing genocide.


This statement serves as a public admission that the University of Vienna did, in fact, teach genocide denial. It also exposes the previous Rector Engl's assertion that there was no such practice at the institution as an abject misrepresentation of the truth.

In addition, this implies that the leading expert on genocide research at the university does not know what genocide is. This represents a major malpractice.

Let us remember that Professor Manoschek was highly appreciated and celebrated by the University of Vienna on more than one occasion (2012 , 2016, 2019 ).


In that period, he publicly discredited international institutions that were prosecuting war crimes, falsified historical facts, and expressed Islamophobic views about Bosniaks by solely reducing them to their religious identity. This is illustrated, for instance, in his 2008 article titled "Crime measured by double standards?".


Present position of the UV on Professor Manoschek concerns only one report he produced for the Bosnian entity RS and ignores all prior genocide denying material.

Furtheremore, the University of Vienna fails to call the genocide denial by its name. Instead they call it individual opinion of one of its employees, thus, reducing the genocide denial to the matter of opinion. Genocide denial is far more than an opinion, it is an integral part of genocide, it is the final stage of genocide.


Professor Manoschek was paid by the UV to have an expert opinion on genocide. He used the methods he learned at the University of Vienna to form that opinion. Yet, UV literally states that their professor of political science specializing in genocide does not know what genocide is and is therefore prohibited to teach. This calls into question theircredibility as an educational institution, because presently, there is no public statement anywhere on the University’s website distancing the UV from the genocide denial of Professor Manoschek. How will anyone know what is valid and what is not from their entire research? For example, Prof. Manoschek publicly made statements on the on the ARTE  TV channel (4:08 min Arte TV) as a representative of the University of Vienna admitting that he wrote a study denying genocide.


The Austrian society as a post-genocide society and the University of Vienna as its leading educational institution had its fair share of experience with the subject of genocide.

Yet again the UV got involved in the Bosnian Genocide and is failling to act in an appropriate and mature way.


In short, UV acknowledged that their expert in genocide research lacks an understanding of the definition of genocide, and they were unable to demonstrate their comprehension of the ramifications of genocide denial. Reducing the genocide denial to the matter of opinion is relativization of genocide denial, thus, genocide denial on its own,

The IGC maintains a stance promoting the freedom of opinion and expression, asserting that differences in opinion should not result in the prohibition of teaching, stressing that the genocide denial is not an opinion but a stage of genocide. University of Vienna should call the Genocide Denial by its name and not relativize it as an individual opinon.


Genocide is a supreme crime because it is a a crime of such magnitude and severity that represents a shock to the conscience of humanity and warrants universal condemnation and punishment and as such it deserves a supreme response by the University of Vienna
and not one-liner response.


In order to disassociate itself from the Bosnian Genocide and take responsibility for its victims, the University of Vienna must publicly disavow Professor Manoschek and issue a public apology.


Emir Rami?

Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada


Esad Sirbegovi?

Member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
