
30. april 1992.: Po?etak genocida u Prijedoru.

30. april 1992.: Po?etak genocida u Prijedoru.
Ljudska budu?nost mora biti prinu?ena da sebe odredi prema genocidu u Prijedoru.
Nau?no dokazan genocid u Prijedoru je istina o ponižavanju ljudskog dostojanstva i nacionalnog identiteta Bošnjaka i Hrvata, istina o rušenju svega što odražava bošnja?ki i hrvatski nacionalni identitet, istina o getoizaciji Bošnjaka i Hrvata za stvaranje "Velika Srbija", istina o pokušaju uništenja Bošnjaka i Hrvata kao naroda i prisvajanju teritorije na kojoj su živjeli.
Genocid u Prijedoru - Srebrenica u kontinuitetu.
Preživjele žrtve i svjedoci agresije i genocida u Prijedoru su poniženi jer im se zabranjuje pravo na sje?anje, istinu i pravdu. Žrtvama i preživjelima genocida u Prijedoru poru’ujemo danas i uvijek, stojimo s vama.
April 30. 1992: The beginning of the genocide in Prijedor.
Human future must be forced to set themselves towards genocide in Prijedor.
Scientifically proven genocide in Prijedor is the truth about the humiliation of human dignity and national identity of Bosniaks and Croats, the truth about the destruction of everything that reflects the Bosniak and Croat national identity, the truth about the ghettoization of Bosniaks and Croats to create a "Greater Serbia", the truth about the attempt to destroy Bosniaks and Croats as a nation and the appropriation of the territory where they lived.
The genocide in Prijedor - Srebrenica in continuity
The surviving victims and witnesses of the aggression and genocide in Prijedor are being humiliated and denigrated by having to beg for the right to publicly remember the their own suffering and to commemorate the deaths of their family members, friends, and fellow citizens To the victims and survivors of the Prijedor Genocide, - today and always, we stand with you.
