
Zajedničko saopćenje za javnost Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC) i Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i Bosansko Američki Institut za Genocid i Edukaciju (BAGI)

3. mart. 2011


Zajedničko saopćenje za javnost Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC) i Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i  Bosansko Američki Institut za Genocid i Edukaciju (BAGI)


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC), Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i  Bosansko Američki Institut za Genocid i Edukaciju (BAGI) informišu javnost da je poslije zabrane ulaska SrÄ‘e Trifkovića u Kanadu od strane kanadskih nadležnih institucija, pokrenuta kampanja napada na ove dvije organizacije od strane ultranacionalističke, srpsko – četničke propagande. Korištenjem laži, dezinoformacija posebno se obmanjuje javnost o tome da Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada negira Holokaust, te se gebelovskim manirima pokušava defamirati direktor Instituta profesor Emir Ramić i drugi članovi ekspertnog tima Instituta. ÄŒinjenica govore nasuprot tome, jer je Srbija za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog prva u nacističkoj Europi koristila kombije sa gasom za ubijanje jevrejskih civila kako bi Beograd i Srbija očistili od Jevreja. Srbija se nije nikada suočila sa nacističkom prošlošÄ‡u i očistila od aveti fašizma, što je glavni razlog za dešavanja u devedesetim gdje je Srbija i sljedbenici ultranacionalne velikorspke ideologije prouzrokovala četiri rata na Balkanu i direktno kriva za stotine hiljada nevinih ljudskih žrtava, milione prognanih, i masovnu destrukciju historijskih spomenika, infrastrukture i čitavih naselja. Srpsko – četnička propadanda svoje lažne tvrdnje zasniva na izmišljenim činjenicama. Dok Srbija ne prizna i prihvati činjenice svoje neslavne prošlosti, na žalost, proces ka pomirenju i progres ka održivoj zajedničkoj budućnosti uz obostrano poštovanje će biti usporen.


Uvijek smo smatrali, smatramo i smatraćemo da je negiranje Holokausta, genocida, zločina protiv čovječnosti i ratnih zločina protiv civilnog stanovništva krivično djelo širenja govora mržnje.  Osnovni cilj napada srpsko – četničke propagande je pokušaj zaustavljanja borbe IRGC, KBSA, i BAGI za istinu o agresiji na Bosnu i Hercegovinu (BiH) i genocidu nad nesrpskim stanovništvom u BiH, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Kosovu i još jednog pokušaja davanja meÄ‘unarodnog legitimiteta agresorsko osvajačkom projektu velike Srbije.


Pozivamo sve organizacije i pojedince da se suprostave srpsko – četničkoj propagandi  iznošenjem činjinica i dokaza široj javnosti. Jaki četnički lobi u Kanadi i SAD pokušava iskrivljavanjem činjenica, obmana javnosti, medijskom kampanjom straha počiniteljima genocida u BiH i šire na Balkanu naći dubiozna opravdanja. Srpski agresori na Balkanu su prvo iskopavali  masovne grobnice, spaljivali tijela, pokušali prikriti dokaze i zastrašiti svjedoke, i sada šire laži o aktivnostima naših organizacija. Negatori genocida poriču da je Srbija na čelu sa ratnim zločincem i ovjerenim teroristom Slobodanom Miloševićem, uz pomoć svojih satelita u BiH, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Kosovu počinila bilo kakve zločine i često optužuju žrtve za ono što se dogodilo za vrijeme agresije na BiH, Hrvatsku, Kosovo, a i Sloveniju. Vrijedi napomenuti da se trenutno u Haagu pred MeÄ‘unarodnim sudom za ratne zločine sudi teroristi Radovanu Karadžiću za genocid i ratne zločine počinjene nad civilima u BiH, a da se general Vojske Republike Srpske, ratni zločinac, Ratko Mladić  još uvijek i nakon 15 godina od prestanka agresije na BiH, krije u Srbiji.  Protiv takvih će naše institucije nastaviti svoje aktivnosti sa konačnim ciljem pobjede istine o zločinima prema BiH i narodima BiH i pobjedi pravde prema žrtvama tih zločina. Istovremeno mi ćemo nastaviti aktivnosti  za pobjedu istine i pravde prema svim narodima i državama koje su na bilo koji način ugrožene.  


IRGC, KBSA, i BAGI je informirala nadležne američke i kanadske organe, te organe u BiH o neosnovanim napadima, te prijetnjama koje su ove dvije organizacije primile.


Prof.Emir Ramic, Presjednik

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC)


Mr.Haris Alibasic, Presjednik

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA)


Mr.Sanja Drnovsek Seferovic, Predsjednik

Bosansko –američki institut za genocid i obrazovanje (BAGI)



March 4, 2011


Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, and Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI) press release regarding attacks by the extremist Serbian propaganda against these insitutions


Institute for Research of Genocide (IRGC), the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI) inform the public that following the Canadian authorities denial of entry to Srdja, the ultranationalist Serbian propaganda began a smear and attack campaign of attacks on these organizations. Using lies and Goebbels like propaganda they intend to specifically deceive the public with false and preposterous accusations that the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada denies the Holocaust, and to defame the IRGC chairman Professor Emir Ramic and other members of the expert team from the Institute. On the contrary, facts show that Serbia was the first to use gas vans during the Second World War in Nazi Europe to kill Jewish civilians so that  Belgrade and Serbia would be cleared of Jews. Serbia has never faced its Nazi collaborationist past nor rejected fascism as an ideology, which is the main reason for the violent developments in the nineties where Serbian followers of ultranationalist ideology caused four wars in the Balkans and are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent human lives, millions displaced, and mass destruction of historical monuments, infrastructure and entire settlements. Serbian ultranationalist propaganda false claims are based on completely fabricated facts. Unfortunately, until Serbia recognizes and accept the facts of its infamous and troubled past, the process of reconciliation and progress towards a sustainable future together with mutual respect in the region will continue to stagnate.

We have always believed and will continue believe that the denial of the Holocaust, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against civilians, are criminal acts of hate speech. The main objective of the Serbian ultranationalist extremist propaganda campaign is an attempt to stop the IRGC, CNAB, and BAGI from educating the public on the truth about the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and genocide against non-Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Kosovo, and another attempt by Serbian propagandist to give international legitimacy to the aggression and the goals of the “Greater Serbia” project.

We invite all organizations and individuals to oppose Serbian extremist propaganda by presenting evidence and truth to the public. Unfortunately, a strong Serbian extremist lobby in Canada and the U.S. is trying to distort facts, mislead the public, and utilize a media smear campaign of fear in order to dubiously justify the actions of perpetrators of genocide in Bosnia and elsewhere in the Balkans. Serbian aggressors in the Balkans were first to dig up mass graves, burn the bodies, trying to cover up the evidence by intimidating witnesses, and are now actively spreading lies about the activities of our organization and any other organization that speaks out against them. Genocide deniers refute the facts that Serbia was led by a war criminal and a certified terrorist Slobodan Milosevic, with the help of its partners in crime in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Kosovo. They also continue to deny that Serbs committed any crimes, and often blame the victims for what happened during the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, and Slovenia. It is worth noting that Bosnian Serb war time leader Radovan Karadzic, is currently in The Hague before the International Tribunal for genocide and war crimes committed against civilians in Bosnia, and that Ratko Mladic, Bosnian Serb general, also a war criminal, is still hiding in Serbia 15 years after the end of the war in Bosnia.  Our institutions will continue the activities of opposing all those who deny genocide and war crimes with the ultimate goal of preserving the truth about crimes committed against Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens and the peoples of Bosnia and win justice for the victims of these crimes. At the same time we will continue activities for the victory of truth and justice toward all other nations and countries that are in any way endangered and at risk of genocide.

IRGC, CNAB, BAGI have informed the relevant U.S. and Canadian authorities, as well as authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the alarming attacks and threats that were received against our organizations.

Haris Alibasic, MPA, President

Congress of North American Bosniaks


Prof. Emir Ramic, Chairman
Institute for Genocide Research Canada


Sanja Seferovic-Drnovsek J.D, MEd, Chair

Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI)




