Zlo?ine koje država Izrael javno, otvoreno, pred tv kamerama i drugim medijskim izvorima vrši nad nevinim, nedužnim, nemo?nim i nezašti?enim civilima i civilnim objektima u Gazi prema Konvenciji o spre?avanju i kažnjavanju zlo?ina genocida predstavlja genocid, najteži, najkompleksniji i najsloženiji zlo?in protiv ?ovje?nosti i me?unarodnog prava u historiji ?ovje?anstva, koga cijeli civilizovani svijet prati i posmatra, a vode?e svjetske države podržavaju.
Genocid u Gazi je usmjeren protiv Palestinaca, pripadnika nacionalne, eti?ke i vjerske grupe kao takve, ?iji je cilj potpuno istrebljenje Palestinaca, žrtve istrebljenja.
Ovim masovnim i brutalnim zlo?inom ispunjena su oba elementa genocida, namjera i akti genocida.
Državno rukovodstvo Iyraela javno i otvoreno iznosi i ponavlja namjeru za izvršenje genocida i istrebljenja Palestinaca.
Svi akti genocida definirani Konvencijom
o spre?avanju i kažnjavanju zlo?ina genocida, država Izrael otvoreno i javno vrši ?ime je prekršio Konvenciju o spre?avanju i kažnjavanju zlo?ina genocida.
Pozivamo civilizovani svijet, prije svega istraživa?e holokausta i genocida da dignu glas protiv genocida nad Palestincima.
Na dokaze o genocidu ljudska bi?a ne smiju šutiti niti biti neutralna. Sa zlo?inom genocida nad civilima i civilnim objektima u Gazi umire cjelokupno ?ovje?anstvo.
According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the crimes committed by the State of Israel publicly and openly, in front of TV cameras and other media sources, against innocent, powerless, harmless, and unprotected civilians in Gaza constitute genocide - the most severe and complex crime against humanity and international law in the history of mankind which the entire civilized world follows and observes and the world's leading countries support.
The genocide in Gaza is directed against the Palestinians, members of a national, ethical, and religious group whose goal is the complete extermination of the Palestinians - the victims of extermination. This massive and brutal crime fulfilled both elements of genocide - the intent and acts of genocide.
Israel's state leadership publicly and openly states and repeats its intention to carry out the genocide and extermination of the Palestinians.
All acts of genocide defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the State of Israel openly and publicly has violated.
We call on the civilized world, above all Holocaust and genocide researchers, to raise their voices against the genocide of Palestinians.
Humanity must not remain silent or stay neutral in the face of evidence of genocide. With the crime of genocide against civilians in Gaza, the entire humanity is dying.