
PAŽNJA AKCIJA: Support the UNGA Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide.



Support the UNGA Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide. 

Stand for justice, preserve peace.


Usvajanje Rezolucije o Srebrenici u Generalnoj skupštini Ujedinjenih nacija je historijska šansa za bolju budu?nost Bosne i Hercegovine i svijeta u kojima ?e mir, istina i pravda imati ve?e šanse od mržnje, laži i krivde. Rezolucija može biti dobar temelj za tako potreban proces suo?avanja sa prošloš?u, izgradnje nove nade za dijalog i mir na osnovama istine, pravde i institucionalizacije kulture sje?anja i prilika da se bar umanji dnevno politiziranje, negiranje genocida, veli?anje presu?enih ratnih zlo?inaca i narušavanje dostojanstvenog sje?anja na žrtve genocida.

IGK ?e putem svoga Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima koji broji više od 300 ?lanova iz više od 60 država svijeta nastaviti intenzivni proces zagovaranju uspješnog usvajanja Rezolucije.

Nije prihvatljivo sa civilizacijske ta?ke gledišta odbaciti rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici koju treba usvojiti Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija zbog toga što  nove generacije ne?e oprostiti današnjoj Srbiji koja nema snage da se distancira od prošlosti u kojoj nema vlastitih dobrih djela.
It is not acceptable in terms of civilization, to reject the Resolution on the Srebrenica Genocide, to be adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, precisely because some new generations will not forgive the Serbia of today, which shows no strength to distance itself from the past in which there were no good deeds.


Support the UNGA Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide. 

Stand for justice, preserve peace.


The adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica in the General Assembly of the United Nations is a historic chance for a better future for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world in which peace, truth and justice will have a greater chance than hatred, lies and guilt. The resolution can be a good foundation for the much-needed process of confronting the past, building new hope for dialogue and peace on the basis of truth, justice and the institutionalization of the culture of memory. It is an opportunity to reduce the daily politicization, denial of genocide, glorification of convicted war criminals and violation of the dignified memory of victims of genocide.

Through its International Expert Team, which has more than 300 members from more than 60 countries around the world, IGC will continue the intensive process of advocating the successful adoption of the Resolution.

It is not acceptable in terms of civilisation, to reject the Resolution on the Srebrenica Genocide, to be adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, precisely because some new generations will not forgive the Serbia of today, which shows no strength to distance itself from the past in which there were no good deeds.
