That is why the proposed UNGA resolution is a moral imperative for the international community. To date, the UNGA has designated official international days of remembrance for the Holocaust (January 27) and the 1994 Rwandan genocide (April 7) as well as the victims of slavery (March 25), torture (June 26), terrorism (August 21), acts of violence based on religion or belief (August 22), and genocides generally (December 9). The UNGA must now do the same for the dead of Srebrenica.
It was not until 2005 when the UNGA established January 27, the date when the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp was liberated in 1945, “as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust” that remembrance of the genocide of European Jewry during World War II truly became part of the international community’s agenda and collective consciousness.
The victims and survivors of the Srebrenica genocide deserve no less.
Zato je predložena rezolucija GS UN moralni imperativ me?unarodne zajednice. Generalna skupština UN-a je do danas odredila zvani?ne me?unarodne dane sje?anja na holokaust (27. januar) i genocid u Ruandi 1994. (7. april), kao i na žrtve ropstva (25. mart), torture (26. jun), terorizma (21. augusta). ), djela nasilja zasnovana na vjeri ili uvjerenju (22. august) i generalno genocid (9. decembar). Generalna skupština UN-a sada mora u?initi isto za mrtve Srebrenice.
Tek 2005. godine kada je Generalna skupština UN-a ustanovila 27. januar, datum kada je logor smrti Aušvic-Birkenau oslobo?en 1945. godine, „kao godišnji Me?unarodni dan komemoracije u znak se?anja na žrtve Holokausta“, se?anje na genocid nad evropskim Jevrejstvo je tokom Drugog svetskog rata zaista postalo deo dnevnog reda i kolektivne svesti me?unarodne zajednice.
Žrtve i preživjeli genocida u Srebrenici ne zaslužuju ništa manje.