Genocid koji je po?injen u Srebrenici nije stvar mišljenja, ve? historijska i sudska ?injenica potvr?ena presudama Me?unarodnog suda pravde i Me?unarodnog krivi?nog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju. Ovim pravosnažnim presudama najviših pravosudnih institucija UN-a potvr?eno je da je nad Bošnjacima po?injen genocid u zašti?enoj zoni UN-a Srebrenica. Ovo su sudske presude koje se ne mogu izbrisati iz historije ?ovje?anstva. Ove presude su jedinstveno i specifi?no obrazloženje za uspostavljanje Me?unarodnog dana i fokusiranje rezolucije na ono što se dogodilo 1995. godine.
Genocide that was committed in Srebrenica is not a matter of opinion but a historical and judicial fact confirmed by the judgments of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. By these final judgments of the highest UN judicial institutions, it has been confirmed that genocide was committed against the Bosniaks in the UN safe area of Srebrenica. These are judicial rulings that cannot be erased from the history of mankind. These judgments are the unique and specific rationale for establishing the International Day and focusing the resolution on Srebrenica alone and what transpired in 1995.