
Ma?arska se pridružila nagatorima genocida u Srebrenici.

• Institute For Research of Genocide Canada
???? PRESS RELEASE, May 15, 2024
Hungary joined the nagators of the genocide in Srebrenica.
Hungary's decision to vote against the UNGA Resolution deeply worries the civilized world and especially the friends of truth, justice and the culture of remembrance of the greatest crime after World War the Second, the genocide in Srebrenica.
A shameful and anti-civilization move by Hungary that means nothing for the process of adopting of the UNGA Resolution, because it will be adopted. But it means that by denying international justice, international courts and their final judgments, Hungary places itself on the historical pillar of anti-civilizational shame.
Hungary plays with the feelings of the survivors of genocide by rejecting respect for the rule of law. The restoration of respect for the rule of law is imperative for the realization of justice and lasting peace in a post-genocide society.
By voting against of the UNGA Resolution, Hungary rejects the contribution to respecting the memory of the victims of the genocide and rejects the confirmation of the truth about the genocide. In this way, it opposes the cultivation of the culture of memory and the support of reconciliation and lasting peace in BiH and the region.
By voting against the Resolution, the current Hungarian political establishment has closed access to the Genocide Memorial Center in Srebrenica. Institute For Research of Genocide Canada will ask the competent authorities to ban the current political establishment of Hungary from entering the Genocide Memorial Center in Srebrenica. At the same time, we call on the pro-Bosnian political leaders in BiH to reconsider state relations with Hungary.
• Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK}
???? SAOP?ENJE, 15. 5. 2024
Ma?arska se pridružila nagatorima genocida u Srebrenici.
Odluka Ma?arske da glasa protiv Rezolucije Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija duboko zabrinjava civilizovani svijet i posebno prijatelje istine, pravde i kulture sje?anja na najve?i zlo?in poslije Drugog svjetskog rata, genocid u Srebrenici.
Sraman i anticivilizacijski potez Ma?arske koji ništa ne zna?i za proces usvajanja Rezolucije Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija, jer ?e ista biti usvojena. Ali zna?i da Ma?arska negiranjem me?unarodne pravde, me?unarodnih sudova i njihovi pravosnažnih presuda sebe sama svrstava na historijski stub anticivilizacijskog srama.
Ma?arska se poigrava sa osje?anjima preživjelih žrtava genocida odbacuju?i poštovanje prema vladavini prava. Obnova poštovanja prema vladavini prava imperativ je za ostvarenje pravde i trajnog mira u postgenocidnom društvu.
Glasaju?i protiv Rezolucije Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija, Ma?arska odbacuje doprinos poštovanju sje?anja na žrtve genocida i odbacuje potvr?ivanju istine o genocidu. Na taj na?in suprostavlja se njegovanju kulture sje?anja i podržavanju pomirenja i trajnog mira u Bosni i Hercegovini i regiji.
Glasaju?i protiv Rezolucije trenutni politi?ki establišment Ma?arske je sam sebi zatvorio pristup Memorijalnom centru genocida u Srebrenici. IGK ?e zatražiti od nadležnih organa da se trenutnom politi?kom establišmentu Ma?arske zabrani ulazak u Memorijalni centar genocida u Srebrenici. Istovremeno pozivamo probosanske politi?ke lidere u Bosni i Hercegovini da preispitaju državne odnose sa Ma?arskom.
