Internacionalni ekspertni tim Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada je analizirao amandmane koje je Vlada Crne Gore podnijela na Rezoluciju Ujedinjenih nacija "Me?unarodni Dan refleksije i komemoracije Genocida u Srebrenici 1995".
• Institute For Research of Genocide Canada
???? PRESS RELEASE, May 14, 2024
The international expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada analyzed the amendments submitted by the Government of Montenegro to the United Nations Resolution "International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica 1995".
The second amendment was analyzed in particular, in which it is written: "confirming the inviolability of the general framework agreement for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in all its provisions".
The second amendment essentially additionally affirms the existence of the RS entity within BiH, which is guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement. The aforementioned second amendment serves the Government of Montenegro to confirm its loyalty to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, a denier of the genocide in Srebrenica and a denier of the aforementioned Resolution, on strategic issues in the Western Balkans.
The international expert team of the Institute For Research of Genocide Canada warns that the eventual acceptance of the second amendment means the victory of the nationalist, aggressively genocidal policy of Slobodan Miloševi? and his establishment. This amendment seeks to protect the RS entity as a permanent category in the United Nations.
Bearing the above in mind, we consider the second amendment completely unacceptable and ask the sponsors and co-sponsors of the Resolution to reject it completely.
In supporting the resolution we recognize the pain and suffering of those who experienced mass atrocities and are resolute in our responsibility to prevent further victimization of survivors and their families through genocide denial. It is also a sign of support for Bosnia and Herzegovina in facilitating reconciliation and stability in the region.
14. 05. 2024.
Saop?enje IGK
Internacionalni ekspertni tim Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada je analizirao amandmane koje je Vlada Crne Gore podnijela na Rezoluciju Ujedinjenih nacija "Me?unarodni Dan refleksije i komemoracije Genocida u Srebrenici 1995".
Posebno je analiziran drugi amandman u kome piše: "potvr?uju?i nepovredivost opšteg okvirnog sporazuma za mir u Bosni i Hercegovini u svim njegovim odredbama".
Drugim amandmanom suštinski se dodatno afirmiše postojanje entiteta RS u sklopu BiH, što je garantovano Dejtonskim sporazumom. Navedeni drugi amandman služi Vladi Crne Gore da po strateškim pitanjima na Zapadnom Balkanu potvrdi lojalnost predsjedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vu?i?u, negatoru genocida u Srebrenici i negatoru navedene Rezolucije.
Internacionalni ekspetni tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada upozorava da eventualno prihvatanje drugog amandmana zna?i pobjedu nacionalisti?ke, agresivno genocidne politike Slobodana Miloševi?a i njegovog establišmenta. Ovim amandmanom se želi u Ujedinjenim nacijama zaštiti entitet RS kao trajna kategorija.
Imaju?i navedeno u vidu smatramo potpuno neprihvatljivim drugi amandman i tražimo od sponzora i kosponzora Rezolucije njegovo potpuno odbijanje.
Podržavaju?i Rezoluciju prepoznajemo bol i patnju onih koji su iskusili masovna zvjerstva i odlu?ni smo u našoj odgovornosti da sprije?imo dalju viktimizaciju preživjelih i njihovih porodica kroz poricanje genocida. To je i znak podrške Bosni i Hercegovini u omogu?avanju pomirenja i stabilnosti u regionu.
Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK}