Dear President Vural, we are reaching out to you regarding the critical issue of genocide prevention, which unfortunately remains a pressing concern in Europe. It's disheartening to see the recurrence of such a threat. It's important to acknowledge that Islamophobia played a significant role in paving the way for the Bosnian genocide. Regrettably, we are witnessing a resurgence of religious intolerance and racism at the state level across Europe. The Islamic Council of Austria serves as the official representative body for Muslims in Austria, legally recognized and empowered to advocate for the interests of Muslims and foster dialogue with governmental institutions. There have been serious instances of Islamophobic incidents in Austria where your office could have taken action to protect the Muslim population, yet it appears no action was taken. This seems contradictory to your mission statement, which emphasizes the protection of Muslim rights. Here, our focus will be solely on the most egregious cases directly tied to the issue of genocide. The first case pertains to the denial of the Bosnian Genocide at the University of Vienna. It appears that Austria's leading university lacks an understanding of the mechanisms of genocide and the stages that precede it, one of which is genocide denial. Denial is not only the final stage of one genocide but also has the potential to become the initial stage of the next. The second case involves the Austrian President Van der Bellen's celebration of an Islamophobic genocide denier, whom he proclaimed as a role model. It's alarming that someone who denies genocidal acts and harbors Islamophobic views is held up as an example for all Austrians.Such an event is particularly egregious coming from a country with a history that includes genocide and hints at failed denazification. The third case is particularly concerning. Mr. Esad Širbegovi? submitted numerous documents to your office detailing instances of Islamophobia at the state level in Austria. Prior to contacting the office, he raised concerns with the Austrian government about the risk of genocide recurring if Islam were wrongly associated with fascism. Mr. Širbegovi? also worked for the Austrian government's entity BRZ Bundesrechenzentrum, contributing to anti-terrorism software development, where he experienced Islamophobia. He tried to educate BRZ about Islam and the seriousness of genocide, but received no response from Austrian authorities. Subsequently, he experienced the "Vienna Calling Technique," a form of cyber terrorism. Documentation on all of this was shared with your office. The Institute for Genocide Research Canada (IGC) is investigating this case along with other human rights organizations, including threats received regarding the Genocide Denial case at the University of Vienna. Furtheremore, one of the documents submitted by Mr. Širbegovi? to your office suggests that Islam is directly associated with fascism. This raises concerns because the Austrian government, in its own document, legitimizes the idea that Islam is inherently connected to fascism. Furthermore, it endorses the conspiracy theory of the "Great Replacement," which includes the concept of "creeping Islamization." Despite these troubling findings, your office has chosen to deny these facts, disregarding the evident truth. The following statement is found in austrian government document: "In all countries where Islam is the state religion, fascist conditions prevail, human rights are violated, and women's rights are absent." Mr. Vural, we eagerly await your response and reaction to help ascertain the true magnitude of the threat of genocide recurring in Austria. Bosanski Poštovani predsjedni?e Vurale, Obratili smo vam se povodom klju?nog pitanja prevencije genocida, koje nažalost i dalje ostaje hitna briga u Europi. Razo?aravaju?e je vidjeti ponovno pojavljivanje takve prijetnje. Važno je priznati da je islamofobija odigrala zna?ajnu ulogu u stvaranju okolnosti za genocid u Bosni. Nažalost, svjedoci smo ponovnog ja?anja religiozne netolerancije i rasizma na državnoj razini širom Europe. Islamska Zajednica Austrije služi kao službeno predstavni?ko tijelo za muslimane u Austriji, pravno priznato i ovlašteno za zastupanje interesa muslimana i posticanje dijaloga s vladinim institucijama. Bilo je ozbiljnih slu?ajeva islamofobnih incidenata u Austriji gdje je vaš ured mogao poduzeti mjere za zaštitu muslimanske populacije, ali to nije bio slu?aj. To se ?ini proturje?nim ulozi va?e organizacvije, koja je tu za zaštitu muslimanskih prava. Ovdje ?e naš fokus biti isklju?ivo na najtežim slu?ajevima izravno povezanim s pitanjem genocida. Prvi slu?aj odnosi se na negiranje Bosanskog genocida na Univerzitetu u Be?u. ?ini se da vode?em austrijskom univerzitetu nedostaje razumijevanje mehanizama genocida i faza koje mu prethode, od kojih je jedna negiranje genocida. Negiranje nije samo krajnja faza jednog genocida, ve? tako?er ima potencijal postati po?etna faza sljede?eg. Drugi slu?aj uklju?uje slavljenje islamofobnog negatora genocida od strane austrijskog predsjednika Van der Bellena, kojeg je proglasio uzorom. Uznemiruju?e je da se neko tko negira genocidne ?inove i gaji islamofobne stavove predstavlja kao primjer za sve Austrijance. Takav doga?aj posebno je gnusan dolaze?i iz zemlje s poviješ?u koja uklju?uje genocid i naznake neuspjele denacifikacije. Tre?i slu?aj je posebno zabrinjavaju?i. Gospodin Esad Širbegovi? podnio je vašem uredu brojne dokumente opisuju?i slu?ajeve islamofobije na državnoj razini u Austriji. Prije kontaktiranja ureda, iznio je zabrinutosti austrijskoj vladi o riziku ponovnog genocida ako se islam poveže s fašizmom. Gospodin Širbegovi? tako?er je radio za austrijski vladin entitet BRZ Bundesrechenzentrum, doprinose?i razvoju softvera za borbu protiv terorizma, gdje je doživio islamofobiju. Pokušao je educirati BRZ o islamu i ozbiljnosti genocida, ali nije dobio odgovor od austrijskih vlasti. Nakon toga, doživio je tehniku "Vienna Calling", oblik cyber terorizma. Dokumentacija o svemu tome podijeljena je s vašim uredom. Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanade (IGC) istražuje ovaj slu?aj zajedno s drugim organizacijama za ljudska prava, uklju?uju?i prijetnje primljene u vezi s slu?ajem negiranja genocida na Univerzitetu u Be?u. Osim toga, jedan od dokumenata koje je gospodin Širbegovi? podnio vašem uredu sugerira da se islam izravno povezuje s fašizmom. To izaziva zabrinutost jer austrijska vlada, u vlastitom dokumentu, legitimira ideju da je islam inherentno povezan s fašizmom. Nadalje, podržava teoriju zavjere "Velike Zamjene", koja uklju?uje koncept "postupnog islamiziranja". Unato? ovim uznemiruju?im saznanjima, vaš ured odabrao je negirati ove ?injenice, ignoriraju?i o?itu istinu. Sljede?a izjava nalazi se u austrijskom vladinom dokumentu: "U svim zemljama gdje je islam državna religija, prevladavaju fašisti?ki uvjeti, krše se ljudska prava i ženska prava su odsutna." Gospodine Vurale, s nestrpljenjem o?ekujemo vaš odgovor i reakciju kako bismo pomogli utvrditi pravu veli?inu prijetnje ponovnog genocida u Austriji.