Poštovani prisutni, Izražavam iskreno žaljenje što vam se nisam mogao pridružiti na Centralnoj kanadskoj komemoraciji povodom 11. jula Me?unarodnog dana sje?anja na genocid u Srebrenici. Svake godine ve? tradicionalno i dostojanstveno vi obilježavate 11. juli ispred prvog spomen obilježja žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici u dijaspori u gradu Vindsoru. Genocid u Srebrenici je poraz civiliziranoga svijeta. Srebrenica nije samo problem Srebreni?ana, ona je problem cijelog ?ovje?anstva, jer ako bi se zlo Srebrenice ponovilo, to bi bilo najve?e moralno posrn?e ?ovje?anstva u cijeloj povijesti. Zato pozivam sve gra?ane Bosne i Hercegovine u Kanadi i sve Kana?ane da ?uvaju sj?anje na Srebrenicu kako se ona nikada nikome ne bi ponovila. Sa osje?ajem zadovoljstva primamo vijesti da je Kanada jedan od svjetskih lidera u kulturi sje?anja na genocid u Srebrenici i Islamska zajednica Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike cijeni zna?ajan doprinos Kanade na tom putu. Posebno poštujemo što je Kanadski parlament jednoglasno usvojio Rezoluciju kojom je priznat genocid i ustanovljen Dan sje?anja na genocid u Srebrenici u Kanadi. Kanadski parlament je jednoglasno usvojio historijski prijedlog da se mjesec april prizna kao mjesec sje?anja, osude i prevencije genocida i imenovao genocide koje je priznao, uklju?uju?i i genocid u Srebrenici. ?lanovi Kanadskog parlamenta su podnijeli parlamentarnu peticiju pozivaju?i Kanadsku vladu da donese zakon koji bi zabranio negiranje genocicla u Srebrenici u Kanadi. U Muzeju za ljudska prava Kanade nalazi se stalna izložba o genocidu u Srebrenici. Ove godine Kanada se pridružila listi sponzora Rezolucije Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda kojom je 11. juli proglašen Me?unarodnim danom sje?anja na genocid u Srebrenici 1995. godine. Kanada tako na najbolji na?in ostvaruje svoj naumljeni cilj, a to je da zlo?in ne smije pro?i nekažnjeno te da žrtve zlo?ina ne smiju biti zaboravljene. Žrtve genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini su svjesne da se prošlost ne može promijeniti, ali im je lakše podnositi bol i patnju kad znaju da imaju prijatelje. Stoga, kanadskim liderima prenosim izraze naše zahvalnosti naglasavaju?i da smo razumjeli poruku njihove dobre volje, koja nam daje nadu da se više nigdje i nikome ne?e ponoviti Srebrenica. lskreno se nadamo da ?e primjer Kanade slijediti i druge države. dr. Sabahudin ef. ?eman, Muftija Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks 13246 N. 23rd Ave Phoenix, AZ 85029 phone 602-761-9881 • fax 602-761-9884 • email mail@izbsa.com • website izbsa.com THE ISLAMIC COMMUNITY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIAN COMMUNITY OF NORTH AMERICA Mufti office No: 0 I-SC-22/24 Phoenix, AZ: 24 zu-1-hidzdze 1445. according to H., June 30, 2024 Dear attendees, I sincerely regret that I could not join you at the Central Canadian commemoration of July 11, the International Day of Remembrance for the Srebrenica Genocide. Every year, traditionally and with dignity, you mark July 11 in front of the first memorial to the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica in the diaspora in the city of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The genocide in Srebrenica is the defeat of the civilized world. Srebrenica is not only the problem of the Srebrenica people, it is the problem of all humanity, because if the evil of Srebrenica were to happen again, it would be the greatest moral failure of humanity in the entire history. That is why I call on all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Canada and all Canadians to preserve the memory of Srebrenica so that it will never happen again to anyone. We are pleased to receive the news that Canada is one of the world leaders in the culture of commemorating the genocide in Srebrenica, and the Islamic community of Bosniaks in North America appreciates Canada's significant contribution in this direction. We especially respect the fact that the Canadian Parliament unanimously adopted the Resolution recognizing the genocide and establishing the Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day in Canada. The Canadian Parliament unanimously adopted a historic proposal to recognize the month of April as a month of remembrance, condemnation and prevention of genocide and named the genocides it recognized, including the genocide in Srebrenica. Members of the Canadian Parliament have submitted a parliamentary petition calling on the Canadian government to pass a law that would prohibit the denial of the genocide in Srebrenica in Canada. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights has a permanent exhibition on the genocide in Srebrenica. This year, Canada joined the list of sponsors of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution declaring July 11 as the International Day of Remembrance for the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide. Canada thus achieves its deliberate goal in the best possible way, namely that crime should not go unpunished and that the victims of crime should not be forgotten. The victims of the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina are aware that the past cannot be changed, but it is easier for them to bear pain and suffering when they know they have friends. Therefore, I convey our expressions of gratitude to the Canadian leaders, stressing that we understood the message of their good will, which gives us hope that Srebrenica will never happen again anywhere and to anyone. We sincerely hope that the example of Canada will be followed by other countries. Dr. Sabahudin ef. Ceman Muftija