
Zajedničko saopćenje KBSA, IRGC, VBHOA, i BAGI povodom hapšenja Gorana Hadžića


Zajedničko saopćenje KBSA, IRGC, VBHOA, i BAGI povodom hapšenja Gorana Hadžića


July 21, 2011


Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) , Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC), Američki Institut za genocid i obrazovanje (BAGI) i Vijeće Bosanskohercegovačkih organizacija Australije (VBHOA) pozdravljaju  hapšenje Gorana Hadžića u Srbiji, posljednjeg visokoprofilnog ratnog zločinca koji je bio na slobodi više od sedam godina,  optuženog  za zločine protiv čovječnosti i kršenje zakona i običaja ratovanja.


Dvadeset godina poslije početka agresorskih ratova i dezintegracije Jugoslavije, hapšenje Hadžića predstavlja još jednu značajnu prekretnicu u historiji rada MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog suda za područije bivše Jugoslavije (MKSJ).  Istovremeno hapšenje Gorana Hadžića  je i važan korak koji može donijeti pravdu žrtvama ratnih zločina i zločina protiv čovječnosti u Hrvatskoj.


KBSA, IRGC, BAGI i VBHOA još jednom upozoravaju Vijeće sigurnosti Ujedinjenih Nacija da u ime bolje budućnosti čovjeka i civilizacije, u ime istine o zločinima i pravde za žrtve tih zločina, mora obezbjediti dovoljno vremena i sredstava MKSJ-u da do kraja sprovede suÄ‘enje  Goranu Hadžiću, Ratku Mladiću, i Radovanu Karadžićcu u skladu sa standardima meÄ‘unarodne pravde.


TakoÄ‘er apelujemo na vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini da do kraja sprovedu istraživanje i procesuiranje svih ratnih zločinaca u skladu sa zakonom i ovlastima sudskog vijeća za ratne zločine pri Sudu BiH. Posebno ukazujemo na važnost neumornog traženja ratnih zločinaca koji su u bjegstvu širom svijeta te primjenu meÄ‘unarodnih zahtjeva za izručenje kako bi izašli pred lice pravde.


Na kraju želimo podvući da je vrlo važno da ratni zločinci odgovaraju za svoje postupke kao jedini način za trajni mir i pomirenje u regiji bivše Jugoslavije.


Mr. Haris Alibašić, Predsjednik

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA)


Prof.Emir Ramić, Presjednik

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC)


Mr. Senada Softić-Telalović, Predsjednica

Vijeće BiH organizacija Australije (VBHOA)


Mr. Sanja Drnovsek Seferović, Predsjednica

Bosansko –američki institut za genocid i obrazovanje (BAGI)



Joint press release by CNAB, IRGC, ACBHO, and BAGI regarding the arrest of Goran Hadžić


July 21, 2011


The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC), the American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI) and the Australian Council of BiH Organizations (ACBHO) welcome the news of the arrest of Goran Hadžić in Serbia the last high profile war criminal who was at large for more than seven years, accused of crimes against humanity and violations of the laws rules of war established by the Geneva Convention.


Twenty years after the beginning of the wars of aggression and the disintegration of Yugoslavia, Hadzic’s arrest is another significant milestone in the history of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The arrest of Goran Hadzic is also a significant step that can bring about justice to the victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Croatia.


KBSA, IRGC, BAGI and VBHOA once again caution the UN Security Council, for the sake of a better future of humanity and civilization and in the name of the truth about crimes and justice for the victims of these crimes, to provide sufficient time and resources to the ICTY to fully conduct the trials of Goran Hadžić, Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić in accordance with the standards of international justice.


We also urge the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to fully carry out the investigation and prosecution of all other war criminals in accordance with the law and the judicial powers of the War Crimes Chamber established by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We especially point out the importance of continuing relentless search for war criminals that are at large all over the world and applying international extradition request warrants bringing them to face justice.


Finally we want to underline that it is very important that the war criminals are held fully accountable for their actions as the only way to lasting peace and reconciliation in the region of former Yugoslavia.


Haris Alibašić, MPA, President

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)


Prof. Emir Ramić, President

Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC)


Senada Softić-Telalović, mr. sci , President

Australian Council of BiH Organizations (ACBHO)


Sanja Seferović-Drnovsek J.D, MEd, Chair

Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center (BAGI)
