
Saopćenje IRGC i KBSA povodom sramne odluke Žalbenog vijeća MKSJ protiv Florence Hartmann


Saopćenje IRGC i KBSA povodom sramne odluke Žalbenog vijeća MKSJ protiv Florence Hartmann

21. juli. 2011 godine

Povodom sramne presude Žalbenog vijeća MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog suda za područije bivše Jugoslavije ( MKSJ)  bivšoj glasnogovornici MKSJ , članici Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC), i primatelju plakete Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) za 2010 godinu, Florence Hartmann, IRGC i KBSA izdaju zajedničko saopćenje za javnost

Florence Hartmann je kažnjena jer je objavila dvije povjerljive odluke MKSJ iz postupka protiv zločinca Slobodana Miloševića. U knjizi "Mir i kazna" i članku pod naslovom "Prikriveni ključni dokazi o genocidu", koji je objavio Bosanski institut u Londonu, Velika Britanija, Florence Hartmann je, nakon odlaska s dužnosti, otkrila da su sudsko i žalbeno vijeće MKSJ, u postupku protiv Slobodana Miloševića, pogriješili kada su odobrili zahtjev vlasti SRJ da zapisnici Vrhovnog vijeća odbrane na suÄ‘enju Slobodanu Miloševiću imaju povjerljiv status radi zaštite nacionalnih interesa SRJ.

SRJ je kasnije to iskoristila da spriječi korištenje zapisnika u postupku pred MeÄ‘unarodnim sudom pravde (MSP) po tužbi Bosne I Heecegovine (BiH) protiv Savezne Republike Jugoslavije (SRJ) zbog genocida, što se direktno odrazilo na negativnost presude i osporavanje genocida na čitavoj teritoriji BiH.

Nije pravedno i nije etički ni moralno  da Žalbeno vijeće MKSJ osudi Florence Hartman samo zato što je javno obznanila istinu, odnosno skrivene dokumente u vezi s umiješanosti najvišeg državnog i vojnog vrha SRJ u zločin genocida u BiH tokom agresije 1992-1995. godine na BiH. 

IRGC i KBSA postavljaju pitanje i traže odgovor da li će itko od odgovornih iz MKSJ odgovarati za skrivanje dokumentacije (zapisnika s Vrhovnog savjeta odbrane SRJ) koja direktno inkriminira najviši državni i vojni vrh Srbije i Crne Gore za zločin agresije i genocida u BiH.

O razlozima zašto je napisala knjigu ¨Mir i kazna¨ te članak ¨Skriveni ključni dokumenti o genocidu¨, Florence Hartmann kaže:

¨Za mene je to pitanje slobode govora i prava na transparentno informiranje javnosti o onom što je stvar javnog interesa. Ne može se reći kako meÄ‘unarodna pravda nije stvar javnog interesa – to je, zapravo, stvar čovječanstva. "Pet sudaca Žalbenog vijeća MKSJ su tako dobrovoljno postali suučesnici manipulacije vlasti u Beogradu s jedinim ciljem da potaknu drugo pravosudno tijelo, MSP, da počini istu sudsku pogrješku, jer nema pristupa dokumentima".

Namjera Florence Hartman  je bila da na osnovu dogaÄ‘aja, činjenica i dokumenata opiše  borbu koja se u MKSJ odvijala izmeÄ‘u interesa pravde i politike. IRGC i KBSA se zahvaljuju Florence Hartman na njenoj borbi za istinu o zločinima agresije na BiH i genonocidu nad Bošnjacima i za njezinu borbu za pravdu za žrtve tih zločina.

Prof.Emir Ramić, Presjednik

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC)

Mr. Haris Alibašić, Predsjednik
Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA)

July 22, 2011

On the occasion of the shameful verdict issued by the Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) against the former spokesmen for the ICTY, the current International Expert Team Member of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC), and the recipient of the 2010 CNAB Award, Florence Hartmann, IRGC and the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) would like to jointly issue the following press release.

Florence Hartmann has been charged by the ICTY because she has released two confidential pieces of information from the ICTY during the criminal proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic. She made the confidential information available in her book "Peace and Punishment" and the article  "Hidden key evidence of genocide", published by the Bosnian Institute in London, United Kingdom. After her departure from office, Florence Hartmann uncovered that the court and the ICTY Appeals Chamber, in the Slobodan Milosevic case approved a government request that the Supreme Defence Council during the Milosevic trial maintains a confidential status to protect the national interests of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia later used this to prevent the release of these records in proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for genocide, which directly reflected in the negative result of the verdict and challenged the genocide on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is not fair, ethical nor moral for the ICTY Appeals Chamber to condemn Florence Hartmann due to the fact that she had publicly disclosed the truth of the secret documents related to the involvement of the highest state and military leadership in Yugoslavia for genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 aggression.

IRGC and CNAB wonder whether any of the responsible for the confidential documents will be prosecuted. These documents directly incriminate the highest state and military leaders of Serbia and Montenegro for the crime of aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When asked why she wrote the book ¨ Peace and Punishment and the article ¨ the hidden key documents about the genocide ', Florence Hartmann said:

  “For me,  this is an issue of freedom of speech and the right to transparently inform the public about what is a matter of public interest. It cannot be said that international justice is not a matter of public interest - it is, in fact, a matter of humanity. "Five judges of the ICTY Appeals Chamber  willingly become accomplices to manipulate the authorities in Belgrade with the sole aim to encourage the other judicial body, the ICJ, to make the same mistake, because there is no access to documents."

Florence Hartman's intention was based on events, facts and documents describing the struggle that the ICTY had between the interests of justice and politics. IRGC and CNAB would like to thank Florence Hartmann in her fight for truth about the crimes of aggression against Bosnia, genocide against Bosniaks and for justice for the victims of these crimes.

Prof. Emir Ramić, President
Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC)

Haris Alibašić, MPA, President
The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)
