
IRGC is proud to support From Darfur Urgent Action Coalition to Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide



IRGC is proud to support From Darfur Urgent Action Coalition to Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide


Many People, One Goal

GC2PG's Mission

The Mission of GCPG is to mobilize and educate a broad group of religious, human rights, campus and civic organizations in Georgia about ongoing genocides and mass atrocities occurring in regions around the world. 

Key to the Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide's (GC2GP) mission is to develop a permanent anti-genocide constituency in Georgia. Since our founding in 2005 we have depended on your support to engage our elected officials at the State and national levels, to rally on behalf of Darfuri people in the Sudan and the diaspora, and to hold the political elites of Sudan accountable for their crimes against innocent civilians in all of Sudan. 
By taking action through non-governmental and governmental agencies we aim to assist the victims of genocide, mass atrocities and crimes against humanity.

By galvanizing the efforts of the coalition's membership of more than 100 concerned organizations GC2GP is able to educate others and speak out on behalf of the civilians who have undergone countless human rights abuses for decades.  The Coalition is designed to link needs with resources, people with organizations and organizations with events in order to have the maximum impact on our mission.  We believe that genocide is preventable and by building a permanent anti-genocide  constituency we can look towards a future when the words "never again" are a reality. 

The Goals of GCPG focus on:

Equipping Coalition member organizations and their constituents with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for an end to the ongoing genocide in Darfur, including other conflicts around the world where mass atrocities are committed against non-combatant civilians on a large scale.

To mobilize the Georgia community to press our U.S. leadership to meet four advocacy objectives:
1. Ending the violence
2. Providing adequate humanitarian assistance to those in need
Creating conditions that would enable those displaced by violence to return to their homes
4. Hold perpetrators of genocide and mass atrocities accountable.  

The Strategies of GCPG include:

1. Compiling and distributing educational materials and  resources on current and potential conflicts around the world and in Darfur.
2. Create action alerts and strategies to engage, empower and educate the community and coalition at large. 


More about GC2PG

Melanie Nelkin

chair, Georgia Coalition 

to Prevent Genocide

2009 Carl Wilkens Fellow, Genocide Intervention Network/Save Darfur Coalition

Find us on Facebook & @GC2PG on Twitter

