
Protest protiv kandidature Srbije za poziciju u Ujedinjenim nacijama


February 3, 2012

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike {KBSA} u saradnji sa Institutom za
istraživanje genocida Kanada  {IGK}, a u ime žrtava genocida koji trenutno žive u Sjevernoj Americi, najoštrije protestiraju protiv eventualne kandidature Srbije za poziciju predsjedavajućeg 67. Zasjedanja Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija.

Naš protest  baziramo na sljedećim činjenicama:

1.      Na temelju velikodržavnog projekta Velike Srbije (“svi Srbi u jednoj državi”), na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu je izvršena oružana agresija, a na okupiranim teritorijama Republike Bosne i Hercegovine nad Bošnjacima je izvršen zločin genocida.

2.      Agresija na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocid nad Bošnjacima čine suštinu zajedničkog zločinačkog poduhvata Srbije i Crne Gore.

3.      Namjera toga agresorsko-genocidnog zločinačkog čina, utemeljenog na srpskom velikodržavnom projektu, imao je za cilj zauzimanje Republike Bosne i Hercegovine kao države, te istrjebljenje Bošnjaka ili njihovo svoÄ‘enje na beznačajnu etničku skupinu.

4.      Agresija na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocid nad Bošnjacima su isplanirani od Srbije i Crne Gore sa jasno postavljenim ciljem, nareÄ‘eni sa nadležnih političkih i vojnih mjesta i izvršeni planski, sistematski i organizovano.

5.      Za istrebljenje Bošnjaka je postojala genocidna zločinačka namjera i genocidni plan.
-       Slobodan Milošević je “bio učesnik u udruženom zločinačkom poduhvatu, koji je uključivao i rukovodstvo bosanskih Srba, čiji su cilj i namjera bili da se djelimično unište bosanski Muslimani kao grupa” (ICTY, Tužilac protiv Slobodana Miloševića}.
-       Srbija je osuÄ‘ena od strane MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde zbog nesprječavanja genocida u Srebrenici 1995 godine.
-       Srbija još uvijek nije prošla kroz procese suočavanja sa zločinima i odgovornošÄ‡u iz  prošlosti.
-       U Srbiji se još uvijek otvoreno negira genocid koji je potvrÄ‘en odlukama MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područje bivše Jugoslavije, MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde i više nacionalnih sudova.

6.      Kolaboracionisti velikosrpskog agresora, odnosno zvanična vlast Republike srpske su pod neposrednim rukovodstvom, organizacijom, komandom, učešÄ‡em i podrškom država Srbije i Crne Gore okupirali  teritorije Republike
Bosne i Hercegovine i učestvovali u genocidu, zločinima protiv čovječnosti i ratnim zločinima nad Bošnjacima.

7.      Genocidno rukovodstvo kolaboracionističke tvorevine Republike Srpske, na čelu sa Radovanom Karadžićem, Momčilom Krajišnikom, Biljanom Plavšić i drugima, koju je generirao srpski nacizam i na kostima ubijenih Bošnjaka inaugurirao genocidnu tvorevinu nazvanu republikom, imalo je genocidnu namjeru i genocidni plan o istrebljenju Bošnjaka, po kojem je genocid vršen i izvršen.

Ovo su historijske činjenice, dokazane od više naučno istaživačkih institucija širom svijeta, duboko urezane u svijest žrtava agresije, genocida i drugih oblika zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava u Bosni i Hercegovini, na osnovu kojih smatramo potpuno neprihvatljivim i moralno i politički štetnim da ministar države odgovorne za najteže zločine bude predložen za poziciju Predsjedavajućeg Generalne skupštine UN.

 Mr. Haris Alibašić

Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike


Prof. Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za Istraživanje genocida Kanada

Protest against Serbian candidacy for U.N. General Assembly chair position

The Congress of North America Bosniaks (CNAB), in cooperation with the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IRGC), and on behalf of the victims of genocide who are currently residing in North America, are strongly protesting against the Serbia’s candidacy for the Chair position of the 67th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Our protest is based on the following facts:

1. In accordance with the great project of Greater Serbia (“all Serbs in one State “), Serbia and Montenegro carried out military aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in the occupied territories of the internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina committed the crime of genocide against Bosniak population.

2. The aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against Bosniaks are the essence of the joint criminal enterprise conducted in the 90′s by Serbia and Montenegro.

3. The intent of these genocidal acts, based on Greater Serbia project, was to occupy the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to attempt the extermination of Bosniaks, or their reduction to insignificant ethnic group.

4. The aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against Bosniaks were planned by Serbia and Montenegro, and ordered from the respective political and military position and executed as planned, in a systematic and organized fashion.

5. The International War Crimes Tribunal (ICTY) found that:
Slobodan Milosevic “was a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, which included the Bosnian Serb leadership, whose goal and intentions were to destroy in part the Bosnian Muslims as a group “(ICTY, Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic). Serbia was convicted by the International Court of Justice for not preventing genocide in Srebrenica in 1995. Serbia still has not gone through the process of dealing with crimes and responsibility from the past. Serbia still openly denies that genocide took place, a fact that was confirmed by the decisions of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, International Court of Justice and several national courts.

6. Collaborators of the aggression, authorities and officials of a smaller entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the direct management, organization, command, participation and support of the state of Serbia and Montenegro occupied territory of the Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina and participated in genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Bosniak population.

7. A smaller entity in Bosnia, Republika Srpska, led by Radovan Karadzic, Momcilo Krajisnik, Biljana Plavsic and other war criminals was a direct result of aggression and genocide.

These are historical facts, proven by the scientific research institutions around the world, deeply etched in the minds of victims of aggression and genocide. Based on this information only, we consider it unacceptable and morally and politically harmful to the United Nations to allow the country responsible for the gravest crimes committed in the 90′s, guilty of starting four wars in the Balkans to be nominated for the position of the Chairman of the General UN Assembly.


Haris Alibasic, MPA
President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks

Professor Emir Ramic
Director of the Canadian Institute for research of Genocide
