
Bosniaks Proclamation

At the initiative of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, in cooperation with the Congress of North America Bosniaks (CNAB), Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo, the Bosniak Cultural Association "Preporod", Sarajevo, at the Academy on the occasion of the twenty years since the independence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Toronto, Canada and Atlanta, USA, was adopted. 

Bosniaks Proclamation
1. Bosnians as a sovereign nation should be resolutely oppose all deniers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosniak people.

2. In their full intellectual, political and economic capacity, Bosniaks must insist on the application of final judgments of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. In this regard, it should continue of continuous and permanent scientific research activities on crimes against humanity and international law, particularly the crime of genocide in the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the twentieth century. It is essential to the most responsible government authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina requested the implementation of decisions International Criminal Tribunals - the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) and the ICJ (International Court of Justice), given that all relevant court decisions made after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement and to same, the court established facts about the serious violations of international humanitarian law, must reflect on the Annex IV of the General Framework Agreement, or constitutional-legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina and have an impact on the political and legal solutions.
3. Bosniaks and Bosniaks from Srebrenica in particular, on the basis of final judgments of International Courts in The Hague, must resolutely insist on the right of the Srebrenica genocide as a setting exempt from the jurisdiction of the smaller entity, the so-called. Serbian Republic and put the management of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is therefore important not to lose the major position in Srebrenica. Bosnjaks know that ending the genocide in Srebrenica, which is exercised over them during the war years, 1992nd to 1995th the whole territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
4.  It is essential that the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina passed the Law on Prohibition and punish actions of neo-fascist organization, and a law prohibiting and punishing the denial of the Holocaust, genocide and crimes against humanity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
5. Bosnjaks should mark January 9th as the day of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this day in 1992 has begun the project of Greater destruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina, illegally and illegitimately installing so. Republic of the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is as unconstitutional categories led to terrible suffering of the citizens of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was the basis from which the open and began an aggressive campaign to destroy the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the genocide against Bosniaks. All the current scientific and other research by competent operators - holders of research in the country and the world, including the judgment of the international and national courts - clearly proves that the Republic of Serbian entity creation built on the results of other forms of genocide and crimes against humanity and international law. Bosniak nation is at 49% of Bosnjak territory decimated, totally disempowered and discriminated against. Karadzic and Mladic's genocidal plan to reduce the number of Bosniaks only three percent of psychological genocide continued post-war government in the Republic of Serbian entity. Strategy for preventing the survival of Bosniak returnees has led to the RS Serbian populations becomes the majority.
6. Bosnjaks should mark 28th September as the Day of Bosniaks. On this day in 1993, in wartime Sarajevo under siege by Serbian paramilitaries held Bosnian Parliament in which, among other things, decision on the return of the old, traditional name Bosnjak. Since then, the Bosniak public, institutionally and constitutionally declared under that name whom they inherited from their ancestors. This has made a decisive step for the further development of the Bosniaks nation on the basis of state-legal, territorial and patriotic self-understanding, on the one hand, and cultural and ethnic structuring identity through language, literature, tradition, tradition, history, science, art, religion and other elements on the other hand.
7. Bosniaks have to fight for national, state institutions, especially institutions of culture, science and education and to establish the Museum of Genocide in which they were assembled martyred experience.
8. Bosniaks must continue to develop awareness in terms of Bosniak develop knowledge about themselves. Bosniak and Bosnian awareness will emerge from the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore we can safely say that Bosnia-Herzegovina is Bosniak source. Bosniak awareness should be developed through the spiritual and cultural institutions, institutions of science and education with continued financial support of Bosniaks in the homeland and the diaspora. It is therefore necessary to develop the Fund for Culture and Education Bosniaks.
9. Bosniak diaspora, along with all the patriotic pro-Bosnian forces must be involved in strengthening the state, Bosnian institutions because it is an important part of the Bosniak national identity. Bosniaks are the demographic potential of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The demographic potential, however, expressed through their political position. Bosniaks have the potential demographic focus to strengthen its political position in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosniaks, there are approximately ten million - including about two million in the mainstream and about eight million in the Diaspora. In the process of strengthening the political power of the Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina must be included dijaspora. Unified Bosniaks diaspora must activate their political, economic, intellectual, educational power to strengthen the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
10. Bosniaks cannot accept that their political leaders or their political establishment, in private and non-transparent policy of "negotiations" with Serbian politicians at the expense of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosniaks in this sense should not be a traditional leader, but efficient system institutions. Bosniaks are the full equality of citizens and peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it is unacceptable that one of the national territory, on the basis of the genocide and ethnic cleansing, having just turned into one nation and that is that part of the territory then called a Serbian name. It is never acceptable and it is a direct attack on the historical and cultural continuity of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosniak policy must protect the interests of Bosniaks at all times and in all fields of social life. This means that it must respect the principle that every citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina must feel free to every part thereof. What is true for the Bosniaks must be valid for others.

11. The further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot be in the hands of several decades of political brokers who "in the name of the Bosniak people" carry extremely dubious politics and behave very irresponsibly. Bosniak politicians and intellectuals must not be allowed to legalize the results of aggression and genocide. Bosniak politicians must continue to defend the values ​​that are defended under double hegemonic aggression of Milosevic and Tudjman's regime. The integrity and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and preserve the unity and common life of Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs as the majority of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a real political program of action Bosniak policy. From this it is clear that Bosniaks do not need any "Bosniak territory," ghettoized religious enclaves, in which we were imprisoned by old ideology. Bosniaks have a state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
 12. Bosniaks must be continuously organized and institutionally oppose equalizing processes of criminals and victims leading relativism crimes committed against them. Bosniaks have to fight for the truth of multiple aggressions on Bosnia and Herzegovina and numerous genocides against them. In the interest of lasting peace, stability and state, the realization and development of rule of law, respecting the principle of equality and equal responsibility before the law, it is necessary to prosecute the criminal law of crimes against humanity and international law and affirm the principles of justice, fairness and legality, including offenses that the International Criminal Tribunal for areas of the former Yugoslavia ruled in the case against Galic, D. Milosevic, Perisic, and for which the trial of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
13. It is necessary to open the process of determining the damage of war committed against private and public goods, which are responsible for the holders of aggression and genocide, and ensuring fair compensation for these damages. At all universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina is necessary to introduce a compulsory subject Sociology of Genocide and Anthropology of Genocide, genocide and Science. Bosniaks in the countries where they live currently, also, need to stand up for the study of genocide that occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Doing so will preserve the truth and the knowledge of the suffering of Bosniaks.
14. Bosniaks do not accept the occupation of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a division of national territory into two entities and the creation of the RS. International Court of Justice in The Hague in 2007 confirmed that the Army of RS and the RS police made genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica region, and thus illegitimate as criminal and genocidal creation. This judgment Bosniaks must use to release Bosniaks from the clutches of the Great-Serbia conquest that attempting to destroy the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
15. Bosniak political establishment must be engaged to modify so called Dayton agreement. Based on discussions to amend this constitution shall be the Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  As a first step in order to counteract illegal Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks must work to repeal the cantons within the Federation entity, which prevents a unified policy for the development of the BiH state and opposition to the aggressor separatist ambitions of Republic of Serbian.

