
Poziv za podršku gradnje Spomen sobe Logora Luka Brčko

Poziv za podršku gradnje Spomen sobe Logora Luka Brčko


Dragi naši prijatelji,


Povodom 20 godišnjice formiranja zloglasnog koncentracionog logora Luka Brčko Udruženje logoraša Brčko distrikta, uz podršku Saveza logoraša BiH i Udruženja porodica nasilno odvedenih, prognanih i ubijenih Bošnjaka Brčko Distrikta BiH, poziva graÄ‘ane Bosne i Hercegovine da podrže projekat izgradnje  muzeja iz dijela hangara Luka koji je služio kao logor.


Cilj ove akcije je da se dio tog hangara adaptira u spomen-sobu i otvori  7. maja 2012. godine, kada se planira organizirati komemorativni program posvećen civilnim žrtvama rata 1992-1995., s fokusom na sjećanje na žrtve brčanskih i ostalih logora sirom Bosne i Hercegovine.  Koliko je nama poznato, ovo bi bio prvi muzej  sjećanja na civilne žrtve logora u Bosni i Hercegovini.


Glavni radovi su oko izgradnje pregradnog zida, koji će dijeliti spomen-sobu od ostatka hangara, koji se trenutno koristi kao skladište, te srediti njeni unutrasnji zidovi i pod. Takodje je potrebno finansirati materijal za panele, troškove oko fotografija, videa itd. U slucaju da ipak spomen-soba ne bude završena do roka, radovi ce se obaviti naknadno, naravno ako se eventualno prikupe potrebna sredstva.  


Pozitivne promjene i pomirenje naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini i regionu nisu mogući bez ovakvih manifestacija, koje će ukazati dužno postovanje i sjećanje na nevine zrtve agresije na nasu domovinu, kao i podizanje kvaliteta života žrtava torture i njihovih porodica, te ostvarivanje prava žrtava torture na rehabilitaciju i kompenzaciju.


Za adapataciju spomen sobe, koja je potrebna da bi se realizovala komemoracija 7. maja, potrebno je oko $7,000. Stoga se pozivaju građani u zemlji i inostranstvu da sa svojim donacijama pomognu u ostvarenju ovog cilja.


S obzirom da je jedan od mandata Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada zaštita od zaborava i zloupotrebe uspomene na zločine i genocid ucinjen nad nasim graÄ‘anima, nadamo se da ćete kao graÄ‘ani Bosne i Hercegovine i prijatelji Instituta podržati ovu akciju sa svojim doprinosom i pozvati svoje prijatelje da se i oni pridruže.


Svoju donaciju mozete poslati na adresu ispod, uz oznaku da je donacija za "Projekat Logor Luka Brcko" 


Na sljedeći žiro-racun:



racun br.141-601-0001-1235-13


Savska br 4.


Kontakt telefon:

00387-49-213-324 ili 00387-63-592-541 


Nadamo se da ćete razumjeti nasu akciju, a nas apel za pomoć proslijediti našim i Vašim prijateljima.

Svima koji nas budu pomogli šaljemo odgovarajuće priznanice i zahvalnice.


Iskreno se zahvaljujemo u ime:



Udruženja logoraša Brčko Distrikta,


Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada


Bosansko američki institut za genocid i obrazovanje





Official call for support for the construction of the memorial room of Luka, Brcko

Dear Friends,

On this 20th anniversary of the formation of the infamous concentration camp Luka Brcko the Association of Detainees of the Brcko District, in cooperation with the Association of Detainees of Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Association of The Families of Abducted, Killed and expelled Bosniaks Brcko District, we invite the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their friends to help support and finance the project of construction of a Memorial at Luka Hangar which served as the prison camp.

The aim of this action is to adapt the hangar into a memorial room with its official opening on May 7th, 2012, in conjunction with plans to organize a commemorative program dedicated to civilian victims of war, 1992-1995 with a focus on the memory of the victims of Brcko and other concentration camps throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. To our knowledge, this would be the first museum of this sort, for the memories of the civilian victims of prison camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The main work needed is the construction of a partition wall, which will share the memorial room with the rest of the hangar, currently being used as a warehouse. It will also be necessary to finance materials for panels, the costs of photographs, videos, etc.


Consequently, if the memorial room is not finished by the deadline, the work will be remanded, if we can manage to raise the necessary funds.

Positive changes and the reconciliation of peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region are not possible without these events, which will show due respect and memory of the innocent victims of aggression on our homeland, as well as improved quality of life of victims of torture and their families, and exercising the right to rehabilitation of torture victims and compensation.

For financing the memorial room, which is necessary in order to commemorate the May 7th anniversary, the estimates costs are roughly $7,000. We ask the people at home and abroad to demonstrate generosity with their donations and help fulfill this goal.

Given that one of the mandates of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada is the protection from oblivion the memories of abuse and crimes of genocide committed against our citizens, we hope you, like the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and friends of the Institute, support this action with your contribution and invite your friends to join as well.

You can send your donation to the address below, along with a notation that the donation goes to

"Project Camp Luka Brcko"

The following bank account:

account  # 141-601-0001-1235-13
Savska 4

Phone: 00387-49-213-324 or 00387-63-592-541

We sincerely hope you will understand our action and our appeal for help to honor our friends.

Warm Regards and thank you on behalf of:

Association of Detainees of the Brcko District,

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada

Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education
