
A Statement by Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada {IGC}

A Statement by Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada {IGC}

Toronto July 09, 2012

In memory of the twentieth anniversary of the genocidal aggression on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the seventeenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, which engraved deep wounds in the collective human conscience in consequence of the huge massacre, destruction, and displacement against Bosniaks by the Serbian Army, IGC clearly confirm that:

I} Many relevant scientific research sources of different provenances from around the world confidently point to two facts:


- the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was attacked by classical military aggression, which was an attack and threat against peace and security of mankind, which is the basic understanding and definition of international armed conflict on the occupied territories of the independent and universally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the United Nations,


-  in cities in the siege, against Bosniaks was performed worst crime – crime of genocide.


II} This war against Bosnia and Herzegovina and its people was realized through the opening of concentration camps where the innocent civilians were tortured and killed. In the notorious camps women were raped and tortured. Aside from extermination of everything that was not of Serbian origin, Serbs systematically destroyed cultural objects in the attempt to completely erase any trace of their existence.  They additionally organized deliberate and systematic killing of Bosnik intelligence.


III} The systematic pattern in a violent takeover of power, crimes committed, the extent and pattern of attacks, their intensity, a large number of Bosniak murders, expulsion, deportation and their cruel treatment in concentration camps and other places of confinement, rape and numerous targeted attacks on the key individuals in Bosniak communities (prominent intellectual, political and spiritual figures, and wealthy Bosniaks) are unequivocal evidence of intent and genocide against Bosniaks in order to exterminate them, that is to try to prevent that they reproduce and to live in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


IV} Over the judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia and the judgment of the International Court of Justice, which are defined and judged the genocide in Srebrenica, became the undisputed facts of international law. Based on these judgments IGC concludes that genocide in Srebrenica was not a matter of subjective definition, it is internationally certified and judged and cannot be denied.


V} There is continuity of concealment, denial and relativization of genocide against Bosniaks. Denial of genocide is in favor of permanent and continuous process of equalizing the victims of genocide and its perpetrators is contrary to the international law, and it gives the qualification of such an important issue such as genocide that does not fit the facts and is in contradicting with the relevant documentation that the Tribunal holds. At the end this decision favors manipulators over the victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which tend to equalize and balance the crimes among the three peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the ultimate goal of changing the war of aggression into a civil war, and the crime of genocide into ethnic cleansing.


VI} Starting from the fact that this political decision of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia may have unforeseeable, negative consequences for the process of democratization, peace and reconciliation in the region for truth and justice in the world and that it further reduces the already shaky tribunal, which was established to condemn the crime of genocide in Bosnia and Hercegovine, that would have left offspring of human civilization in the fear of re-genocide, IGC invites  President of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia Mr. Theodor Meron  to comply with the rules of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on the basis of the Genocide Convention, the decision to initiate the changes that the Panel has made a serious mistake when clearly found that there is no evidence beyond the level of suspicion for the crime of genocide in seven municipalities in Bosnia and Hercegovine.


VII} International community and founder of United Nations Security Council are responsible for the operation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, which was established for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Bosnia and Hercegovine. Idea creators and implementers of these crimes were Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic. If not appealed the decision, or possibly if the Appeals Chamber confirmed the release point for Karadzic of genocide in seven municipalities in Bosnia and Hercegovina, IGC believes  that this is the end of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and by the end of international justice, which encourages new genocides.


VIII} IGC is not give up its human responsibility in maintaining the right of each and every human being to security, dignity, stability, and equality, regardless of his/ her residence, race, culture, religious sect, ideological belief, or political affiliation.

IX} IGC rejects  all forms of racial discrimination and all forms of practices based on fanaticism, establishing the principles of social justice, democracy, and integrity among citizens, and neutralizing them, without approaching their human rights, in cases of military disputes.

Professor Emir Ramic

Director Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada





Izjava Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada {IGK}


Toronto 09. Juni, 2012


U  povodu sjećanja na dvadesetu godišnjicu  agresije na meÄ‘unarodno priznatu Republiku Bosni i Hercegovini i sedamnaestu godišnjicu genocida u Srebrenici 1995. godine, koji su ostavili duboke rane na kolektivnoj savjesti čovječanstva zbog ubijanja, rušenja i progona protiv Bošnjaka od srpskih vojnih snaga, IGK izjavljuje:


I} Mnogobrojni relevantni naučno istraživački izvori različite provenijencije iz čitavog svijeta pouzdano ukazuju na dvije činjenice:


-  na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu je izvršena klasična oružana agresija, odnosno zločin protiv mira i sigurnosti čovječanstva, što je po osnovnom shvatanju i definiciji meÄ‘unarodni oružani sukob,


- na okupiranim teritorijama nezavisne i univerzalno priznate Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, članice Ujedinjenih Nacija, kao i u gradovima u opsadi, nad Bošnjacima je izvršen najteži zločin - zločin genocida.


II} Taj osvajački rat prema državi Bosni i Hercegovini i njenim graÄ‘anima se realizovao putem otvaranja koncentracionih logora smrti gdje su dovoÄ‘eni nevini civili nad kojima su vršene razne torture i mučenje, a mnogi su i ubijeni, putem zloglasnih logora u kojima su silovane žene, putem kulturocida, ekocida, urbicida, etnocida tog namjernog i sustavnog rušenja objekata bošnjačke kulture i tradicije radi zametanja svakog traga njihovog postojanja, putem elitocida tog sustavnog i organizovanog ubijanja bošnjačke inteligencije.


III} Sistematski obrazac u nasilnom preuzimanju vlasti, počinjeni zločini, razmjere i obrazac napada, njihov intenzitet; veliki broj ubijenih Bošnjaka, protjerivanje, deportacija i okrutno postupanje prema njima u koncentracionim logorima smrti  i drugim mjestima zatočenja, mnogobrojna silovanja te ciljni napadi na osobe ključne za njihov opstanak kao grupe (istaknute intelektualne, političke i duhovne ličnosti, te imućne Bošnjake) nedvosmisleni su dokazi o namjeri i izvršenom genocidu nad Bošnjacima sa ciljem  da se oni istrijebe, to jeste da se pokuša spriječiti da se oni reproduciraju i da žive na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine.


IV} Više presuda MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala i presuda MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde, kojima je utvrÄ‘en i presuÄ‘en genocid u Srebrenici, postale su neosporne meÄ‘unarodne pravne činjenice. Na osnovu tih presuda IKG konstatuje kako genocid u Srebrenici nije stvar subjektivnog odreÄ‘enja, on je meÄ‘unarodno potvrÄ‘en i presuÄ‘en i ne može se negirati.


V} Postoji kontinuitet prikrivanja, relativiziranja i negiranja genocida nad Bošnjacima. Negiranje genocida ide u prilog  permanentnom i kontinuiranom procesu izjednačavanja žrtve genocida i njegovog izvršioca i na pogrešan način suprotan meÄ‘unarodnom pravu, daje kvalifikaciju o tako značajnom pitanju kao što je genocid, a što ne odgovara činjeničnom stanju i u suprotnosti je sa relevantnom dokumentacijom koju posjeduju meÄ‘unarodni sudovi. Negiranje genocida takoÄ‘e ide na ruku manipulatorima  sa žrtvama genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini koji nastoje izjednačiti i izbalansirati zločine meÄ‘u tri naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini sa konačnim ciljem izmjene agresije u graÄ‘anski rat, a zločin genocida u etničko čišÅ¾enje. Pomirenje sa ovakvom negiranjem genocida postaje nemoguće, toleranciji, priznavanju, poštovanju i prihvatanju dugog i drugačijeg kao izvora ideje Bosne i Bosanskog duha se zadaje smrtni udarac. 


VI} Polazeći od toga da  politička odluka Sudskog vijeća MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju može imati nesagledive, negativne  posljedice za proces demokratizacije, mira i pomirenja u regionu, za istinu i pravdu u svijetu, te da  ona još više umanjuje već poljuljani Tribunala koji je osnovan da osudi zločin genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini kako nebi ostavili potomstvo ljudske civilizacije u strahu od ponovnog genocida, pozivamo predsjednika MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju gospodina Theodor Meron da u skladu sa pravilima MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju, a na osnovu Konvencije o genocidu, inicira promjene odluke Sudskog vijeća koje je napravilo očiglednu tešku grešku kada je ocjenilo da nema dokaza van razumne sumnje za krivično djelo genocida u sedam općina u Bosni i Hercegovini.


VII} MeÄ‘unarodna zajednica i osnivač Vijeće sigurnosti Ujedinjenih Nacija  su odgovorna za rad MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju koji je osnovan zbog ratnih zločina, zločina protiv čovječnosti i zločina genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini. Idejni tvorci i realizatri tih zločina su Slobodan Milošević, Radovan Kradžić i Ratko Mladić. Ukoliko  Žalbeno vijeće Tribunala potvrdi oslobaÄ‘anje tačke genocida za Karadžića u sedam opština u Bosni i Hercegovini, smatramo da je to kraj MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju i tako kraj meÄ‘unarodne pravde, što je podstrek za nove genocide.


VIII} Borbom protiv negatora genocida, IGK  se zapravo bori za zaštitu prava svakog čovjeka na sigurnost, dostojanstvo, stabilnost i jednakopravnost gdje god da živi i ma kojoj etničkoj, kulturnoj, religijskoj, ideološkoj ili političkoj grupi pripadao. 


IX} IGK odbacuje sve oblike rasne diskriminacije i sve oblike prakse zasnovane na fanatizmu, držeće se načela socijalne pravde, demokracije i meÄ‘uljudskog poštivanja.


Profesor Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada
