
UN se izvinile zbog puštanja pjesme "Marš na Drinu"

UN se izvinile zbog puštanja pjesme "Marš na Drinu"

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA), Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IRGC), Savjetodavno vjeće Bosne i Hercegovine  (ACBH) i Bosanko američki insitut za genocid i edukaciju (BAGI) su u ime 350, 000 Američkih Bošnjaka i 50, 000 Kanadskih Bošnjaka, izrazili  razočarenje zbog  prisustva Generalnog sekretara UN Ban Ki-moona na koncertu koji je održan u Ujedinjenim nacijama, a koji je organizovao Vuk Jeremić. Koncert je bio skandalozno ponižavanje žrtava genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini jer je orkestar svirao  ozloglašenu  i nasilničku srpsku nacionalističku  pjesmu “ Marš na Drunu”.

Poslije protesnog pisma sjevernoameričkih bošnjačkih i bosanskohercegovačkih organizacija glasnogovornik generalnog sekretara UN-a Ban Ki-moona, Martin Nesirky, izjavio je kako se Ujedinjene nacije izvinjavaju zbog puštanja vojne srpske nacionalne pjesme "Marš na Drinu" tokom koncerta održanog u čast Srbije koja je preuzela predsjedavanje Generalnom skupštinom. Martin Nesirky je kazao: "Pjesma 'Marš na Drinu' je kako nam je rečeno pjevana tokom spskih napada na bosanske gradove uz Drinu koja razdvaja ove dvije države. Ujedinjene nacije su svjesne da je ova pjesma, puštena na koncertu u prostorijama Generalne skupštine UN-a u ponedjeljak, uvrijedila ljude. Izražavamo iskreno žaljenje ljudima koje je ova pjesma uvrijedila. Generalni sekretar Ki-moon nije bio upoznat s tim da je ta pjesma bila korištena u takve svrhe u prošlosti”.

Protestno pismo generalnom sekretaru UN


UN apologizes for Serb nationalist song ovation

Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB), Institute for the Research of Genocide, Canada (IRGC), Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACBH), Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center (BAGI) on behalf of 350,000 Bosnian Americans, and 50,000 Bosnian Canadians expressed disappointment at  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's attendance of the concert held at the United Nations that was organized by Vuk Jeremic. The concert was a scandalous insult to the victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) because the orchestra played the infamous and offensive Serb nationalist song “March on the River Drina”.

After the protest letter of North American Bosniak and Bosnian organisations the United Nations apologized for the ovation given to a militant Serb nationalist song performed at a concert honoring Serbia's presidency of the U.N. General Assembly, secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman said. Martin Nesirky said that "the United Nations was aware that some people were offended by the song "March to the Drina," sung in the General Assembly hall Monday night. Ban afterward stood at the podium alongside Vuk Jeremic, the former Serbian foreign minister and current assembly president, for a photo with the performers, the Belgrade vocal group Viva Vox. Ban "expressed sincere regret that people were offended by this song," Nesirky said, adding that the U.N. chief "obviously was not aware what the song was about or the use that has been made of it in the past." "March to the Drina," was originally written as a nationalist hymn after World War I, about a battle on the Drina River that now separates Serbia and Bosnia. It features lyrics such as "The battle was fought, Near cold water, Blood was flowing, Blood was streaming by the Drina... for Freedom!" It became a favorite of fascists and Serb nationalists, and was banned by Yugoslavia's Communist government after World War II. It was reportedly sung in the 1990s during Serb attacks on Bosnian towns along the Drina River separating the newly separated countries. After the Yugoslav wars of secession, Serbs voted in 1992 to make it their national anthem. Serbia's parliament bypassed it as being too provocative and adopted an old song from the country's royalist period instead. "March on the Drina" was added to the U.N. concert as an encore, and delighted the crowd, which was mostly unaware of its connotations.


ACTION ALERT:Protest to UN General Secretary

Protest Letter to Ban Ki-moon
