
Hrvatska je izvršila agresiju na Bosnu i Hercegovinu


Hrvatska je izvršila agresiju  na Bosnu i Hercegovinu

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK) , Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA) i Bosansko-americki Institut za Genocid i Edukaciju (BAGI)  pozdravljaju presudu MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog tribunala za bivšu Jugoslaviju (MKSJ) kojom je osudio šestoricu bivših čelnika samoprozvane “Herceg- Bosne” za zločine nad bošnjačkim stanovništvom, te je utvrdio da je postojao udruženi zločinački poduhvat na čelu s prvim hrvatskim predsjednikom Franjom TuÄ‘manom.

Cilj udruženog zločinačkog poduhvata  je bio da se politički i vojno potčine, trajno uklone i etnički očiste Bošnjaci iz onih dijelova Bosne i Hercegovine koji su proglašeni “Herceg-Bosnom”, te da se ta područja pripoje državi Hrvatskoj, ili da se proglase državom unutar Bosne i Hercegovine (po uzoru na Republiku Srpsku}.

Posebno je važno što je Sudsko vijeće Haškog tribunala presudilo da je sukob Hrvatskog Vijeća Obrane (HVO) i Armije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine bio meÄ‘udržavni sukob – agresija na meÄ‘unarodno priznatu državu Bosnu i Hercegovinu, te da su šestorica visokih funkcionera nekadašnje takozvane “Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosne” i članovi državnog i vojnog vrha Hrvatske bili učesnici udruženog zločinačkog poduhvata.

Tadašnji predsjednik Hrvatske Franjo TuÄ‘man i predsjednik "Herceg-Bosne" Mate Boban odlučili su da je za uspostavljanje "Herceg-Bosne" neophodno promijeniti nacionalni sastav stanovništva. Zločini nad bošnjačkim  stanovništvom su bili dio udruženog zločinačkog poduhvata. Vijeće je presudilo da su predsjednik TuÄ‘man, prvi oficir Vojske Hrvatske Janko Bobetko i ministar odbrane Gojko Šušak, te šestorica funkcionera "Herceg Bosne" - strukture Hrvatskog vijeća odbrane koristili za različite aspekte udruženog zločinačkog poduhvata s ciljem stvaranja takozvane Hrvatske Republike Herceg Bosna.

Smatramo da je ova presuda važan korak ka istini o agresiji na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovini, agresiji koja je pored Srbije i Crne Gore provedena i od Hrvatske. Istovremeno ova presuda je važna i za istinu o zločinima nad građanima Bosne i Hercegovine. Na kraju presuda je doprinos pravdi za žrtve zločina agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovini i zločina nad njenim građanima.

Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada

Hamdija Čustović

Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike

Sanja Seferovic-Drnovšek

Direktor, Bosansko američkog instituta za genocid i edukaciju


May 29, 2013

Croatia committed an aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC), the Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) and the Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education (BAGI) welcome the verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which condemned the six former leaders of the self-proclaimed "Herceg-Bosna" for crimes against the Bosniak population and found that these crimes were orchestrated by a joint criminal enterprise headed by the first Croatian president Franjo Tudjman.

The objective of this joint criminal enterprise was to politically and militarily subjugate, permanently remove and ethnically cleanse Bosniaks from parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina which have been declared "Herceg-Bosna", and that these areas were to be a part of the Croatian state, or to be declared a state within Bosnia and Herzegovina (based on the Republic of Srpska model).

It is particularly important that the Trial Chamber of the ICTY ruled that the conflict between the Croat Defence Council (HVO) and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was an international conflict – part of the aggression against the internationally recognized state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the six high-ranking officials of the former so-called "Croat Republic of Herceg -Bosna " and members of state and military leadership of Croatia were participants in a joint criminal enterprise.

The former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and President of "Herceg-Bosna" Mate Boban decided that the establishment of "Herceg-Bosna" was necessary to change the ethnic composition of the population. Crimes against the Bosniak population were part of a joint criminal enterprise. The Council ruled that President Tudjman, the first officer of the Croatian Army Janko Bobetko and Defense Minister Gojko Susak, and six officials of "Herceg-Bosna" – used the structure of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO)  for different aspects of a joint criminal enterprise with the aim of creating the so-called Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna.

We believe that this verdict is an important step to firmly establish the truth about the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was , in addition to Serbia and Montenegro, also conducted by Croatia. At the same time the judgment is important for the truth about the crimes committed against the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The judgment is also an important contribution to justice for victims of crimes of aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina and crimes against its citizens.


Emir Ramic,

Director of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada


Hamdija Custovic,

President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks

Sanja Drnovsek,

Chairman of the Bosnian American Institute for Genocide and Education
