
Saopćenje o građanskim protestima u Bosni i Hercegovini

Saopćenje o građanskim protestima u Bosni i Hercegovini

June 7, 2013

U ime Bošnjaka, državljana BiH, koji žive u SAD i Kanadi, podržavamo mirne proteste ispred Parlamenta BiH.  GraÄ‘ani Bosne i Hercegovine, bez ikakve etničke ili strančke motivacije su jasno poručili političarima u BiH da njihova inertnost i nesposobnost da graÄ‘anima BiH omoguće osnovne uslove za život, uključujući zakon o Jedinstvenom matičnom broju, nisu više prihvatljivi kao status quo.  Ohrabreni smo što su ovi protesti spontano organizovani, i nadamo se da je ovo samo početak promjena u cilju stvaranja funkcionalne i prosperitetne države Bosne i Hercegovine, na osnovi modernih demokratskih i graÄ‘anskih principa, a ne etničkih ili entitetskih podjela.

Pozivamo meÄ‘unarodnu zajednicu da podrži ovaj demokratski process i izvrši pritisak na sve političare, a posebno iz manjeg entiteta, da ne mogu više stavljati svoje lične interese ispred interesa graÄ‘ana BiH.  OsuÄ‘ujemo navodne izjave od pojedinih političara iz RS da je ovo kraj BiH, jer je upravo takav odnos prema državi doveli do situacije u kojoj se sada nalaze. Zastupnici u parlamentu BiH moraju što prije napraviti trajno rješenje o JMBG, i svim ostalim ključnim pitanjima za graÄ‘ane BiH koji ih odvajaju od uspješnih euroatlantskih integracija.

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA)

Institut za Istraživanje Genocida Kanada (IGK)

Bosansko američki Institut za Genocid i Edukaciju (BAGI)

Press release regarding peaceful protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

June 7, 2013

On behalf of Bosniaks in the United States and Canada, we voice our support for the peaceful protests in front of the Parliament in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Without any specific ethnic or party agenda, the Bosnian citizens are sending a clear message that the inability and unwillingness of Bosnian politicians to provide basic conditions for normal life, including a basic law for issuance of ID numbers, is no longer an acceptable status quo.  We are encouraged by the spontaneous nature of these peaceful protests, and hope that this is only the beginning towards a functional and prosperous state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on civic democratic principles, and not on ethnic divisions.

We call upon the international community to voice their support for this democratic process, and to put pressure on the politicians, especially those from the smaller entity, that they can no longer put their own shallow interests before the interests of the Bosnian citizens. We condemn the statements by politicians of the RS entity that this is the end of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because that type of attitude towards the country is exactly how they’ve gotten themselves in this situation. Members of the Parliament must work diligently for a permanent and lasting solution regarding the law on ID numbers, as well as numerous other critical issues that are keeping the country from its path to successful euro-Atlantic integration.

Press release jointly issued by:

The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)

The Institute for Genocide Research Canada (IGC)

Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center (BAGI)
