
Pismo u vezi osumnjicenog za ratne zlocine koji zivi u Kanadi

07. juli 2013


Poštovani Peter Gordon MacKay
Ministar pravde Kanade

Poštovani John Baird
Ministar vanjskih poslova Kanade

Poštovani Chris Alexander
Ministar za imigraciju Kanade

Svestranačka parlamentarna grupe za sprječavanje genocida i drugih zločina protiv čovječnosti

Kanadski parlament

Centar za žrtve

Odjela ministarstva pravde Kanade
Centar za zločine protiv čovječnosti i ratne zločine

Odjela ministarstva pravde Kanade


Respektovane ekselencije,



Ovo pismo ima za cilj da vas informiše i upozori u vezi ozbiljanog slučaja osumnjičenog ratnog zločinca koji živi u Kanadi, koji je lagao o svojoj prošlosti i svojoj ulozi za vrijeme  agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu u 1990. Osumnjičeni ratni zločinac se zove ÄŒedomir Kljajić, bivši policijski inspektor iz Sarajeva. Bio je podsekretar za javnu bezbjednost na Vracama i treća osoba u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova takozvane Republike Srpske. Prema presudama meÄ‘unarodnih i domaćih sudova ova zločinačka organizacija je odgovorna za organiziranje i obavljanje etničkog čišÄenja i genocida počinjenih u kampanjama u Bosni i Hercegovini, posebno u 1992, kada je 70% svih ratnih zločina počinjeno protiv civilnog stanovništva u Bosni i Hercegovini. Srpska policija je direktno odgovorna za formiranje srpskih kriznih štabova koji su izvršavali naredbe ratnih zločinaca Radovana Kradžića i Ratka Mladića za masovna ubijanja, silovanja, mućenja u koncentracionim logorima smrti, nasilna protjerivanja, genocid, kulturocid, ekocid, etnocid, urbicid, elitocid. Srpska policija je potpuno kontrolisala mnogobrojne koncentracione logore smrti u Bosni i Hercegovini kao što su Omarska, Trnopolje, Keraterm, Manjaća i drugi.


Prvostepenim presudama Internacionalnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije u Hagu, Mićo Stanišić, ministrar za unutrašnje poslove takozvane Republike Srpske i Stojan Župljanin, načelnik regionalnog centra službi bezbednosti u Banjaluci, član Kriznog štaba takozvane Republike Srpske i savjetnik predsjednika takozvane Republike Srpske za unutrašnje poslove, su osuÄ‘eni na 20 godina za  udruženi zločinački poduhvat sa ciljem uništavanje Bošnjaka Bosanske Krajine.


Kljajić je imao zapaženu ulogu u kreiranju i izvršavanju politike zločina agresije i genocida, odnosno udruženog zločinačkog poduhvata.


Pored istražiteljama Internacionalnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije, Kljaić je slagao i kanadske imigrantske državne subjekte. Kada je osumnjičenom za agresiju i genocid, Radovanu Karadžiću trebao u svojstvu svjedoka, promjenio je svoje iskaze slagajući da je 10 godina bio advokat. Internacionalni i kanadski pravni sistem nebi ni jednog trenutka trebali tolerisati laži onih koji su učestvovali u udruženom zločinačkom poduhvatu koji je na kraju 20 stolječa u eri demokratije i zaštite ljudskih prava i sloboda, u srcu ujedinjene Evrope imao za cilj uništenje čitavog jednog starog, autohtonog, evropskog naroda, Bošnjaka.


I ako još nije zvanično optužen za ratne zločine, Kanada ne smije biti sigurna luka za osobe koji su povezani sa najtežim zločinima protiv čovjeka i civilizacije u Evropi poslije Drugog svijetskog rata, zločinom genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini. Nezamislivo je da više od 60 hiljada kanadaskih graÄ‘ana bosanskohercegovačkog porijekla, uglavnom žrtava agresije i genocida naÄ‘u utočište u državi koja pruža azil i kreatorima i izvršiocima navedenih strašnih zločina. Nezamislivo je da se Kljajić može oprati od zločina, utočištem u Kanadi.


U ime žrtava agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovini i genocida nad njenim graÄ‘anima tražimo da ne prljate ugled velike kanadske nacije okretanjem leÄ‘a i ignoriranjem ovog ratnog zločinca. Tražimo da ne povrijedite žrtve agresije i genocida dopuštanjem da se Kljajić slobodno kreće kanadskom zemljom.

S poštovanjem,



Profesor Emir Ramić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada


Magistar Hamdija Čustović

Predsjednik Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike


Prof. dr Francis A. Boyle

Profesor međunarodnog prava na Univerzitetu Illinois i generalni zastupnik za Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu pred Međunarodnim sudom pravde


Prof. dr Dejvid Pettigrew

Profesor filozofije, Southern Connecticut State University, Član Upravnog odbora, Yale University Program za izučavanje genocida, Član Internacionalnog eksertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada i član Upravnog odbora Bosansko-američkog instituta za genocid i obrazovanje


Prof. dr Marko Attila Hoare Profesor

Fakultet umjetnosti i društvenih nauka, Kingston University, London


Prof. dr Smail Čekić

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu


Prof. dr Mustafa Cerić

Bivši Reisu-l-ulema Islamske zajednice Bosne i Hercegovine, Predsjednik Svjetskog bošnjačkog kongresa


Prof. dr Senadin Lavić Profesor

Predsjednik Bošnjačke kulturne zajednice, Preporod, Sarajevo


Prof. dr Ferid Muhić

Predsjednik Bošnjačke akademije nauka i umjetnosti


Prof. dr. Admir Muratović

Direktor Instituta za istraživanje zločina genocida, Univerzitet Novi Pazar, Srbija


Bakira Hasečić

Predsjednica Udruženja žena žrtava rata


Murat Tahirović

Predsjednik Udruženja žrtava i svjedoka agresije i genocida u BiH


Chris Mathieu

Autor i pisac, Osnivač “Bosna 20 godina” i “Ja volim Bosnu”


Magistar Sanja Seferović-Drnovšek

Direktor Bosansko-američkog instituta za genocid i obrazovanje


July 10, 2013

The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada


The Honourable John Baird

Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Honourable Chris Alexander

Minister of Citizenship and Immigration


All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity

Canadian Parliament


 Policy Centre for Victim Issues

Department of Justice Canada


Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section

Department of Justice Canada




Respected Excellencies,


This letter is intended to inform and alert you regarding a serious case of a suspected war criminal living in Canada, who lied about his past and his role during the war of aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s.  The suspected war criminal's name is Cedomir Kljajic, a former police inspector from Sarajevo, he was also an undersecretary for public security in Vrace and was the third person of authority in the so called Republic Srpska Ministry of Internal Affairs.  According to the judgments of international and national courts this criminal organization was responsible for organizing and carrying out of much of the ethnic cleansing campaigns and genocides committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Especially in 1992 when 70% of all war crimes were committed against civilian population in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Republic Srpska Ministry of Internal Affairs was responsible for creating the Serbian Crisis Staffs which carried out the orders of Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic in murdering, raping, interring in camps and expelling the rest of the non-Serbian populations in territory they controlled. They were directly responsible for organizing most the war crimes committed against the civilian population of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Internal Affairs was directly in control of the notorious camps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Omarska, Keraterm, Trnopolje, Manjaca among numerous others. Mr. Kljajic no doubt played an integral role in establishing these policies and the reign of terror that followed.  Mico Stanisic, Minister of Interior of the so-called Republika Srpska and Stojan Zupljanin head of the regional center of security services in Banja Luka, a  member of the Crisis Staff and a presidential adviser of the so-called Republika Srpska Internal Affairs Department, were sentenced to 20 years by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia for operating a joint criminal enterprise with the aim of eliminating Bosniaks in Bosanska Krajina.


Kljajic had a significant role in the creation and execution of policies relating to crimes of aggression and genocide, in relation to joint criminal enterprise.


In addition to lying to the Investigation at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, Kljaić lied to Canadian immigration and government about his role in the Bosnian conflict.  As a witness at the trial of Radovan Karadzic, he changed his testimony stating that he practiced law for the last 10 years. The International and Canadian legal system must not for one moment tolerate lies of those who participated in a joint criminal enterprise which resulted in mass expulsion and genocide of Bosniaks. This destruction of entire ancient, indigenous, European peoples, Bosniaks took place at the end of the 20th century, in an era of democracy and protection of human rights and freedoms, in the heart of a united Europe.


Even if he has not been convicted or arrested for these crimes (yet) Canada must not be a safe harbor for suspected criminals of his kind who have been linked to some of the gravest crimes committed in the history of mankind. His participation in the aggression on Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, his admission of lying on his application to come to Canada and the very real chance that his victims who were granted asylum in Canada and received the same status as their tormentor, makes it of utmost importance that Canada takes a hard line on him and anyone in the future found to be responsible or at the very least participants in such grave crimes against humanity at best, aggression and genocide at worst.


On behalf of the victims of the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, in the name of truth about these crimes and justice for the victims of these crimes please do not sully the reputation of the great Canadian nation by turning your backs and ignoring this war criminal and his crimes. Please do not victimize the victims one more time by allowing this man to remain free one day longer on Canadian soil.





The signatories:


Professor Emir Ramic,

Chair of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada


Hamdija Custovic, M.Sc.

President of the Congress of North American Bosniaks


Professor Dr Francis A. Boyle

Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law and  the General Agent for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Powers before the International Court of Justice


Professor Dr David Pettigrew

Professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, Steering Committee, Yale University Genocide Studies Program, International Team of Experts Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada, Board Member, Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center, Chicago, IL, USA


Professor Dr Marko Attila Hoare

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University, London


Professor Dr Smail Cekic

Chair of the, Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo


Professor Dr Mustafa Ceric

Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia, President of World Bosniak Congress


Professor Dr Senadin Lavic

President, Bosniak Cultural Association, Sarajevo



Professor Dr Ferid Muhic

President of the Boshniaks Academy of Sciences and Arts


Professor Dr Admir Muratovic

Director of the Research Institute of crimes and genocide, University of Novi Pazar, Sandzak, Serbia


Bakira Hasecic

President of the Association Women Victims of War


Murat Tahirovic

President of the Associations of Victims and Witnesses of Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Chris Mathieu

Author and writer of Bosnia twenty years later, I love Bosnia


Sanja Seferovic-Drnovsek J.D, Med

Chair of the Bosnian American Genocide Institute and Education Center
