
Saopćenje o Historijskoj Presudi Vrhovnog Suda Holandije

Saopćenje o Historijskoj Presudi Vrhovnog Suda Holandije


Jučerašnja historijska odluka od strane  vrhovnog suda Holandije je veliki korak ka pravdi za žrtve genocida u Srebrenici i njihovim porodicama.


Slučaj je iznio Hasan Nuhanović, prevodilac koji je izgubio brata i oca, zajedno s rodbinom Rize Mustafića, električara koji je ubijen.


Ovi ljudi su bili meÄ‘u hiljadama koji su tražili utočište u bazi Ujedinjenih Nacija u Potočarima, ali su ih holandski predali Srbima koji su već izvrsili masovna ubojstva bošnjačkih civila što će postati poznato i meÄ‘unarodno priznato kao genocid u Srebrenici.


U srebrenickom genocidu, bosanski Srbi i srpska vojska pogubili su više od 8372 civila, izdvajanjem muškaraca i dječaka, nakon sto su hiljade njih odbijeni  od holandskih trupa UNPROFOR-a.

Sudac je presudio da su holandski vojnici odgovorni sto nisu dovoljno ucinili da  zastite civile i zato moraju platiti odštetu porodicama žrtava.


Ova odluka je vrlo značajna jer prepoznaje odgovornost i krivnju  holandskih vojnika u nedostatku zaštite bosnjackih civila, a osim toga, da su isti civile predali Srbima znajuci vrlo dobro da će najvjerovatnije biti ubijeni.

Slučaj predstavlja pravedni presedan pri čemu sve porodice žrtava genocida mogu tražiti odštetu za smrt njihovih najmilijih, što će im pružiti barem komadić pravde, i može im pomoći da ponovno grade svoje živote i domove u istočnoj Bosni.


TakoÄ‘er, ova odluka je od velike važnosti  jer šalje poruku svim zemljama koje sudjeluju u mirovnim misijama UN-a da su odgovorni i mogu se smatrati odgovornim za neuspjeh u zastiti civila.

Holandska vlada je ranije podnijela ostavku 2002. godine nakon što je Nacionalni institut za ratnu dokumentaciju okrivio holandsku vladu za debakl  u Srebrenici  i UN za slanje nenaoružanih i nepripremljenih snaga u misiju i odbijajući odgovoriti zapovjednicima na poziv za vazdušnu pomoć.


Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike i Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada pozivaju na sve žrtve genocida da traže pravne postupke protiv, ne samo holandske vlade, nego i protiv Ujedinjenih nacija koji svjesno nisu htjeli zaštititi civile u UN-ovim zaštićenim zonama:  Srebrenici i Žepi.


Vlada Bosne i Hercegovine mora iskoristiti ovu presudu u traženju daljnje pravde i odgovornosti u međunarodnim sudovima.


Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike (KBSA)

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada (IGK)


September 6, 2013


Press Release Regarding the Dutch Supreme Court Ruling on Srebrenica


Today’s historic ruling by the Netherlands’ Supreme Court is a major step towards justice for Srebrenica genocide victims and their families.  The case was brought forward by Hasan Nuhanovic, an interpreter who lost his brother and father, and relatives of Rizo Mustafic, an electrician who was killed.  These men were among thousands who sought refuge in the UN compound at Potocari, but were instead turned over by Dutch troops to the Serbs who were already executing mass murders of Bosniak civilians in what would become known and internationally recognized as the Srebrenica genocide. During the genocide, the Bosnian Serbs and the Serbian army executed more than 8,372 civilians, separating out men and boys as thousands were refused safety by the United Nations troops. The judge ruled that the Dutch troops are liable for failing to protect these civilians and must pay compensation to the victims’ families.


 This ruling is significant because it recognizes the responsibility and the blame that the Dutch troops had in failing to protect Bosniak civilians, and moreover, it proves that they turned them over to the Serbs in full knowledge that they would most likely be executed. The case sets a righteous precedent whereby all victims’ families can seek compensation for the deaths of their loved ones, which will provide them with a small piece of justice and may help them rebuild their lives and homes in eastern Bosnia.  It is also important because the ruling sends a message to all countries participating in UN peacekeeping mission that they are accountable and can be held liable for failure to protect civilians. Previously, the Dutch government resigned in 2002 after the National War Documentation Institute blamed the debacle on Dutch authorities and the UN for sending underarmed and underprepared forces into the mission and refusing to answer the commanders' call for air support.


 The Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Institute for Genocide Research Canada encourages all genocide victims to seek legal action against, not only the Dutch government, but also the United Nations for knowingly failing to protect the civilians of the UN protected zones in Srebrenica and Zepa.  The government of Bosnia and Herzegovina must also leverage this ruling to seek further justice and liability damages in the international courts. 


On behalf of Bosniaks in the U.S. and Canada, and victims of the Bosnian genocide.


Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB)

 Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC)
