
Genocidna destrukcija

Genocidna destrukcija i apsolutno nerazumijevanje svijeta za vrijednosti bosanskog identiteta Bošnjaci će postati narod bez domovine, ako se ne uozbilje i ako ne shvate da agresija na njih i njihovu zemlju nije okončana 1995. godine, već se vodi nesmanjenom žestinom, samo što danas nisu žrtve naši životi, već su žrtve naše duše. Bosna i Bošnjaci su kroz povijest češÄ‡e živjeli izvan svojih suverenitetskih i nacionalnih atributa, nego što su bili svoji.
The Bosnian mind today is controlled by others: those who have occupied the Bosnian identity. Bosniaks will become a people without a home, if they don’t become serious and understand that the aggression committed on them and their country didn’t end in 1995, but rather it’s been continuing unabated. The only difference today is that our lives aren’t the victims; our souls are. Bosnia and Bosniaks throughout history have lived outside of their sovereign and national attributes more often than in their own..
