
Zajedničko saopćenje Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike {KBSA} i Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} povodom izbornih rezultata u Kanadi


20. 10. 2015.

Zajedničko saopćenje Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike  {KBSA} i Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} povodom izbornih rezultata u Kanadi

 U ime više od 20.000 kanadskih Bošnjaka i njihovih organizacija i zajednica KBSA i IGK čestitaju Liberalnoj partiji Kanade Justina Trudeau, sina bivšeg kanadskog premijera Pierra Trudea, na historijskoj pobjedi na izborima. Time je okončana desetogodišnja vladavina premijera Stephena Harpera. Kanadski graÄ‘ani su se u velikoj mjeri opredjelili za Istinske promjene", što znači  pobjeda politike za pravednijim društvom, pravednijim i humanijim  odnosom prema izbjeglicama i imigrantima, boljom zaštitom životne sredine i napuštanjem politike straha i ksenofobije.  Kao graÄ‘ani Kanade, očekujemo da će liberali ispuniti obećanja bolje budućnosti, nade, i pozitivne vizije koja ujedinjuje sve KanaÄ‘ane.  TakoÄ‘er se nadamo da će ovi ubjedljivi rezultati služiti kao povod za iskrenu promjenu politike i odnosa unutar Konzervativne stranke u Kanadi. Kanadski graÄ‘ani su jasno poručili da u Kanadi nema mjesta za politiku straha prema drugom i drugačijim, i da žele vladu koja će se  ponositi Kulturnim mozaikom Kanade.   

Posebno čestitamo na izborima u Kanadski parlament velikim prijateljima Bosne i Hercegovine, velikim prijateljima istine i pravde i velikim borcima za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda: Bob Bratina, Borys Wrzesnewskyj i Rob Oliphant, te Brian Masse iz Nove demokratske partije, sponzoru obje rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovine, jednoglasno usvojene u Kanadskom parlamentu, te sponzoru obilježavanja Svijetskog dana bijelih traka u Kanadi. Sa njima i drugim izabranim članovima u Kanadskom parlamentu lobiranje za interese Bosne i Hercegovine će biti lakše i mnogo više uspješnije. Izražavamo posebno zadovoljstvo ponovnim izborom Roba Oliphant, velikog borca za istinu o agresiji i genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini i pravdi za žrtve tih zločina, sponzora Zakona C -  533, {Bill C-533 – Historical Srebrenica Remembrance Day Act -}, koji je već prošao prvo čitanje u Kanadskom parlamentu. Ponovnim izborom Rob Oliphant otvaraju se širom vrata za definitivno usvajanje ovog zakona koji će Kanadu svrstati u jedinu zemlju koja zakonom reguliše pravo preživjelih žrtava genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini koji žive u Kanadi  da adekvatno obilježavaju, informišu i obrazuju javno mnijenje o genocidu u Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini.

Kongres Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike

Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada


October 20, 2015.


Joint statement by the Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB} and the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada {IGC} on the occasion of the victory of the Liberal Party in federal elections in Canada


On behalf of more than 20,000 Canadian Bosnia’s, their organizations, and communities, CNAB and IGC congratulate Liberal Party of Canada Justin Trudeau, son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, in the historic victory in elections.


This completed a ten-year rule of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canadian citizens have largely opted for the slogan of the Liberal Party "Real Change", which means victory of the policy for  a more just and humane attitude towards refugees and immigrants, better protection of the environment and the abandonment of the politics of fear and xenophobia.


As citizens of Canada, we expect the Liberals to fulfill the promise of a better future, hope and positive vision that unites all Canadians. We also hope that these compelling results serve as a pretext for a genuine change of policy and the relationships within the Conservative Party of Canada. Canadian citizens have clearly stated that in Canada there is no room for politics of fear towards the other, and they want the government to be proud of Canada's cultural mosaic.



We congratulate the Canadian Parliament elections in large -- Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina, great friends of truth and justice, the Liberals Bob Bratina, Borys Wrzesnewskyj and Rob Oliphant, and Brian Masse from the New Democratic Party, the sponsor of both genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the sponsor of marking the days of world white bands in Canada.

With the aforementioned and other elected members of the Canadian Parliament lobbying for the interests of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mission will be easier and more successful. We express particular satisfaction of the re-election of Liberal Rob Oliphant. He is a great fighter for the truth about the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of these crimes.  Rob Oliphant is a sponsor of C - 533, {Bill C-533 - Historical Srebrenica Remembrance Day Act - https: //}, which has already passed the first reading in the Canadian Parliament. Re-election of Mr. Oliphant opened the gates for the definitive adoption of this law in Canada, which is the only country that the law regulates the rights of genocide victims by adequately characterizing, informing and educating public opinion about the genocide in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Congress of North American Bosniaks

Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada

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