Naučna istraživanja

O presudi Karadzicu

Povodom izricanja Presude MeÄ‘unarodnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju {MKSJ} Radovanu Karadžiću, u saradnji sa prof. dr.Smailom ÄŒekićem, naučnim istraživačem i jednim od žrtava genocida,Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada je izvršio prvu analizu Presude


Presuda MKSJ u predmetu Karadžić je:


- prvo, u suprotnosti sa svim relevantnim, valjanim, pouzdanim, adekvatnim i dovoljnim podacima i dokazima, koji potvrÄ‘uju, verifikuju i dokazuju genocidni plan, genocidnu namjeru i izvršenje genocida nad Bošnjacima u svim okupiranim mjestima Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, gradovima u opsadi, sigurnim zonama UN-a i slobodnim područjima Republike. Navedeno saznanje je objektivno, istinito, naučno saznanje, do koga se došlo svim dosadašnjim relevantnim naučnim istraživanjima;

- drugo, iskazi kojima je data kvalifikacija djelâ su nekonzistentni i nekoherentni unutar sebe, čak imaju odredbe protivurječnosti, ali su istovremeno i nekorespodentni sa faktičkim dogaÄ‘anjima i dogaÄ‘ajima u društvenoj stvarnosti. Eklatantan primjer navedenog stava je ocjena Pretresnog vijeća da su na području sedam bosansko-hercegovačkih općina dokazana ubijanja i drugi masovni zločini protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, tj. actus reus, a nije izveden zaključak o postojanju genocidne namjere, što bi u prevodu značilo da je genocid izvršen bez postojanja genocidne namjere;

- treće, ocjene Pretresnog vijeća duboko vrijeÄ‘aju ljudski um i ismijavaju i ponižavaju žrtve genocida, kao što je, naprimjer, ocjena o kampanji granatiranja Sarajeva, koja je navodno imala za cilj terorisanje stanovništva Sarajeva u opsadi, u kome je, po rezultatima istraživanja ICTY-a, ubijeno, poginulo  i umrlo 18.889 osoba;

- četvrto, Pretresno vijeće i ovom presudom de facto i de iure negira zločin genocida u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini, čime, imajući u vidu naučnu činjenicu da negiranje genocida predstavlja zadnju fazu procesa genocida, neposredno učestvuje u zločinu genocida nad Bošnjacima, pripadnicima nacionalne, etničke i vjerske grupe kao takve;

- peto, Pretresno vijeće ovom presudom nagraÄ‘uje planere, organizatore i izvršioce zločina genocida i time legalizira i legitimizira upotrebu sile nad nezaštićenim i nenaoružanim civilima i civilnim stanovništvom;

- šesto, Pretresno vijeće je svojim neutemeljenim ocjenama, katastrofalnim i morbidnim kvalifikacijama u potpunosti učinilo besmislenu Konvenciju o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida u društvenoj i sudskoj praksi i ovim nedvosmisleno i eksplicitno podstiče i motiviše vršenje genocida i upućuje na neodgovornost i nekažnjavanje izvršilaca zločina genocida;

- sedmo, ova presuda je potpuno komplementarna Dejtonskom mirovnom sporazumu – teritorijalno-političkoj podjeli Republike Bosne i Hercegovine i legalizaciji zločina genocida;

- osmo, ovo je početak kraja savremene civilizacije i savremene kulture, jer nije spriječila niti kaznila zločin genocida izvršen nad evropskim muslimanima na kraju XX stoljeća, a što je njena obaveza u skladu sa Konvencijom o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida i Poveljom Ujedinjenih nacija;

- deveto, Presuda Pretresnog vijeća je operacionalizacija poznatih političkih odluka Zapada prema agresiji na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocidu nad Bošnjacima i de facto je presuda žrtvama genocida!


On the occasion of the imposition of the Verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia {ICTY} Radovan Karadzic, in collaboration with prof. dr.Smailom Cekic, scientific researcher, and one of the victims of genocide, the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada conducted the first analysis of the Verdict.


ICTY Verdict in the case against Karadžić is:


- first, in contravention with all relevant, valid, reliable, adequate, and sufficient data and evidence, which confirm, verify, and prove the genocidal plan, genocidal intent, and genocide against Bosniacs in all the occupied places in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, towns under siege, UN Safe Areas and free territories of the Republic. This knowledge is objective, truthful, scientific finding, obtained through all until present day relevant scientific research;

- second, statements that qualify underlying acts are inconsistent and incoherent with themselves, they suggest some contradictions, and yet they do not correspond to the facts and events in social reality. The obvious example of this view is the assessment of the Trial Chamber that the murders and other mass crimes against humanity and international law were proven for the territories of seven Bosnia and Herzegovina municipalities, i.e. actus reus, and yet they did not arrive at the conclusion suggesting genocidal intent, which if interpreted means that the genocide was committed free of genocidal intent;

- third, assessment of the Trial Chamber deeply insults the common sense and ridicules and humiliates genocide victims, as in illustration of assessment on shelling campaign in Sarajevo, which allegedly had a purpose to terrorize population of Sarajevo under siege, where, according to the ICTY analysis, 18,889 individuals were murdered, killed or died;

- fourth, Trial Chamber, de facto and de iure, with this Verdict denies the crime of genocide committed in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by which, considering the scientific fact that the genocide denial represents the last phase of genocide, they directly take part in the genocide against Bosniacs, members of a national, ethnic, and religious groups as such;

- fifth, Trial Chamber, with this Verdict, rewards the planners, organizers, and perpetrators of crime of genocide, thereby legalize and legitimize the use of force against unprotected and unarmed civilians and civilian population;

- sixth, Trial Chamber, with their uncorroborated assessment, catastrophic and morbid qualifications completely made meaningless the Convention on prevention and punishment of crime of genocide in social and judicial practice, and thus clearly and explicitly inspired and motivated the perpetration of genocide, and refers to no responsibility and no punishment for the perpetrators of genocide;

- seventh, this Verdict supplements the Dayton Peace Agreement – territorial and political division of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the legalization of crime of genocide;

- eight, this is the beginning of an end of the contemporary civilization and modern culture, as it did not prevent or punish the crime of genocide committed against the European Muslims at the end of the 20th century, which is its obligation in accordance with the Convention on prevention and punishment of crime of genocide and UN Charter;

- ninth, Trial Chamber Verdict is the operationalization of the known political decisions made by the West towards the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against Bosniacs and it is de facto the Verdict to the genocide victims!
