Srebrenica genocide u Kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava
April, mjesec borbe i osude genocida u Kanadi
Srebrenica genocide u Kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava
Hvala Kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava
Galerija “Prekinuti tišinu” istražuje ulogu tajnosti i poricanja u mnogim zloÄinima širom svijeta. To ukljuÄuje i fokusirano ispitivanje Ukrajinskog genocida, Armenskog genocida, Holokausta, Ruandskog genocida i SrebreniÄkog genocida. Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada je zahvalan rukovodstvu CMHR koji su usvojili prijedlog o postavljanju stalne muzejske izložbe o genocidu u Srebrenici.
April is Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month in Canada
Srebrenica Genocide in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Thanks to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
The gallery “Breaking the Silence” explores the role of secrecy and denial in many atrocities around the world. It includes a focused examination of the Ukrainian Holodomor, the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide and the Srebrenica Genocide in Bosnia. The Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada is grateful for the leadership of CMHR who have adopted a proposal to set up the permanent museum exhibition about the genocide in Srebrenica.