Dokazan je uloga jedinica Službe bezbjednosti Srbije
IGK: Dokazan je uloga jedinica Službe bezbjednosti Srbije, kao i ranijim odlukama, pocevši s procesom Tadić 1998 godine, kao i postojanje udruženog zloÄinaÄkog poduhvata Srbije, tzv. srpskih autonomnih oblasti, a zatim i tzv. republike Srpske. Uzimajući zatim u obzir ispravnu presudu kojom je dokazano veoma sliÄno udruženje zloÄinackog poduhvata Hrvatske i tzv. republike Herceg Bosne, u kojoj se nasilno stvaranje ovog entiteta osudilo kao zloÄinacki Äin ilegalnog ocijepljenja od BiH, postavlja se pitanje zašto se ista logika do sada nikad nije primjenila u odnosu na zloÄinaÄko stvaranje tzv. Republike Srpske i zašto Srbija nikad nije zvaniÄno osuÄ‘ena za agresiju na BiH? Što se tiÄe sudbine manjeg entiteta, treba se primjeniti presuda MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde u postupku Bosne i Hercegovine protiv Srbije za genocid, koja jasno precizira odgovornost vojnog i policijskog vrha manjeg entiteta za genocid. Prvostepena presuda ne može izmijeniti historiju niti karakter rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sudska dokumentacija će ostati i pokazati da optuženi jesu bili i veza u komunikaciji izmeÄ‘u uÄesnika u zloÄinaÄkom poduhvatu. Zato tražimo da se u drugostepenom žalbenom postupku ne smije zaboraviti kako su osloboÄ‘eni oni koji su zapovijedali zloglasnim "Škorpionima" koji su pred kamerama ubijali SrebreniÄane 1995. godine.
IGC: The judgment did, however, confirm the role of the unit of the Service to security of Serbia, which along with many previous decisions, starting with the process of Tadic in 1998, proved the existence of a joint criminal enterprise between Serbia and the Serbian autonomous regions, and the so called Republika Srpska. Similarly, taking into account the correct verdict for a joint criminal enterprise against Croatia and the so-called Croat Republic of Herceg Bosna, in which the development of this entity as a convicted criminal act of illegal secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the question is why the same logic is not applied in relation to the creation of the so-called entity Republika Srpska and why Serbia was never formally found guilty of aggression? As for the fate of the Republika Srpska entity, we should apply the judgment of the International Court of Justice in the process of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbia for genocide, which clearly specifies the responsibility of the military and police leadership of small entities for the genocide. This latest judgment cannot change the history or character of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The court records will remain and show that they were accused and connected in the communication between the participants in the criminal enterprise. Therefore, we ask that in the secondary appeal process , the Court must not forget that the accused also commanded the notorious "Scorpions" who brutally executed Srebrenica civilians while capturing the entire crime on video.