Prvi pad Srebrenice bio je genocid i predstavljao je totalno pomraÄenje ljudskih vrijednosti; drugi pad Srebrenice dešava se u kontinuitetu od tada do danas i predstavlja totalno pomraÄenje ljudske savjesti.
Drugi pad Srebrenice je samo posljedica jednog trajnijeg i neodgovornog procesa i odnosa prema svetom mjestu bošnjaÄkog stradanja. Drugi pad Srebrenice, ovoga puta na lokalnim izborima, je znak da Bošnjaci, BiH, Evropa i Svijet tragiÄno gube orjentaciju u moralnim vrijednostima. Svojim odnosom prema Srebrenici Svijet,
Evropa, BiH i Bošnjaci pokazuju kako ne drže do etiÄkih vrijednosti, već se kreÄu putem nehumanosti. Srebrenica je svjetsko pitanje, a ne pitanje BiH, Bošnjaka, naÄelnika. Nepravedni i dehumanizirani dejtonski status Srebrenice daje za pravo da u uslovima kada su se institucije manjeg entiteta koji je izvršio genocid udružile u naporima da prvi Äovjek masakrirane Srebrenice bude pripadnik idejnih tvoraca i izvršilaca genocida, još jednom opomenemo Svijet, Evropu, BiH i Bošnjake na slijedeće Äinjenice :
1. U Srebrenici je izvršen genocid što je potvrÄ‘eno i presudama najveÄih sudskih instanci u svijetu;
2. Srebrenica u kojoj je izvršen genocid dodijeljena je u politiÄku upravu onih institucija koje su izvršile taj genocid. Ovo je dovoljan razlog da ni jedan pripadnik institucija koje su izvršile genocid ne može biti naÄelnik masakrirane Srebrenice;
3. Dok se u postgenocidnim godinama pokopavaju kosturi žrtava, red nadziru iste one snage manjeg bh. entiteta koje su, kao institucija izvršile genocid;
4. Komemoracijama u Srebrenici prisustvuju lideri meÄ‘unarodne zajednice koji u kontekstu da je Srebrenica dodijeljena na upravu institucijama koje su izvršile genocid i koje upravo nadziru komemoraciju djeluju krajnje licemjerno;
5. Majke Srebrenice su dovedene u situaciju da SrebreniÄki Cvijet stave na rever ÄetniÄkom ideologu VuÄiću. Time su izdale svetost srebreniÄke žrtve, relativizirale strahote genocida i ponos u najdubljoj patnji pobrkale sa servilnošÄ‡u;
6. Manji bh. entitet koji baštini rezultate genocida, danas se homogenizira u cilju vladanja općinom u kojoj je poÄinio genocid i koja im je data na upravu;
7. BosanskohercegovaÄki, bošnjaÄki, evropski i svjetski establišment to mirno posmatra. Dok se genocid ponavlja u promijenjenoj formi sistematskog i sveopćeg ponižavanja, upozoravamo moralni dio svijeta da je anticivilizacijski da uopće postoji namjera i mogućnost da Srebrenicom rukovodi predstavnik manjeg bh. entiteta
koji je nastao na genocidu upravo u Srebrenici. To indicira moralnu poremećenost Svijeta, a ne samo BiH. Dejtonska BiH je upravo produkt te poremećenosti svijeta. Srebrenica je dokaz da Svijet bez savjesti i
dalje srlja u nehumanost. Svijet ne smije ostati bez savjesti, Bošnjaci ne smiju ostati bez svog dostojanstva ni odustati od svojih prava!
IstraživaÄi i aktivisti ljudskih prava i sloboda, Älanovi Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada najoštrije osuÄ‘uju poricanje genocida i veliÄanje zloÄina od strane novoizabranog gradonaÄelnika Srebrenice Mladena GrujiÄića. GrujiÄićeva podrška osuÄ‘enom ratnom zloÄincu Radovanu Karadžiću je duboko uznemirila preživjele žrtve genocida, svjedoke genocida i potomke žrtava genocida, ali i istraživale i aktiviste ljudskih prava i sloboda. Istovremeno GrujiÄićeve anticivilizacijske izjave negiraju presude MeÄ‘unarodnog suda pravde i MeÄ‘unarodnog kriviÄnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju koji su presudili da se u Srebrenici dogodio genocid. Nakon 21. godinu od najgoreg zloÄina u Evropi, od holokausta, istina i pravda su prijeke potrebe za Srebrenicu u ime ozdravljenja i pomirenja. Umjesto da istrina i pravda pobjede, rane se ponovo otvoraju. Zato vas pozivamo da upotrebite snagu vašeg politiÄkog autoriteta i moralnog kredibiliteta te osudite gradonaÄelnikovo poricanje genocida i podizanje tenzija na mjestu sa tako tragiÄnim posljedicama. Aktivirajte i upotrebite snagu vašeg politiÄkog i moralnog autoriteta da konaÄno istina i pravda pobjede u Srebrenici. Onaj ko negira presude najveÄih internacionalnih sudskih autoriteta, onaj ko veliÄa osuÄ‘ene ratne zloÄince, onaj ko ponižava žrtve genocida ne može biti politiÄki autoritet u mjesto najveÄeg zloÄina poslije Drugog svijetskor rata u Evropi u Srebrenici.
The first fall of Srebrenica was genocide and was a total eclipse of human values;
the second fall of Srebrenica has been occurring continuously since then and is a total eclipse of human conscience.
The second fall of Srebrenica was a result of just one permanent and irresponsible process and relationship to the sacred place of the Bosniak suffering. The second fall of Srebrenica, this time occurring during the local elections, is a sign that Bosniaks, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe, and the entire world have lost their orientation in moral values. Attitudes towards, Srebrenica, Europe, Bosnia and Bosniaks are shown not to be held towards ethical values rather a move towards inhumanity. Srebrenica is a global issue and not just an issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosniak people. The unjust and dehumanizing Dayton status of Srebrenica allows this to occur under the right that these conditions occur institutionally when the smaller entity that made genocide have joined in the effort that the first man massacred in Srebrenica is a member along with the creators and perpetrators of genocide, this is yet another warning to the world, Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniaks, along with the following facts:
1. A genocide was committed in Srebrenica as was confirmed by the judgments of the biggest judicial instances in the world;
2. Srebrenica in which the genocide was enacted through political management of those institutions that carried out the genocide. This is enough reason to believe that not a single member of the institution that carried out the genocide can not be chief of those massacred in Srebrenica;
3. While in the post genocide years burying the skeletons of the victims, supervise the very forces that smaller BiH entities that, as an institution committed genocide;
4. The Srebrenica commemoration attended by leaders of the international community in the context that Srebrenica was assigned to the administration of the institutions that have committed genocide and precisely monitor the commemoration act in a hypocritical manner;
5. The Mothers of Srebrenica were brought into a situation that the Srebrenica Flower were to be put on the lapel of Chetnik ideologist Vucic. With that they betrayed the sanctity of the Srebrenica victims, the relative horrors of genocide and the pride in the deepest suffering confused with servility;
6. The smaller BiH entity which inherited the results of genocide, today is homogenized to reign the municipality in which the genocide began and in which they are given to executives;
7. Bosnian Herzegovians, Bosniaks, European, and world establishments peacefully observe this. While genocide is repeated in altered form of systematic and widespread humiliation, we advise the moral part of the world that it is inhumane to do; there is an intention and ability to Srebrenica to be managed by a representative of the smaller BiH entity which was created on genocide in Srebrenica. This indicates the moral disorder of the world, not only BiH. Dayton BiH is indeed a product of world disorder. Srebrenica is proof that a world without conscience is still riding in inhumanity. The world must not remain without a conscience, Bosnians should not lose their dignity and not give up their rights!
Researchers and activists of human rights and freedoms, members of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada strongly condemns the genocide denial and glorification of crime by the newly elected mayor of Srebrenica Mladen GrujiÄića. GrujiÄić support for convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic has deeply upset survivors of genocide, genocide witnesses and descendants of victims of genocide, but also examined and activists of human rights and freedoms. At the same time GrujiÄić anti-civilizational statements denying the judgment of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which ruled that the Srebrenica genocide. After 21 years of the worst atrocity in Europe since the Holocaust, truth and justice are absolutely necessary for Srebrenica in the name of healing and reconciliation. Instead truth and justice victories, wounds reopen. We therefore urge you to use the power of your political authority and moral credibility, and condemn the mayor's denial of genocide and raising tensions in a place with such tragic consequences. Activate and use the power of your political and moral authority in order for truth and justice to prevail in Srebrenica. He who denies the judgment of the biggest international judicial authority, the one who glorifies convicted war criminals, one who humiliates the victims of genocide can not be a political authority in place where the biggest crimes have occurred since the Second World war in Europe, in Srebrenica.