Naučna istraživanja

Pismo u vezi Cvijeta Srebrenice

December 02, 2016.

The Hon. Brian Masse

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-992-5397

Dear Hon. Brian Masse,

In gratitude to Canada for all she has done for the truth about the greatest crime after the Holocaust in Europe, the genocide in Srebrenica and for justice for the victims of this terrible crime.The International expert team of the Institute Research of Genocide Canada with more than 100 of the world’s prominent genocide and human rights activists and freedoms, urges you to help in the realization of our desires to establish and distribute, the Flower of Srebrenica, the symbol of the genocide in Srebrenica, to all the members of Canadian Parliament.

We would like to remind you that Canada is one of the few countries in the world with two resolutions that has politically recognized and judicially established the fact that genocide occurred in Srebrenica. The procedure of the Canadian Parliament has taken place within private bill on establishing July 11th as a Day of Remembrance for Victims of genocide in Srebrenica. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights and Freedoms in Winnipeg has established a  permanent exhibition on the genocide in Srebrenica. The Canadian city of Windsor has unveiled the first monument to the victims of genocide in Srebrenica in the Bosnian and Herzegovina diaspora. In some Canadian schools they have began to study the genocide in Srebrenica. Mayors of Hamilton and Windsor declared July 11th a day of Remembrance for the Victims of genocide in Srebrenica.

These indicators clearly demonstrate that Canada is the world's leader in the search for the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica and justice for the victims of this crime. In this name we urge you to make efforts in the realization of our gratitude to Canada. We have already acquired the amount of  Flowers of Srebrenica in the number of members of the Canadian Parliament. Our campaign is supported by many Canadians and their organisations.

With respect,

Ramic Emir, PhD
Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada
Haris Silajdzic, PhD
Former President of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ramiz Salkic,
Vice President of the Bosnian Entity Republika Srpska
Muhamed Sacirbegovic
Foreign Minister of Bosnia, Ambassador to UN of Bosnia, Agent before ICJ (International Court of Justice), Genocide Case
David Pettigrew, Ph.D
Professor of Philosophy, Southern Connecticut State University, Steering Committee, Yale University Genocide Studies Program,
Marko Attila Hoare, PhD
Associate British Professor specialising in the history of South East Europe, in particular of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Husein Kavazovic
Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mustafa Ceric, PhD
Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Semso Osmanovic, PhD
Senadin Lavic
Professor, University of Sarajevo, President of the Bosniak Cultural Community, Sarajevo
Smail Cekic, PhD
Professor of History, University of Sarajevo

Poštovana  Chrystia Freeland

U znak zahvalnosti Kanadi za sve što je učinila za istinu o največem
zločinu poslije holokausta u Evropi, genocidu u Srebrenici i za pravdu
za žrtve tog strašnog zločina, Internacionalni ekspertni tim Instituta
za istraživanje genocida, Kanada koji broji više od 100 istaknutih
svijetskih istraživača genocida i aktivista za ljudska prava i
slobode, vas moli da pomognete u realizaciji naše želje za uručivanjem
Cvijeta Srebrenice, simbola genocida u Srebrenici, svim članovima
Kanadskog parlamenta.

Želimo vas podsjetiti da je Kanada jedna od rijetkih država u svijetu
koja je sa dvije rezolucije politički priznala sudski utvrđene
činjenice o genocidu u Srebrenici. U proceduri Kanadskog parlamenta je
i privatni zakon o utvrđivanju 11 jula kao Dana sjećanja na žrtve
genocida u Srebrenici. U kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava i slobode u
Vinipeku se nalazi stalna postavka o genocidu u Srebrenici. U
kanadskom gradu Windsoru je otkriven prvi spomenik žrtvama genocida u
Srebrenici u bosanskohercegovačkoj dijaspori. U nekim kanadskim
školama se izučava genocid u Srebrenici. Gradonačelnici Hamiltona i
Windsora su proglasili 11 juli Danom sjećanja na žrtve genocida u

Ovi pokazatelji jasno govore da je Kanada svijetski lider u traganju
za potpunom istinom o genocidu u Srebrenici i pravdi za žrtve tog
zločina. U to ime molimo vas da učinite napor u realizaciji naše
zahvalnosti Kanadi. Mi smo već nabavili Cvijet Srebrenice u broju
članova Kanadskog parlamenta.

Ovu našu akciju podržavaju vaši prijatelji  David Sutcliffe i Mustafa Ceric.

S poštovanjem
