Naučna istraživanja

Dejtonski sporazum

On November 21, it has been 22 years since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement
Dayton Peace Agreement was imposed on the genocide victim and as such it is the punishment for the genocide victim, and at the same time it legalized Serbian territorial expansion and the crime of genocide, and in that way rewarded the executioners of crime of genocide, and furthermore it named the outcome the entity Republika Srpska. Results of the scientific researches suggest the significant influence of the Dayton Peace Agreement on the activities, functions, and effects of the operation of the international and national courts, which prosecute crimes against humanity and international law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries of the former Yugoslavia. Dayton Peace Agreement legalized Serbian territorial expansion and the crime of genocide, and the courts – international and national – establish and verify in their judgments the legality and legitimate status of the international-political agreement – Dayton Peace Agreement on the territorial division of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in two entities, and the legalization of the pseudo-state creation Republika Srpska, and legalization of the crime of genocide. The best illustration for the previous arguments is the fact that all these courts only confirm partial results of the relevant scientific researches on the crime of genocide against Bosniacs in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, reducing them only to one micro-location – the territory of the UN Safe Area Srebrenica in July 1995. Based on the abovementioned, we arrive at two relevant findings: first, an important difference between scientific and legal truth, and the second, demonstration of power and influence of politics (and political factors – political factors, both international and national) on the law (justice and truth), both international and national, whereby the practice confirm that the right and law are the instruments of politics. These statements are important assumptions for the conclusions surrounding inconsistency and incoherency between scientific, political and legal (normative) truth and non-correspondence between the political and normative truth and the facts of the societal reality, society, and social phenomena – subjects of researches. 2307 Certain judgments of the international and national courts produced versatile and numerous forgeries, formally shaped in quasi-truths, and presented them to the international and national public, whose aim was to deny genocide against Bosniacs in all the occupied places, towns under siege and UN Safe Areas, but not only in one micro-location, which is completely in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement – and international political agreement, which legalized Serbian territorial expansion and which legalized the crime of genocide against Bosniacs.
21. novembra, se navršava 22 godina od potpisivanja Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma
Dejtonski mirovni sporazum je nametnut žrtvi zločina genocida i kao takav on predstavlja kaznu za žrtve zločina genocida, a istovremeno je legalizovao srpska teritorijalna osvajanja i zločin genocida i time nagradio nosioce i izvršioce zločina genocida i imenovao ga entitetom Republika Srpska. Rezultati naučnih istraživanja indiciraju značajan utjecaj Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma na aktivnosti, funkcije i efekte rada meÄ‘unarodnih i nacionalnih sudova koji se bave krivičnim procesuiranjem zločina protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava u Bosni i Hercegovini. Dejtonski mirovni sporazum je legalizovao srpska teritorijalna osvajanja i zločin genocida, a sudovi – meÄ‘unarodni i nacionalni - svojim presudama dokazuju i potvrÄ‘uju legalitet i legitimitet odredbi meÄ‘unarodno-političkog sporazuma - Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma o teritorijalno-političkoj podjeli Republike Bosne i Hercegovine na dva entiteta i legalizaciji paradržavne tvorevine Republike Srpske i legalizaciji zločina genocida. Najbolja ilustracija tvrdnji u prethodno navedenim iskazima je činjenica da navedeni sudovi potvrÄ‘uju samo djelimično rezultate relevantnih naučnih istraživanja o izvršenom zločinu genocida nad Bošnjacima u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini, svodeći ga samo na jedan mikrolokalitet – na područje sigurne zone Ujedinjenih nacija Srebrenica, jula 1995. Na osnovu navedenog nameću se dvije značajne konstatacije: prva, o bitnoj razlici izmeÄ‘u naučne i sudske (pravosudne) istine i druga, demonstracija moći i utjecaja politike (i subjekata politike – političkih subjekata meÄ‘unarodnih i nacionalnih) nad pravom (pravdom i istinom), meÄ‘unarodnim i domaćim, pri čemu se u praksi potvrÄ‘uje da je pravo instrument politike. Navedene konstatacije su značajne premise u izvoÄ‘enju zaključaka o nekonzistentnosti i nekoherentnosti naučne, političke i pravne istine i nekorespondentnosti političke i normativne istine sa činjenicama društvene stvarnosti, društva i društvenih pojava – predmeta istraživanja. OdreÄ‘enim presudama meÄ‘unarodnih i nacionalnih sudova izvršeni su raznovrsni i brojni falsifikati formalno oblikovani u kvaziistinama, predstavljeni meÄ‘unarodnoj i domaćoj javnosti, s ciljem negiranja zločina genocida nad Bošnjacima u svim okupiranim mjestima, gradovima u opsadi i sigurnim zonama Ujedinjenih nacija, a ne samo na jednom mikrolokalitetu, a što je u potpunosti u skladu sa Dejtonskim mirovnim sporazumom – meÄ‘unarodnim političkim sporazumom, kojim su legalizovana srpska teritorijalna osvajanja i legalizovan zločin genocida nad Bošnjacima.
