Naučna istraživanja

Početak genocida u Prijedoru

Početak genocida u Prijedoru
Na današnji dan, 30. aprila 1992. godine, prijedorski Srbi su predvoÄ‘eni SDS-om uz pomoć srpskih vojnih i policijskih snaga preuzeli potpuno vlast nad Prijedorom. Tog dana naoružani Srbi su zauzeli položaje na kontrolnim punktovima po cijelom gradu, a naoružani vojnici i snajperisti su bili na krovovima glavnih zgrada. Ovaj datum bio je početak genocida nad nesrpskim prijedorskim stanovništvom. Vojni položaji su se vidjeli po cijelom gradu, a srpska zastava sa četiri “S” vijorila se na zgradi Općine. Vojnici JNA, u različitim uniformama zauzeli su sve najvažnije objekte, kao što su Radio stanica, Dom zdravlja i banka. Ušli su u zgrade, izjavili da su preuzeli vlast i objavili da mijenjaju naziv Općine Prijedor u “Srpska općina Prijedor”.
The beginning of the genocide in Prijedor
On this day, April 30, 1992, the Prijedor Serbs led by the SDS with the help of Serbian military and police forces took completely control of Prijedor. On that day, armed Serbs took up positions at checkpoints all over the city, and armed soldiers and snipers were on the roofs of the main building. This date was the beginning of the genocide against the non-Serb population in Prijedor. Military positions could be seen throughout the city and the Serbian flag with four "S" flew to the municipal building. JNA soldiers in various uniforms took all the most important buildings, such as the radio station, health center and bank. They entered the building, said that they had seized power and announced to change the name of the municipality of Prijedor in the "Serbian municipality of Prijedor."
