March 18, 2019.
Dear Mr. Brian Masse,
Based on consultations with the leaders of the Institute for the Research of the Genocide Canada, the Congress of Bosniaks in North America, the Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, the Bosniak American Association in New York, the Association of Independent Intellectuals Krug99 from Sarajevo, the Bosniak Cultural Community, the Preporod from Sarajevo, The Association of the Mothers of the Srebrenica and Srebrenica enclaves from Srebrenica, the Association of victims and witnesses of genocide from Sarajevo, the Women War Victims Association from Sarajevo, and on the basis of consultations with prominent world researchers, human rights and freedom activists, intellectuals, professors and academics, and in the regards to the discussion between Mr. Mohummed Peer, a counselor from your office and Professor Emir Ramic regarding Petition e-1837, we would like to inform you of the following unanimously adopted conclusions:
1. We are grateful and respect the significant role that Mr. Brian Masse played in defending and strengthening the truth about the genocide in Srebrenica and the justice for the victims of the said crime. Bearing that in mind, we will propose that Mr Brian Masse is recognized by the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2. During the months-long campaign for the Petition e-1837, we are more than ever convinced of the complete correctness of our demands in the said Petition and its demand to criminally sanction the genocide deniers in Canada. It is particularly important to mentation that the said Petition was signed by many Canadians, professors of the Canadian universities, Canadian human rights and freedom activists which we have regularly informed you about.
3. Bearing in mind that Canada has already recognized the genocide in Srebrenica through two Declarations which were unanimously adopted by your proposal in the Parliament; bearing in mind that the Government of the Republic of Srpska recently formed a new genocide commission for Srebrenica and Sarajevo, proving that the Republic of Srpska government does not recognize the international order and its established facts, that they aggressively attack the truth, justice, international law, peace and security, and aggressively dehumanize the victims of Bosnian genocide in order to change the character of a military conflict that was marked by aggression and genocide against Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens, especially Bosniaks; bearing in mind that the “Ravnogorski pokret” without any consequences gathered in the city of Visegrad in memory of the nationalist and fascist chetnik tradition that inspires xenophobia movements and attacks on Muslims in Europe, and recently in New Zealand, we would like to ask of you for the following:
a.) to read the Petition e-1837 in the second half of the month of April at the Canadian Parliament. The victims of genocide in Srebrenica who are living in Canada, and in-particular the Association of Mothers of Srebrenica, whose representatives met with the UN Secretary General last week in New York, and among other things informed him about our e-1837 petition, and which he assessed as extremely important, consider it necessary to be read at the Canadian Parliament.
b.) After reading the Petition e-1837, we have agreed that it is necessary to propose to the House of Parliament all of the elements that Mr. Mohummed Peer made in a telephone conversation with Professor Emir Ramic.
c.) The Bosnian community in Canada and representatives of victims of genocide in Srebrenica living in Canada are ready to come to Ottawa on the day of your address to Parliament if they are allowed to enter the Parliament.
d.) We kindly request of you to please send us a video clip of your speech in the Parliament and your statement about the e-1837 petition.
We strongly believe that Canada should be opposed to the genocidal project of Republika Srpska which is a project that destabilizes the region, that Canada must prevent the denial of genocide and other war crimes, as well as the glorification of the convicted war criminals. The chetnik “Ravnogorski movement” that promotes xenophobia must be banned from marching in Canada.
Once again, we would like to thank you for everything you are doing for the victims of genocide, for the Bosnian community in Canada and for the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Profesor Emir Ramic
Poštovani gospodine Brian Masse,
Na osnovu konsultacija sa liderima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada, Kogresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike, Instituta za istraživanje zloÄina protiv ÄovjeÄnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava Univerziteta Sarajevo, BošnjaÄko ameriÄka asocijacija iz New York, Asocijacije nezavisnih intelektualaca Krug99 iz Sarajeva, BošnjaÄka zajednica kulture, Preporod iz Sarajeva, Udruženje Pokret majki enklava Srebrenica i Žepa iz Srebrenice, Udruženje žrtava i svjedoka genocida iz Sarajeva, Udruženje žena žrtava rata iz Sarajeva, na osnovu konsultacija sa istaknutim svijetskim istraživaÄima, aktivistima za ljudska prava i slobode, intelektualcima, profesorima i akademcima, a u vezi razgovora izmeÄ‘u gospodina Mohummeda Peer, savjetnika iz vašeg ofisa i profesora Emira Ramića u vezi Peticje e1837 obavještavamo vas o sljedeÄim jednoglasno usvojenim zakljuÄcima:
1. Izuzetno se zahvaljujemo i mnogo poštujemo znaÄajnu ulogu gospodina Brian Masse u odbrani i jaÄanju istine o genocidu u Srebrenici i pravdi za žrtve tog zloÄina. Imajući to u vidu predložiÄemo gospodina Brian Masse za odlikovanje od strane države Bosne i Hercegovine.
2. U toku više mjeseÄne kampanje za potpisivanje Peticije e-1837 uvjerili smo se o potpunu ispravnost naših zahtijeva u Peticiji, kriviÄno sankcionisanje negatora genocida u Kanadi. Posebno je važno što su Peticiju potpisali mnogi KanaÄ‘ani, profesori kanadskih univerziteta, kanadski aktivisti za ljudska prava i slobode o Äemu smo vas informisali redovno.
3. Imajući u vidu da je Kanada priznala genocid u Srebrenici putem dvije Deklaracije, jednoglasno usvojene na Vaš prijedlog u Parlamentu, imajući u vidu da je Vlada Republike srpske nedavno formirala nove komisija za Srebrenicu i Sarajevo Äime Vlada Republike Srpske ne priznaje internacionali poredak, negira sudski dokazane i utvrÄ‘ene Äinjenice, agresivno atakuje na istinu, pravdu, meÄ‘unarodno pravo, mir i bezbjednost i agresivno dehumanizira žrtve genocida u cilju promijene karaktera vojnog sukoba koji je bio obilježen agresijom i genocidom na Bosnu i Hercegovinu i njene graÄ‘ane, posebno Bošnjake, imajući u vidu da se Ravnogorski pokret se bez kažnjavanja okupio u Višegradu u spomen na nacionalistiÄku i fašistiÄku ÄetniÄku tradiciju, a što je tradicija koja inspirira antiimigrantske pokrete i napade na muslimane u Evropi, a nedavno i na Novom Zelandu, molimo vas za sljedeće:
a} ProÄitate Peticiju e-1837 u drugoj polovini aprila u Parlamentu Kanade. Žrtve genocida u Srebrenici koji žive u Kanadi i posebno Udruženje Majki Srebrenice Äiji predstavnici su se prošle sedmice u New Yorku susreli sa Generalnim sekretarom UN i izmeÄ‘u ostalog ga obavjestile o Peticiji e-1837, što je on ocjenio iznimno važnim, smatraju da je Peticiju e-1837 neophodno proÄitati u Parlamentu Kanade.
b} Poslije Äitanja Peticije e-1837 smatramo potrebnim da predložite Parlamentu Kanade sve one elemente koje je gospodin Mohummed Peer iznio u telefonskom razgovoru profesoru Emiru Ramiću.
c} Bosanska zajednica u Kanadi i predstavnici žrtava genocida u Srebrenici koji žive u Kanadi su spremni doći u Ottawu na dan vašeg obraÄanja u Parlamentu ako se dozvoli ulazak delegacije u Parlament.
d} Molimo vas da nam pošaljete video klip vašeg govora u Parlamentu i vaše saopćenje koje će te uraditi povodom toga.
Kanada se treba suprostaviti genocidnom projektu Republika Srpska, projekat koji destabilizra regiju. Kanada mora sprijeÄiti negiranje genocida i drugih ratnih zloÄina, kao i glorifikaciju osuÄ‘enih ratnih zloÄinaca. Ravnogorskom ÄetniÄkom pokretu se mora zabraniti marširanje u Kanadi.