Naučna istraživanja

Peticija e-1837 - 6

Poštovani gospodine Brian Masse,


Hvala Vam na podršci koju ste kao sponzor dali Institutu za istraživanje genocida Kanada koji je pokrenuo parlamentarnu peticiju - e-1837, a kojom se od Vlade Kanade traži krivično sankcionisanje negatora genocida u Srebrenici.


Molimo Vas da uoči glasanja članove Parlamenta upoznate sa  odredbama ÄŒlana 19. MeÄ‘unarodnog pakta o graÄ‘anskim i političkim pravima, te odredbama ÄŒlana 10. Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima, kojima su utvrÄ‘eni uvjeti pod kojim sloboda izražavanja može biti ograničena, i to prije svega pod uvjetom da se „poštuju prava i ugled drugih“. Dakle, riječ je o poštovanju činjenica i prava drugih, tj. žrtava genocida.


MeÄ‘unarodne sudske instance su čitavim nizom Presuda utvrdile da je na širem području Srebrenice počinjen genocid. Ove Presude su Rezolucijama prihvaćene od velikih država. Navedeno je da su genocid počinili Vojska i Policija entiteta Republika srpska.


Negiranje genocida u Srebrenici je aktuelna politika velikosrpskih struktura. To ne spada u slobodu mišljenja i izražavanja! Negiranje genocida predstavlja fazu u izvršenju zločina genocida. Neko ko negira holokaust, ne radi to u ime slobode govora, već u ime veličanja ratnog zločina i nacizma. Isto ovo treba da važi za velikosrpske negatore genocida u Srebrenici, koji je nakon holokausta prvi pravno verficirani genocid u Evropi, što znači da ima i pravnu i historijsku validnost. Negiranje genocida u Srebrenici je kriminalni čin, a ne sloboda govora. Podvoditi proslavu genocida pod slobodu govora, takoÄ‘e je kriminalni čin i saučesništvo u proslavi genocida. Negiranje genocida je podsticanje na ponovna zlodjela genocida nad odreÄ‘enom grupom, u našem slučaju, ponovnim genocidom nad Bošnjacima.


Naše uporište za ovakav stav jeste Povelja Ujedinjenih nacija i Konvencija Ujedinjenih nacija o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida od 9. decembra 1948. godine, koje su iznad svakog prava, pa i slobode govora i mišljenja, na koje se pozivaju akteri velikosrpske propagande.











Dear Brian Masse,



Thank you for the support and sponsorship you have given to the Institute for the research of genocide Canada which launched a parliamentary e-1837 petition, where it asked the Canadian government to criminally sanction the deniers of the genocide in Srebrenica.


We kindly ask that you inform the rest of the Parliament with the provisions of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the provisions of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which stipulates the conditions under which the freedom of expression may be restricted, and above all, to "respect the rights and reputation of others". Therefore, it is a matter of respecting the facts and rights of others, that is, victims of genocide in Srebrenica.


International tribunals over a whole series of judgments have found that the genocide in greater area of Srebrenica was committed. These judgments in larger countries have been accepted by the resolutions in which it clearly stats that the genocide was committed by the entity of Republic of srpska Army and its police.


Denying the genocide in Srebrenica is the current policy of the greater Serbia's structures and it does not belong to the freedom of the thought and expression! The denial of a genocide represents a stage in the execution of genocide. Someone who denies the Holocaust does not do it in the name of the freedom of the speech, but in the name of magnifying the war crimes and Nazism. The same should apply to the greater Serb deniers of the genocide in Srebrenica, which, after the Holocaust, was the first legally verified genocide in Europe, and in such case it means that it has both legal and historical validity. Denying the genocide in Srebrenica is a criminal act and not a freedom of the speech. Conducting a jubilation of the genocide under the freedom of the speech is also a criminal act and partaking in the celebration of genocide. Denial of a genocide is an encouragement to rein in the genocide of a particular group, and in our case, a new genocide against Bosniaks.


Our point of reference for this stance is the United Nations Charter and the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of December 9, 1948, which are above all rights, as well as the freedom of speech and opinion, which is called upon by the actors of the greater Serbian propaganda.












