Smail Cekic
Neizmjernu zahvalnost iskazujem bosansko - hercegovaÄkoj zajednici u Kanadi, reprezentovanu Institutom za istraživanje genocida, koga godinama veoma uspješno vodi Dr. Emir Ramić, veoma savjesni, fascinantno i uzorno odgovorni, neumorni, dosljedni principijelni i istrajni istraživaÄ, na koga smo mi, a vjerujem i vi ponosni, jer on inicira, pokreće, organizuje, usmjerava i vodi sve naprijed navedene i druge složene aktivnosti i to veoma hrabro i dostojanstveno.
I would like to express my immeasurable gratitude to the Bosnia and Herzegovina community in Canada, represented through the Institute for the Research of Genocide under the long and successful leadership of Dr. Emir Ramić, a conscientious, fascinating and extremely responsible, indefatigable, principle and persistent scholar, who we are so proud of, and I believe you as well, as he initiates, moves, organizes, guides, and carries out all these and so many other complex activities, so bravely and with dignity.
Prof. dr. Smail Cekic