Zelim se javno zahvaliti naucno istrazivackoj instituciji - Institutu za istrazivanje genocida Kanada sto mi je kao studentu Univerziteta u Torontu omogucio da sa mnogo saznam o nauci o genocidu, ljudskim pravima i slobodama i medjunarodnom pravu. S ponosm sam clan ove institucije i pozivam sve svoje prijatelje da pomognu rad ove veoma znacajne naucne institucije. Takodje pozivam svoje prijatelje da lajkaju novu fb stranicu Instituta za istrazivanje genocida, Kanada.
I would like to publicly thank the scientific research institution- the Genocide Research Institute Canada, which enabled me, as a student at York University, to learn more about the science of genocide, human rights and freedoms, and international law. I proudly state that I am a member of this institution and invite all my friends to become involved with this very important scientific institution. I also invite my friends to like the new Facebook site of the Genocide Research Institution Canada. I would also like to express gratitude toward Emir Ramic, the director for Genocide Research Institution Canada, for giving me a vast variety of opportunities within the institution. Emir Ramic is very dedicated to the work he does, and through his work I have learned a lot more about genocide, human rights and freedoms, and international law, thank you.
Medina Torlak