Avdo H.
Povodom predaje DVD dokumentarnog filma „Bošnjaci – genocid u kontinuitetu“, na engleskom jeziku u više kanadskih biblioteka, izvršene u sklopu kontiunuirane akcije pod nazivom: "Kultura pamćenja kao uslov bolje zajedniÄke budućnosti", želim se zahvaliti Institutu za istraživanje genocida Kanada i njegovom direktoru akademiku Emiru Ramiću. Ovaj znaÄajan korak kao i kompletan rad Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada je od velike važnosti za istinu i pravdu ne samo za zloÄine agresije i genocida u BiH, već uopšte za sve zloÄine protiv Äovjeka i civilizacije, ratne zloÄine i zloÄine protiv humanitarnog prava u svijetu. ÄŒast mi je biti Älan Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima ovog Instituta. Veoma je važno da graÄ‘ani Kanade budu upoznati sa genocidom nad Bošnjacima koji traje preko tri stoljeća na balkanskim prostorima, što je moj film na najbolji naÄin dokumentovao.
Avdo Huseinović
On the occasion of the surrender of the DVD documentary "Bosniaks - Genocide in Continuity", in English language, in several Canadian libraries, carried out as part of a contingency action entitled "Culture of Memory as a Condition of a Better Common Future", I would like to thank the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada and its Director academician Emir Ramic. This important step as well as the entire work of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada is of great importance for the truth and justice not only for the crimes of aggression and genocide in BiH, but for all crimes against humanity and civilization, war crimes and crimes against humanitarian law in the world. I am honored to be a member of the International Expert Team of this Institute. It is very important that the citizens of Canada are acquainted with the genocide of Bosniaks that lasted over three centuries in the Balkans, which my film best documented.
Avdo Huseinović