Podrške plemenitih

David P.

..word has reached me that our dear friend and colleague, Emir Ramic, Prof. Dr. Emir Ramić, Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, and Member of the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts, has been receiving threats delivered by phone, email and social media...such threats must be condemned and I call upon the relevant authorities to investigate and stop such harrassment of Chairman Emir Ramic I am a member of the International Team of Experts of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, and I have worked with and have appreciated Mr Ramic's leadership on on many initiatives. As Mirsad Causevic has written today, "This is not just an attack on the Institute, it is an attack on all of us. Intimidation and genocide denial is a continuation of the the perpetrators goal to divide Bosnia and Herzegovina..." [Ovo nije napad samo na Institut,ovo je napad na sve nas. Zastrašivanje i negiranje genocida je samo nastavak ideje neprijatelja o podijeli Bosne I Hercegovine.] So with this message I condemn the threats and reaffirm my solidarity with Emir Ramic and the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada...

Prof. dr. David Pettigrew
