Dr. Emir Ramić
Subject: Invitation to the 24th Annual Bosniak Gathering of North America
Dear Dr. Ramic,
Islamic community of North American Bosniaks, led by the Mufti Dr. Sabahudin Ceman uses the
opportunity to express its respect, and has the honor to invite you to the 24th Annual Bosniak Gathering of
North America
Islamic community of North American Bosniaks (ICNAB) has already been organizing Annual
Bosniak Gathering for 23 years in a row, gathering a large number of Bosniaks from The United States of
America and Canada.
This year's 24th gathering will take place in Minneapolis from August 30, until September 2, 2019.
The main topic of this year's gathering is "Preservation of Bosniak identity" with several subtopics,
including the topic "Importance of preserving Bosnian language in North America".
Given your knowledge and experience, it would be an honor for all of us if you would be able to
participate in the program and convey your experiences of the Bosnian school in Hamilton and certainly
your views on the importance of preserving Bosnian language. The scheduled time for your lecture is
Sunday September 1, from 11:30 to 12:00 AM.
If your obligations permit to accept the invitation, we will be glad to accommodate you. The arrival
was planned on August 30 or 31, and the return September 01 or 02, 2019. You can send the response by
e-mail at: or by phone number + 1-602-761-9882 with intended date of arrival and
The Islamic community of Bosniaks in North America thanks you in advance for taking into
consideration this invitation, and uses the opportunity to repeat the expression of our respect.
Organizing Committee