I have been following with great dismay the intensification of attacks on the Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada {IRGC} and the Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB} through various channels including the internet and telephone threats towards members of these two organizations.
Along with diplomatic pressure aimed at redrawing the borders of internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a multiethnic democratic state of equal constituent ethnic groups and other minorities, a synchronized and organized attack campaign is being carried out by a fascist and neo-Nazi lobby that operate in the territory of Canada and the United States. The aim of these retrograde post-war forces is to jeopardize the existence of both IRGC and CNAB, through various media smear campaigns and even directly threatening their leadership and members. The attacks were particularly intensified after the government of Canada’s decision to forbid entry to genocide denier Srdja Trifkovic who was scheduled to give a lecture to students of Serbian nationality in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia. It is regrettable that these young people consciously or unconsciously follow a policy that initially indoctrinated their grandparents, parents, and now their own generation, guiding them to a dismissive attitude toward the genocide committed against Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian Muslims, and all other ethnic groups who consider Bosnia and Herzegovina an irreplaceable and indivisible motherland, with its unique history, cultural tradition, languages, and its sovereign place on the geopolitical map of Europe and the world.
Only the enemies of humanity and civilization can deny that Bosnia was on many different occasions exposed to genocidal conquest and devastation. On all these occasions the enemies attacked the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its sovereign people. Bosnian rich history is full of examples of how its brave people, regardless of religious orientation, bravely resisted all invaders, and that the never did any attempt of assimilation have permanent success.
General symbol and character of all these conquests is genocide.
According to the definition of genocide registered in 1948 at the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, this uncivilized act means any deliberate, systematic violent action aimed at destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, religious, or national group, with the intention to kill, persecute, dislocate, or steal their movable and immovable property. This definition includes the terror and deprivation of liberty, torture of prisoners, torture and abuse of the weak and defenseless people.
The war against Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1992 - 1995, and particularly against the Bosnian Muslims, officially known as Bosniaks, was conducted as a classic genocidal war. The city of Sarajevo was subjected to genocidal blockade, siege, constant artillery and sniper fire from the breakaway parts of the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) joined by Chetnik (Serb ultranationalist) paramilitary formations that did not care that the city was also inhabited by a significant number of Serb people. All citizens of Sarajevo were abandoned hostages, victims of a pathological obsession to kill utilizing all irrational forms of destruction. It was the same case with all other cities such as Visegrad, Foca, Kljuc, Bihac, Bijeljina, Banja Luka, Prijedor, and Srebrenica. Croatia joined in the destruction of Bosnia as a hostile party interested in the forced division of the state along ethnic lines, as it aspired for centuries before to detach a part of BiH territory. Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a puppet Nazi state, proved its genocidal brutality during the Second World War. After the cease-fire during the epoch of socialism, irredentist ambitions of “Herceg-Bosna” and “Republika Srpska” escalated to the level of the mass pogroms. No reasonable person can deny that their war machine functioned as a genocidal system
It is therefore of paramount importance, for the purpose of defense of truth, morality, justice, positive law and the overall achievements of civilization, that IRGC and CNAB are protected, and the United States and Canada prosecutes to the fullest extent of the law, all perpetrators who violently threaten and intimidate the members of both organizations. Furthermore, this critical moment is an opportunity to coordinate efforts with other countries to start forming similar institutes who will sanction all forms of genocidal actions and to initiate the arrest of the perpetrators, regardless of where they are or who they are. There are more than 20,000 such individuals who are free to roam and incite genocide.
I welcome the decision of the Government of Canada to allow the establishment and operation of IRGC, as well as the decision to indiscriminately refuse entrance and residence to all those who generate, propagate and spread national, religious and racial intolerance and hatred.
As people devoted to studying the phenomenon of humanity and the sources and causes of inhumanity, I invite all humane people to join the defense of the truth about Bosnia. In the name of all the victims of war in the world, it is the duty of every individual to choose only the voice of their conscience. In particular, I call deluded members of religious communities, political and national associations, to resist manipulation, warmongering aspirations and to abandon allegiances to the sick self-proclaimed national leaders. These are not true leaders, but charismatic destructionists who, during their personal megalomaniac regressions, are guiding the entire society to the brink of collapse. It is necessary to identify them everywhere as opponents of humanity and the enemies of their people, and all others nations. The courts of history will sooner or later reveal them as the pillars of shame and join them to those who have already been identified as members of the legion of terror and violent death of innocent people. Genocide must be actively confronted.
Philosopher, author, humanist
pre-war resident of Sarajevo
M.Sci. Marjan Hajnal
S velikim ogorÄenjem pratimo intenziviranje napada putem medija, interneta, telefonskih prijetnji, Älanovima Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanasa {IRGC} i Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike {KBSA}.
Uporedo sa diplomatskim pritiscima usmjerenim na prekrajanje granica meÄ‘unarodno priznate države Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, {BiH} ravnopravne zajednice konstitutivnih i manjinskih naroda, vodi se organizirana i sinhronizirana kampanja fašistiÄkih i neonacistiÄkih lobija koji postoje i djeluju na tlu Kanade i SAD. Cilj tih retrogradnih post-ratovskih snaga je da se kroz sve forme diskreditacije, pa Äak i direktnim prijetnjama rukovodstvu i Älanovima, ugrozi postojanje IRGC i KBSA. Napadi su posebno intenzivirani nakon što su vlasti Kanade uskratile mogućnost SrÄ‘i Trifkoviću da održi predavanje studentima srpske nacionalnosti u Vancouveru. Za žaljenje je da ti mladi ljudi nesvjesno ili svjesno slijede politiku koja je indoktrinirala prvo njihove djedove, roditelje, a sada i njih, navodeći ih na minoristiÄki stav prema genocidu poÄinjenim nad BiH, Bošnjacima i ostalim bosanskohercegovaÄkim narodima kojima je RBiH nedjeljiva i nezamjenljiva otadžbina, zemlja sa poviješÄ‡u, kulturnom tradicijom, jezikom, mjestom na geopolitiÄkoj mapi Europe i svijeta.
Samo neprijatelji ÄovjeÄnosti mogu negirati da je BiH više puta bila izložena genocidnim osvajanjima i pustošenjima. U svim tim genocidima napadani su teritorijalni integritet BiH i njeni suvereni narodi. Povijest je puna primjera da su se Bosanci i Hercegovci, neovisno o vjerskoj opredijeljenosti, hrabro odupirali svim zavojevaÄima. I nikada nijedan pokušaj asimilacije nije trajno zaživio.
Opći znamen i karakter svih tih osvajanja je genocid.
Prema definiciji genocida registriranoj u „Konvenciji o spreÄavanju i sankcioniranju genocida iz 1948. godine“, pod tom anticivilizacijskom pojavom podrazumijeva se svako nasilno sistematsko djelovanje protiv odreÄ‘ene ljudske populacije, s namjerom da se njeni pripadnici ubiju, prognaju, dislociraju, njihova pokretna i nepokretna imovina otme ili prepusti drugom nezakonitom vlasniku. U tu definiciju spadaju teror i lišavanje slobode, muÄenje zarobljenika, zlostavljanje i zloupotreba slabih i nezaštićenih osoba.
Rat protiv BiH i poglavito protiv bosanskih Muslimana - Bošnjaka, u periodu od 1992. do 1995. voÄ‘en je kao klasiÄni genocidni rat. Grad Sarajevo je bilo izloženo genocidnoj blokadi, opsadi, izglaÄ‘ivanju, s neprekidnom artiljerijskom i snajperskom vatrom od strane odmetnutih dijelova JNA, pripojenih paravojnim ÄetniÄkim formacijama za koje nije bilo važno što se u gradu nalazio i dobar dio pripadnika srpskog naroda. Svi su graÄ‘ani Sarajeva bili otpisani taoci, žrtve patološke opsesije da se ubijaju svim iracionalnim oblicima destrukcije. Isti sluÄaj je bio s Višegradom, FoÄom, KljuÄem, Bihaćom, Bijeljinom, Banja Lukom, Prijedorom, Srebrenicom i mnogim drugim gradovima u BiH.. Kao neprijateljska strana zainteresirana za nasilnu podjelu BiH bila je ukljuÄena i Hrvatska, s vjekovnom težnjom da otcijepi dio teritorije BiH. Ustaška tvorevina NDH je svu svoju bestijalnu genocidnost iskazala u toku Drugog svjetskog rata. Nakon primirja u toku epohe socijalizma, iredentistiÄke ambicije Herceg-Bosne i Republike Srpske eskalirale su do nivoa masovnih pogroma. Niko razuman ne može poreći da je njihov ratni aparat funkcionirao kao genocidan sistem.
Zato je od prvorazrednog znaÄaja da se u cilju odbrane istine, morala, pravde, pozitivnog prava i ukupnih tekovina civilizacije, zaštiti IRGC i KBSA i od vlasti Kanade i SAD zatraži najoštrije sankcioniranje svih nosilaca pokušaja ometanja i zastrašivanja Älanova obe organizacije. Ujedno, ovaj kritiÄni trenutak treba iskoristiti da se i u drugim zemljama poÄnu formirati sliÄni instituti za sankcioniranje svih oblika genocidnog djelovanja i da se inicira hapšenje poÄinitelja, ma gdje se oni nalazili i ma koje dužnosti obavljali. Takvih na slobodi ima više od 20.000.
Za pozdraviti je odluku Vlade Kanade da dopusti konstituiranje i djelovanje IRGC, kao i odluka da se bez razlike, svima koji generiraju, propagiraju i šire nacionalnu, vjersku i rasnu netrpeljivost zabrani boravak na njenoj teritoriji.
Kao ljudi posvećeni izuÄavanju fenomena humanosti i izvora/uzroka antihumanosti, pozivam sve humane ljude, da se pridruže odbrani istine o BiH. Radi još nepronaÄ‘enih i neokajanih žrtava rata, sveta je dužnost svakog pojedinca da se opredijeli jedino za glas savjesti. Posebno pozivam zavedene pripadnike vjerskih zajednica, politiÄkih i nacionalnih udruga, da se odupru manipulacijama, ratnohuškaÄkim aspiracijama i da napuste bolesne samoprozvane nacionalne voÄ‘e. To nisu istinski harizmatiÄki lideri već destruktivci koji bi tokom svoje liÄne megalomanske regresije usmjerili cjelokupno društvo ka rubu propasti. Potrebno ih je svuda otkrivati kao protivnike ÄovjeÄnosti, neprijatelje svog, i svakog drugog naroda. Njihova će imena sud povijesti prije ili kasnije objelodaniti na stubovima srama i pridružiti ih onima koji su već obilježeni kao pripadnici legije terora i nasilne smrti nadužnih. Genocidu se treba aktivno suprotstaviti.
Filosof, publicist, humanist
prijeratni stanovnik Sarajeva
mr. sci. Marjan Hajnal