Podrške plemenitih

The University of Sarajevo has awarded Mr. Brian Masse and Emir Ramic, Director of the with the prestigious academic award, the Golden Badge of the Sarajevo University.

The University of Sarajevo has awarded Mr. Brian Masse and Emir Ramic, Director of the with the prestigious academic award, the Golden Badge of the Sarajevo University.

 Excerpt from the reasons for the award of the Golden Badge of the Sarajevo University for Mr. Brian Masse, Member of the Canadian Parliament:

 “All citizens of Bosnian origin living in Canada can testify that Brian’s contribution and hard work to acknowledge and declare a day of mourning for Srebrenica and to make sure that everyone knows that the crimes committed in Srebrenica were in fact genocide. Despite the resistance to include the word genocide in the resolution, Brian was determined to pass the resolution in the Parliament. This task was accomplished on October 19th 2010.The lobbying and advocacy process for this resolution lasted more than a year and Brian's dedication, commitment, integrity and courage are important factors that led to the realization of this; something that is very important to the Bosnian Herzegovinian community. Furthermore, this gives an advantage to Canada to strengthen its commitment in the fight to prevent genocide in the future, and further optimize the relations between BiH and Canada to prevent future genocides. It is vastly important to emphasize Brian Masse’s commitment to fighting for human rights since the beginning of his political career. In fact, his entry into politics was linked to the genocide in East Timor. From then onwards, Brian has maintained his integrity in the fight for human rights. In the case of the Srebrenica Resolution he demonstrated that the need for justice surpasses the need for apparent peace”.

 Excerpt from the reasons for the award of the Golden Badge of the Sarajevo University for Professor Emir Ramic:

“Professor Ramic is the name that everyone in Canada associated with a relentless struggle for truth and justice in North America and beyond. Ramic,is a victim of genocidal ideology in his hometown of Prijedor and a victim of the same ideology in Canada, but his selfless and heroic efforts in Bosnia are synonymous with resistance, and patriotism in the most original sense of the word. There is not enough space on these sheets to include all his merits and all of his victories, but we will draw attention to his immense contribution in Canada. Canada is the largest Western states to join the list of countries that passed a motion which acknowledges the genocide that occurred in Srebrenica and this is in large part thanks to Emir. While many have resisted the passage of the resolution and other similar documents, and although many people attempted to sabotage the project or at least diminish its importance by attempting to remove the word genocide from the resolution, Ramic did not accept any other offer except the original document which clearly identifies the act as: genocide, Who committed the act, who the victims are and how many victims there are. In the past seven years Ramic worked hard to adopt the Srebrenica Resolution in the Canadian Parliament. The idea eventually gained momentum, and the resolution was adopted on October 19th 2010. Now, under the watchful eye of Emir, we are working on passing a law that would officially declare a Srebrenica Remembrance Day in Canada, as well as establish a memorial for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in the city of Windsor. A member of the Canadian Parliament, Brian Masse presented Emir’s resolution in the Canadian parliament”. 

Aldina Muslija


The Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada


12. juli 2011.

Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada

Saopcćenje za javnost

 Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada ima čast i zadovoljstvo da informiše javnost o dodjeli prestižnih akademskih priznanja, Zlatna značka Univerziteta u Sarajevu,  gospodinu Brianu Masse, članu Kanadskog parlamenta i sponzoru Rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici i BiH koja je usvojena u Kanadskom parlamentu i profesoru Emiru Ramiću, Direktoru Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada.

 U obrazloženju  za dodjelu Zlatne značke Sarajevskog univerziteta članu Kanadskog parlamenta i sponzoru Rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici, gospodinu Brianu Masse se izmeÄ‘u ostalog kaže:

 “Svi graÄ‘ani bosanskohercegovačkog porijekla koji žive u Kanadi i mnogi KanaÄ‘ani mogu posvjedočiti doprinos Briana Masse u borbi da Kanada prizna i proglasi dan sjećanja na genocid u Srebrenici, te prizna da je u Srebrenici počinjen zločin genocida. I pored otpora da se koristi riječ genocid, Brian Masse nije odustajao od ovog termina i Rezolucija je usvojena u Kanadskom parlamentu 19. oktobra 2010. godine. Proces lobiranja i zalaganja za ovu Rezoluciju je trajao više od godinu dana, a Brianova predanost, zalaganje, integritet i hrabrost su bitni faktori koji su doveli do ostvarenja ovog, za nas veoma bitnog cilja.  Govoreći o Brian Masse-u, bitno je istaći njegovu predanosti ideji i borbi za ljudska prava od početka njegove političke karijere pa do sada. Zapravo, njegov ulazak u politiku bio je vezan za genocid u Istočnom Timoru. Od tada pa naovamo Brian je održao svoj integritet u borbi za ljudska prava, i u slučaju Rezolucije o Srebrenici pokazao da potreba za pravdom nadmašuje potrebu za prividnim mirom”.

 U obrazloženju  za dodjelu Zlatne značke Sarajevskog univerziteta profesoru Emiru Ramiću, Predsjedniku Kanadskog ogranka Kongresa Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike i Direktoru  Instituta za istraživanje genocida u Kanadi se izmeÄ‘u ostalog kaže:

 “Profesor Emir Ramić je  ime  koje asocira sa neumornom borbom za istinu i pravdu na području Sjeverne Amerike i šire. Ramić, žrtva genocidne ideologije u rodnom Prijedoru, žrtva je i danas produžene ruke te iste ideologije na području Kanade. Svojim nesebičnim i herojskim zalaganjem za bolju Bosnu i Hercegovinu Ramić predstavlja sinonim otpornosti i patriotizma u najizvornijem značenju te riječi. Premalo je prostora da bismo naveli sve njegove zasluge i sve njegove pobjede, ali čemo posvetiti pažnju njegovom neizmjernom doprinosu da se Kanada, kao največa zapadna država, pridruži listi zemalja koje su u svom parlamentu usvojili dokument koji priznaje da je u Srebrenici počinjen čin genocida. Iako su se mnogi odupirali prolasku takvog dokumenta, i iako su mnogi pokušali sabotirati ovaj projekat ili u najmanju ruku umanjiti njegov značaj izbacivanjem riječi genocid iz Rezolucije, Ramić nije pristao ni na jednu drugu opciju osim one koja jasno i glasno objašnjava ko je počinio, šta je počinio i kome je počinjeno to gnusno djelo, te ga nazvao pravim imenom: genocid. U posljednjih sedam godina Ramic se svim svojim snagama zalagao za ideju usvajanja rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenci u Kandskom parlamentu i ta ideja je konacno urodila plodom 19. oktobra 2010.  Sada, pod Ramićevim budnim okom se radi na usvajanju zakona koji će oficijelno proglasiti Dan Sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici u Kanadi, a takoÄ‘er i na postavljanju spomen obilježja žrtvama Srebreničkog Genocida u gradu Windsoru. ÄŒlan Kandskog parlmanta Brian Masse je iz Windsora i on je  na Ramićev zahtjev iznio  Rezuluciju u Kandskom parlamentu”.

 Aldina Muslija

Sekretar Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada
