Podrške plemenitih

O Emir Ramic u Windsoru

Dozvolite me da vam sa posebnim ponosom predstavim prof. dr. Emira Rami?a, direktora Instituta za ispitivanje genocida sa sjedištem u Hamiltonu, Kanada. Profesor Emir Rami? trenutno živi u Hamiltonu, Kanada i više od 30 godina borbi se neumorno za istinu, pravdu, kulturu sje?anja i lobira za sveukupni boljitak Bosne i Hercegovine.?Profesor Emir Rami? je osniva? i direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada (IGK) koji je osnovan 2009. godine. Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada je javna nau?na institucija koja istražuje zlo?ine protiv mira, zlo?ine genocida i druga teška kršenja me?unarodnog prava.?Profesor Rami? je ?lan je Bošnja?ke akademije nauka i umjetnosti, Me?unarodnog udruženja znanstvenika za genocid, Kanadskog muzeja holokausta, Kanadskog muzeja za ljudska prava, udruženja Svijet bez genocida, kao i mnogih drugih organizacija za ljudska prava i zaštitu slobode. ?Aktivno je radio i doprinio donošenju rezolucije o genocidu u Srebrenici, Bosna i Hercegovina u Sjedinjenim Državama, Kanadi, Australiji, Evropskom parlamentu i parlamentima desetak drugih zemalja. I doma?i i strani analiti?ari smatraju ga jednim od najboljih poznavalaca zlo?ina genocida.?Profesor Rami? dobitnik je niza nagrada i priznanja,?Prof. Emir Rami? imenovan je za ambasadora Kulture sje?anja na istinu i pravdu u Bosni i Hercegovini.?U proteklih dvadeset godina profesor Emir Rami? je vrijedno radio sa ?asnim Brianom Masseom i ?asnim Robertom Oliphantom na usvajanju Rezolucije o Srebrenici u kanadskom parlamentu. Rezolucija je usvojena u kanadskom parlamentu 19. oktobra 2010. Prof. Emir Rami? ve? godinu dana vrijedno radi sa hon. Brianom Masseom i hon. Robertom Oliphantom na donošenju zakona kojim bi se zvani?no proglasio Dan sje?anja na Srebrenicu u Kanadi. Hvala vam prof. Rami? , vi ste naša neumorna nacinalna pokreta?ka snaga i naš veliki heroj. With special pride let me introduce to you now prof. dr. Emir Ramcic, director of the Institute for Genocide Research based in Hamilton, Canada. Professor Emir Rami? currently lives in Hamilton, Canada and for more than 30 years, professor Rami? has been engaged in the fight for truth, justice, remembrance culture and lobbying for overall betterment of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Professor Emir Rami? is founder and director of The Institute for Genocide Research, Canada (IGK) established in 2009.  The Institute for Genocide Research, Canada is a public scientific institution that investigates crimes against peace, crimes of genocide and other serious violations of international law. Professor Rami? is a member of the Bosniak Academy of Sciences and Arts, the International Association of Genocide Scholars, the Canada Holocaust Museum, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the World Without Genocide association, as well as many other human rights and protection of freedom organizations around the world. He has actively worked for and contributed to the adoption of a resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Parliament and the parliaments of a dozen other countries. Both domestic and foreign analysts consider him one of the best experts on the crime of genocide. Professor Rami? is the recipient of a number of awards and recognitions, Prof. Ph.D. Emir Rami? is appointed as ambassador of the Culture of Remembrance of Truth and Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the past twenty years Professor Emir Rami? worked hard with honorable Brian Masse and honorable Robert Oliphant to adopt the Srebrenica Resolution in the Canadian Parliament. The resolution was adopted in the Canadian Parliament on October 19th 2010. For a years now Emir Rami? is working hard with honorable Brian Masse and honorable Robert Oliphant on passing a law that would officially declare a Srebrenica Remembrance Day in Canada. Thank you prof. Ramic you are our relentless national drive and a great hero.
